Showing posts with label Healthy Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healthy Me. Show all posts

7 Ways To Look Younger

7 Ways To Look Younger

7 Ways To Look Younger

7 Ways To Look Younger

7 Ways To Look Younger

How can I look younger naturally?

This is the million dollar question we all want answered at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, today there is no magic cure or a single pill that takes those years off right away. However, health and beauty both start from within, and there is a lot you can do about it on your own every day.

Because just like any other tissue in your body, your skin has vital tasks to fill and requires specific nutrients and lifestyle to stay healthy and function properly. Nutrient deficiencies, junk food, poisoning, and dehydration can quickly change the appearance of your skin and make it look tired, dry, wrinkled or hyperpigmented.

Thus, if you want to look younger and keep your skin smooth and glowing, your focus should not be on makeup to cover blemishes, but on nourishing foods, anti-aging nutritional supplements, some nourishing face creams, and minor lifestyle changes as a whole. This plays the main role in a healthy and youthful appearance.

Here Are Simple 7 Ways To Look Younger

1- Eat more greens and reds

Vitamin K—in kale and other green vegetables—helps your blood coagulate, reducing the impact of bruising. Lycopene in tomatoes gives the skin powerful protection against UV rays. Fruit and veggie consumption resulted in better skin complexion, according to a study

Vegetables are extremely nutrient-dense and very low in calories.They contain antioxidants that help reduce the risk of heart disease, cataracts and cancer. Many vegetables are also high in carotenoids like beta carotene. These can protect against sun radiation and free radicals, both of which can lead to skin aging .

2- Wear less makeup

Instead of heavy makeup, opt for radiant hues that mimic a naturally youthful look, says makeup artist and What Not to Wear Star Carmindy. "As we age, our skin degrades and isn't as tight as it used to be, so the more makeup you use, the more mobile, stable, and travelling," she says. "A little makeup sticks to mature skin a lot better, so you keep your look looking fresh all day."

3. Walk at Least 15 Minutes Each Day

Because walking is such a common activity for us, its effects on various aspects of human health have been thoroughly studied. Based on the results of a 12-year study, a daily 15-minute walk reduced mortality by as much as 22%. This percentage was even higher for longer and more active workouts

4- Drink more water

Our body is mostly made up of water, and the skin is the largest organ in our bodies - so we need to keep it hydrated to avoid looking dry and dull, and creating wrinkles. "The more hydrated you are, the more plump, light, and youthful your skin will appear," says nutrition and fitness expert Erin Palinski-Wade, RD, CDE, author of Belly Fat Diet For Dummies. Plus, staying hydrated can improve energy levels and fight cravings, making it easier to stay on target with exercise goals and healthy eating habits.

Read Also:   10  Best Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Diet

5. Avoid Junk Food 

Eating too much processed and junk food can cause cell and DNA damage because of the increased numbers of free radicals. This cell damage, also called oxidative stress, has been linked with faster aging
Unfortunately a lot of fast food contains trans fats, which clog and stiffen your blood vessels and arteries, therefore making you look older.

6. Get Enough Quality Sleep

Sleep strengthens our immune system, lowers stress and improves memory, reaction and learning. During sleep, neurons are restored in our brains, body cells in the muscles are renewed, hormonal levels are regulated and reserves are restored for a more active period. This ensures the storage of important information, i.e. the recording of information. Adults should be able to sleep 7-8h, but this can vary from individual to individual. Children’s need for sleep is significantly higher than that of adults. Adolescents 9h and infants even 16h a day. It is interesting to note that infants spend half of their sleep in the REM phase. As you get older, the need to sleep decreases, satisfying only 5-6 hours of sleep.

7- Manage your stress 

Stress is also associated with potentially harmful stimuli, making you look older,"
Stress doesn't just make a person feel older. In a very real sense, it can speed up aging. A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that stress can add years to the age of individual immune system cells.

"Relaxation methods like deep breathing and meditation can help to relieve stress." : "The interplay between mind, emotion and body have long been recognized," says Dr. Deborah Lee. "There are now many relaxation techniques that can be taught, which have been shown to help relieve stress, reduce blood pressure and reduce numerous physical complaints. These include breathing exercises, as well as yoga, meditation, aromatherapy and hydrotherapy to name a few."

