Financial Abuse , Narcissist and Money Control

Financial Abuse , Narcissist and Money Control

 Financial Abuse , Narcissist and Money Control 

The narcissists love money as resource of  control and power

Money is a mechanism for control,. and narcissists know this all too well. Even a little bit of money gives a narcissist a sense of power and domination over others. It starts off small with the little things like removing your name from the accounts and then grows into stealing, threats, and extortion.

Most people covet money. It offers an undeniable sense of security and freedom. Likewise, it can help us achieve status, control, and power. These are relatively normal human desires. We all want to feel like we can provide for ourselves and our loved ones.

But narcissists use their money to augment how others perceive them.

Why Do Narcissists Like Money?

  • Narcissists like what money provides: security, power, self-esteem, freedom, and admiration from others. Money simply represents the vehicle driving them to their intended destination.

  • Often, narcissists assume that money can help them buy love, happiness, and friendship. Even if they don’t necessarily value those benefits, they do value feeling appreciated and adored, and only other humans can fulfill those needs.

  • Narcissists lack empathy for others, they don't necessarily understand the benefits of sharing their resources.

  • Narcissists are usually obsessed with their image and reputation. Money gives a narcissist the power to be what he wants.

  • Additionally, many narcissists enjoy proving themselves to others and are better than everyone else

What Is Financial Abuse?

Financial abuse involves controlling a victim's ability to acquire, use, and maintain financial resources. Those who are victimized financially may be prevented from working.

They also may have their own money restricted or stolen by the abuser. And rarely do they have complete access to money and other resources. When they do have money, they often have to account for every penny they spend.

Research shows that victims are often so anxious about their ability to provide for themselves and their children that it hinder their ability to end the relationship. Additionally, financial insecurity is one of the most important reasons for a woman to return to a narcissistic partner

The  Narcissist And Money Control tactics 

Many victims are often financially dependent on their abusers. This financial dependence locks them in the relationship. Without resources, they cannot see a way to survive.

Below is an overview of how you commit financial violations. Some narcissists may use all of these techniques while others may only use one or two. Regardless of whether the narcissist uses one or more tactics, it is still considered financial abuse. Here are some of the ways people are being mistreated financially.

Exploiting Your Resources

  • Trying to control your use of or access to money you have earned or saved
  • Using your assets for their personal benefit without asking
  • Taking money or using credit cards without permission
  • Ruining your credit history by running up limits and then not paying bills

Interfering With Your Job

  • Criticizing and minimizing your job or choice of career
  • Pressuring you to quit your job—sometimes even using children as an excuse
  • Telling you where you can and cannot work
  • Preventing you from working by hiding your keys, unhooking your car battery, taking your car without permission, or offering to babysit and then not showing up

Controlling Shared Assets and Resources

  • Refusing to collaborate on finances
  • Hiding or taking funds and putting them in a private account
  • insisting you share your income but refusing to share theirs
  • Refusing to work or contribute to the family income


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