Related Article:  The right '5-a-day' mix of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health



10 Best Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Diet

10  Best Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Diet

10 Best Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Diet

10  Best Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Diet

10  Best Probiotic Foods For A Healthy Diet

Probiotics are microorganisms naturally present in the digestive tract that aid in digestion and reduce inflammation.While a person can take probiotic supplements, there are also many probiotic foods available.

 There are several different classes and types of probiotics:
  • Bifidobacterium
  • Lactobacillus
  • Saccharomyces boulardii, which is a type of yeast

How probiotics can benefit your health.

Research has shown that our gut microbes play an important role in regulating our health, mental health, and weight. Additional research has suggested a way we can fix this imbalance: by eating fermented foods full of probiotics (and also by cutting out the sugars that feed on microbes and loading them up with prebiotics). Studies have found that natural probiotics can help relieve IBD and IBD symptoms, anxiety symptoms, reduce the risk of eczema in infants, and may help reduce seasonal allergy symptoms.

Another major benefit of probiotics is that they may help with weight regulation. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition found that overweight women who were put on a calorie-restricted diet and given probiotic supplements for 12 weeks showed greater weight loss than those given a placebo. One possible mechanism, described in a summary in the journal Gut, is that probiotic foods help restore balance to gut bugs by creating an environment where good people can regain their strength. A-lister is usually mentioned as yogurt, but the probiotic foods we're about to discuss go far beyond breakfast.

Here are the best probiotic foods for gut health

1. Yogurt

Perhaps one of the most known sources of probiotics, yogurt is made by the process of fermenting milk. Look for store-bought yogurt that has the "live and active cultures" label as this indicates the yogurt is rich in gut-friendly micro-organisms.

Fermented milk products like yogurt often contain less lactose than whole milk, and are better suited for those with lactose-intolerance, explain the USDA. Today, yogurt can even be made from non-dairy milk like cocony milk or almond milk.

2 kombucha

Kombucha - Best Probiotic Food stock struggle Kombucha is a slightly fizzy drink (also known as champagne!) which is a fermented food-based drink made with black or green tea and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast, known as SCOBY. This functional food will only impart its benefits to probiotics if it has not been pasteurized, which means you should buy refrigerated kombucha that is low in sugar.

3. Kefir

Kefir is a fermented probiotic milk drink. It is made by adding kefir grains to cow or goat milk. Kefir grains are not grains, but cultures of lactic acid bacteria and yeast that are somewhat similar to cauliflower. The word kefir allegedly comes from the Turkish word keyif, which means "feeling satisfied" after eating In fact, kefir has been linked to various health benefits. It may improve bone health, help with some digestive problems, and prevent infections While yogurt is probably the best known probiotic food in the Western diet, kefir is actually a better source. Kefir contains many major strains of friendly bacteria and yeast, making it a versatile and powerful probiotic.

4. Buttermilk

Originally, buttermilk was formed as a byproduct of the butter-making process  . The liquid left behind after churning butter was left to come into contact with the bacteria present in air, resulting in lactose sugars in milk being converted into lactic acid.

Today, however, buttermilk is made by adding a bacteria culture to nonfat or low-fat milk. The result is a tart, fermented liquid that's thicker than milk. Buttermilk can be used to lighten pancake batter and is the secret ingredient in coleslaw responsible for its creaminess and tangy flavor.

To be sure that you're getting buttermilk that is rich in probiotics, be sure to pick a container with an "active cultures" label.


Miso paste - the best probiotic food stock struggle We love miso, and you will too when you hear about its gut-friendly benefits! You're probably familiar with it in the appetizer miso soup you get in restaurants, but you can also find this traditional Japanese paste in supermarkets. It's made by fermenting soybeans with salt and koji - a fungus called Aspergillus oryzae. Not only is it a complete protein (meaning it contains all nine essential amino acids) because it comes from soybeans, but miso also stimulates the digestive system, strengthens the immune system, and lowers the risk of multiple cancers.

6. Cheese 

Some types of cheese can be a source of probiotics, especially if they are made from unpasteurized milk. For cheeses made or imported into the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration mandates the use of pasteurized milk, which kills the resulting cheese probiotic benefits. Unpasteurized milk is only allowed if the cheese is 60 days old. Aged cheeses such as Parmigiano-Reggiano, cottage cheese, or any hand-made cheese at your local farmers market (if made with raw milk) are rich in cultures of microorganisms that enhance the gut microbiome.

7- Natto 

Natto - Best Probiotic Foods stock struggle It might sound funky, but natto is one of the healthiest foods for women—and here's why: This probiotic Japanese dish of fermented soybeans is unique because it's the highest food source of vitamin K2, an important vitamin for cardiovascular and bone health as well as boosting skin elasticity to help with Prevent wrinkles. On top of that (and why it's on this list), natto is a powerful source of gut-healing probiotics. A healthy gut plus oriental fermented foods can keep inflammation at bay, which researchers say may affect the health of our skin because many problems like acne, eczema, and psoriasis stem from inflammation.

8. Tempeh

Tempeh is a fermented soybean product. It forms a firm patty whose flavor is described as nutty, earthy or similar to a mushroom. Tempeh is originally from Indonesia but has become popular worldwide as a high-protein meat substitute. The fermentation process actually has some surprising effects on its nutritional profile. Soybeans are typically high in phytic acid, a plant compound that impairs the absorption of minerals like iron and zinc.

However, fermentation lowers the amount of phytic acid, which may increase the amount of minerals your body is able to absorb from tempeh Fermentation also produces some vitamin B12, a nutrient that soybeans do not contain Vitamin B12 is mainly found in animal foods, such as meat, fish, dairy and eggs This makes tempeh a great choice for vegetarians as well as anyone looking to add a nutritious probiotic to their diet.

9- Pickles

Fresh Pickled Cucumber In Glass Jar With Herbs And Garlic - Best Probiotic Food Pickles are another vegetarian option for classic fermented foods. "But it's important to distinguish that not all pickled vegetables are fermented," says dietitians Willow Jarosh MS, RD, and Stephanie Clarke, MS, RD, owners of C&J Nutrition. "In order to get the health benefits from eating fermented foods, you need to make sure that the pickled vegetables you're eating are, in fact, fermented and not just pickled." Shelf-stable products are the first sign that a pickle is just pickling because the product will be sterilized first, killing any bacteria — even the good ones. Make your own fermented pickles and other vegetables at home using garnishes, salt, water

10- Beet juice

Beet juice - the best food containing probiotics stock struggle The trend of probiotics has revealed products almost unknown to the US market, which is why you've probably never heard of Kvass. This probiotic drink originated in Russia, and is traditionally made in a similar way to yeast beer but with stale rye bread instead of barley. On the other hand, beets are used as a source of starch and whey to speed up the fermentation process of lactose. The longer you leave the beets to ferment, the more flavor will develop. Beets are indeed a great source of potassium and dietary fiber, so fermenting them increases their positive digestive properties.



10 Warning Signs You're Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

10 Warning Signs You're Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

10 Warning Signs You're Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

10 Warning Signs You're Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

10 Warning Signs You're Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

Mental , Emotional exhaustion is a state of feeling emotionally & mentally worn-out and drained as a result of accumulated tress from your personal or work lives, or a combination of both. Emotional exhaustion is one of the signs of burnout .

People experiencing emotional exhaustion often feel like they have no power or control over what happens in life. They may feel “stuck” or “trapped” in a situation.

Lack of energy, poor sleep, and decreased motivation can make it difficult to overcome emotional exhaustion. Over time, this chronic, stressed-out state can cause permanent damage to your health.

Anyone experiencing long-term stress can become mentally & emotionally exhausted and overwhelmed. In difficult times, emotional exhaustion can sneak up on you, but it’s never too late to get help

This is why we must learn to identify the signs of a burnout and take steps while there is still time.

10 Warning Signs You’re Mentally and Emotionally Exhausted

1. Anxiety and Panic Attacks

Anxiety became your middle name. You find yourself panicking about the smallest things and you feel immediately stressed. You’re worried about what’s coming and you feel that you lost control over your life and everything around you.

2- Lack of sleep

While you may feel exhausted, you may find yourself wide awake in the middle of the night. This is because mental exhaustion makes it impossible to silence your racing mind. You’re unable to stop these racing thoughts which only escalates your exhaustion.

3. Indigestion

You experience physical pain because of all the stress you’re under so you constantly have headaches, feel nauseous and get chest or stomach pains. When you’re feeling mentally exhausted your body immediately reacts the same way, lowering your immunity system and affecting other areas in the body.

Relax! Find the thing that relaxes you the most and take small breaks during the day to do it. If you feel like you’re about to breakdown call someone you can trust and ask them for advice. They’ll know what to do.

4-Easily irritated

Do you find yourself getting angry at your family and friends? Are the smallest things making you angry?

Being easily irritable is a sign of emotional exhaustion because you don’t have the mental strength to deal with others. Your mind will focus on the negative aspects of your life which will cause you to lose your temper easily.

5-Easily upset

If dropping a cup or burning your toast makes you want to cry, that’s not good. When we are mentally exhausted, even the smallest mistakes can feel like the end of the world. We loose all strength to deal with challenging situations and our regular day to day stresses can feel huge

6-No motivation

When you’re mentally exhausted, your motivation is one of the first things to go. You cannot physically find the energy to do the simplest of tasks like washing up or making your morning coffee.

7-You sense a kind of detachment.

You don’t feel you’re attached to anyone or anything anymore. Nothing affects you. You don’t feel good or bad. It’s like you are just a body without any emotion. You’ve gone numb. Whatever it is that you’re dealing with has drained your light to the point where you literally can’t feel the emotions you’d normally feel when you encounter a situation or subject. This is sort of like depression, only instead of feeling weighed down by emotion, you’re weighed down by the absence thereof.

8-Cry for no reason.

If you’re at the point where having toothpaste fall off your toothbrush first thing in the morning is enough to bring you to a bout of hysterical weeping…that’s not good at all. When we’re exhausted both physically and mentally, we pretty much lose the strength to cope with challenging situations, and regular day-to-day stress is intensified. It’s totally understandable that you’ve probably found yourself crying in front of colleagues, friends, or even random strangers.

9. Feeling Empty

You can’t remember the last time you were happy or excited about something because you feel numb and you feel like you’re making a huge effort with everything you do.

You’re feeling empty because you’ve lost interest in your relationship, career or hobbies. Look for the reason that’s making you this exhausted and work it out with your partner, friend or find a better job that makes you less stressed and more satisfied.

10-You feel dizzy and nauseous.

Feeling of nausea and dizziness are signs that you need rest and it should be your primary priority. These things happen because you are so stressed out that your body can’t take it anymore and is suffering a break-down. Whenever a person experiences a mental breakdown, this naturally manifests physically as well. This is especially true if you’re the sort of person who carries stress in your belly, or if you clench your muscles subconsciously to brace against whatever is hurting you

How to overcome  emotional & mental exhaustion

1- Identify the problem

Often, there is a significant problem causing our turmoil. This could be issues at work, family problems, or even high levels of stress. Once you have identified the problem, you can take action towards eliminating or dealing with it.

For example, if you are experiencing high levels of stress which is causing burnout, try talking to your line manager and seeing if there is any changes they can make.

2- Eliminate the stressor

The best way to treat stress is to eliminate the stressor. If your work environment is the cause of your emotional exhaustion, consider changing jobs or companies. If your manager or boss is causing your stress, you can also consider transferring to a new department or ask to be placed under a different manager

3- Share your feelings

A problem shared is a problem halved.
I’ve never truly understood this saying, but it is true that opening up to a trusted friend about how you are feeling makes the problem easier to deal with. As the saying goes, two minds are better than one. The person you open up to may be able to help you identify and deal with the problem.

4-Practice mindfulness

Mindfulness is a term you probably hear a lot, but mindfulness techniques are much more than just a trend. They are scientifically recognized to reduce stress and anxiety and can be the key to ending your emotional slump. Mindfulness is simply the act of engaging with the present moment. This can help direct your attention away from negative thinking. 

There are many ways to practice mindfulness. Examples include: daily meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, going for a nature walk, keeping a journal to write down your feelings and thoughts.

4-Take care of yourself

Putting yourself first is essential to overcoming burnout. Taking care of your mental health means you will have the energy to deal with any future stressors that arise.
Try to make self-care part of your daily routine. Slowing down and focusing on yourself will help your mind heal.

5- Connect with a trusted friend

Talking face to face with a friend is a wonderful way to relieve stress. The person listening doesn’t necessarily have to fix your issues, they just have to be a good listener. A trusted friend or family member can listen without judging you. If you don’t have anyone close to turn to, check if your employer has an employee assistance program (EAP) with counseling services.

6-Meet with a professional

Along with making lifestyle changes, it’s important to seek professional help to treat emotional exhaustion. A professional, such as a therapist, can give you the tools you need to work through a stressful period. Some of the techniques used by professionals include: cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) also known as talk therapy and applied relaxation techniques.



The right '5-a-day' mix of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health

The right '5-a-day' mix of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health

The right '5-a-day' mix of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health

The right '5-a-day' mix of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health

The right '5-a-day' mix of Fruits, Vegetables Improves Your Health

Happiness  is a feeling of satisfaction, exhilaration, elation and joy, which wells from within. My strong belief in this saying makes me certain that a happy person in his human relationships is a person who is able to please himself first, and part of this self-happiness lies in a person's preservation of his health through proper nutrition and self-care.
A happy  fit person , healthy & physically is able to give and receive  doses of love & tender with all the people around him.

According to an article published on the "healthline" website, researchers say that a diet consisting of a mixture of fruits and vegetables "5 a day" can improve your health and help you live longer. Researchers recommend people start by adding 1 or 2 fruits or vegetables a day to their diets, and they indicated that some vegetables and fruits are healthier than others. True, there is no magic formula for a longer life, but the recommendation to eat 2 servings of fruit and 3 servings of vegetables per day gets close.

These "five-a-day" diets are closely related to longevity, according to research published in the Journal of Circulation of the American Heart Association, where researchers studied the diet and mortality of more than 100,000 men and women in the United States over a period of nearly 3 decades, along with data. From similar studies conducted around the world, information on more than 2 million study participants was included.

The researchers concluded that eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables helps reduce the risk of developing chronic health conditions that are major causes of death, such as cardiovascular disease and cancer. For example, people who followed a 5-day diet had fewer. 13 percent risk of death from all causes, 12 percent risk of death from cardiovascular disease, 10 percent risk of cancer death, and 35 percent lower risk of dying from respiratory disease - compared to those who ate less fruit And vegetables

Good fruits and vegetables

 "Fruits and vegetables are naturally encapsulated sources of nutrients that can be included in most meals and snacks, and are essential to keeping our hearts and our bodies healthy," said Dr. Ann Thorndike, Chair of the American Heart Association Nutrition Committee and Associate.

Research has consistently shown that a diet rich in a variety of whole fruits and vegetables leads to better health outcomes, according to René Puyo, a registered dietitian and director of Metabolic Kitchen in Pennington. Diets like DASH and the Mediterranean, which are consistently ranked at the top of the “best diets” list. “One of the easiest ways for a person to improve their overall diet is to add a serving of fruit or vegetables every day, or even better, to each a meal."

However, not all fruits and vegetables are alike.Researchers have found longevity benefits in foods such as leafy greens like spinach, lettuce, and kale, as well as fruits and vegetables rich in beta-carotene and vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, berries, and carrots. Uma Naidoo, a nutritional psychologist and author of "This Is Your Brain on Food," said green leafy vegetables are "foods rich in folic acid [which are] highly anti-inflammatory, enhance the body's natural detoxification process and improve mental health."

Also non-starchy vegetables such as cucumbers, radishes, asparagus, cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower. It is rich in polyphenols and fiber, which improves gut health and promotes an immune system and a balanced mood. " Nevertheless, Courtney Vickery, a registered dietitian and dietitian in Georgia, emphasized: "It is recommended that the plate be half a fruit and / or vegetable, which helps many people achieve 5 servings per day of the benefits mentioned in this study."

"For those who don't normally eat fruits and vegetables, it might seem difficult for them to get 5 times a day," Sandy Yunnan, dietitian at The Dish on Nutrition told Healthline. "However, if you start with at least one dose per day, it will be easier to build up to 5 servings per day."

How to get more into your diet:

Yunnan recommended several ways to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your diet, including:

  • Have an apple, banana, tangerine, or pear as a quick snack between meals. 
  • Snack on celery sticks and carrots with different sauces such as chickpeas or tzatziki sauce. 
  • Buy pre-mixed salads that are easy to serve with little or no preparation.
  •  Add vegetables to your favorite meals, such as an omelette.

Eat More , Weight less 

"If you are not already eating 5 servings a day, start by adding at least one serving of fruit or vegetables until you reach 5 servings," she said. "You will eventually reach your goal." Eat more if you can. While the study found no additional benefit to eating more than 5 servings per day, some nutritionists say it is still important to include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet.

"We have known for decades that eating more fruits and vegetables is the key to good health, but these results help confirm this," Heather Hanks, a dietitian in Plymouth, Michigan, told Healthline. "Vegetables should make up the majority of your meals, with meat and other foods used as side dishes or as an accompaniment," Hanks added. 

"The fact that you can increase lifespan and prevent death simply by eating more fruits and vegetables is amazing, and there is no reason why people should not eat as many food as possible."
