12 Weird Things Narcissists Do To Manipulate You

12 Weird Things Narcissists Do To Manipulate You

12 Weird Things Narcissists Do To Manipulate You

There are some patterns of behavior and strange things that narcissists do. I am not talking here about their individual personality traits that have nothing to do with their disorder. I'm pointing out some strange things that set them apart. Each of these habits or actions can be a clear sign that you are dealing with a narcissist and can help you save yourself in time. This definitive list of weird things narcissists do digs a little deeper under the layers of their personality and goes beyond some of the things you might expect to experience from someone like this.

Here Are 12  Weird Things Narcissists Do

1-Double standard

A narcissist rarely remembers the things he did to his victims, which is also a red flag that you are dealing with a sociopath. These types of people usually have double standards. They have one set of rules for their victims, another set for the rest of the world, and a third for themselves. The narcissist sees himself as a privileged person. He is the best of the best and a God-given creature. Therefore, he is allowed to act as he pleases. He has the right to do certain things that no one else can do.

On the other hand, he is very judgmental when it comes to others - especially when it comes to his romantic partner. Everything you do is observed through a microscope. All your mistakes are dissected, discussed and analyzed to the core. This guy holds you responsible for all the wrong choices you've ever made. On the other hand, if it happens that he did the exact same thing, he doesn't put much effort on himself. In fact, he expects understanding and kind treatment, although he is not given the same in return.

2-Holding grudges

Among the weirdest things narcissists do is hold a grudge for a long, long time. They do this really well. If you cross them, they can go days, weeks, months, and yes, years holding a grudge about one specific incident. They just don’t think it’s in their best interests to let things go and make peace. This only makes them more insecure, which is something they try desperately to hide.

3. Reactions are the fuel

Narcissists love to get a negative reaction from you, so they use quite a few tactics to do so. If you forget something, they accuse you of not doing something on purpose. If you don't hear them ask you something, they act like you ignored them on purpose and then say, On some rare occasions, they will tell absolutely ridiculous lies just to get a reaction. That anger you're showing just feeds them more, so they call you crazy. If you're crazy, they can be your helper, your controller.

4. They have exciting and disturbing mood swings.

Narcissistic mood swings (the mask switch) can be so sudden and inexplicable, you may think you are dealing with someone with dissociative identity disorder (DID). For example, a narcissistic mother can appear to be happily playing with her child, and suddenly, for no apparent reason, starts screaming or hitting the child.

Read Also :  Are Narcissists Aware of Their Disorder?

5- They traumatize you before your important events. 

Whether you’re graduating, having an audition, or getting married, they need to make it all about them and sabotage you.

6. They interrupt. 

In particular overt narcissists feel compelled to dominate the conversation; are easily bored because they miss nuance and lack empathy; have low impulse control; think they have more important things to say than you do; and believe they have greater entitlement to speak.

7. They see things naively. 

Yes, they’re cynical and often calculating and sneaky, but their simplistic black-and-white thinking, compulsion to deny reality, and need to idealize certain types of people can make them childlike and naive about life, love, and human behavior

8. They hate questions 

Another one of the weird things narcissists do is deflect. This can be done in many ways, but especially when questions come up. Narcissistic personalities hate answering your questions, and it’s really a pet peeve if they know you’ve found out something negative about them. It is incredibly hard sometimes for the narcissist to even say “yes” or “no”. Instead, they might answer with, “Why are you asking me that?”, “Do you not trust me?”, “Why are you suddenly suspicious?”. They answer your question with a question to throw you off.

9- Fake Identity

They pretend to be someone they are not. You see, deep down, every narcissist is very aware of their true selves. In fact, they struggle with insecurities and rarely accept their true personalities. Instead, they do everything they can to hide their flaws. This is why the narcissist will form a new identity in order to impress his victim. He knows you'll never fall in love with the guy he really is, so he needs to impersonate someone else just to get under your skin.

10-ِ Acting brilliantly and cunningly

most of the people with NDP are actually skilled actors, which can be extremely dangerous for your relationship. After all, whenever you hear about cases of domestic violence, you think of yourself – that the abuser seemed like a nice guy and you can’t believe the accusations against him. You wonder how this sociopath in disguise tricked the entire world into considering him a high-value man, even though he can’t be further from one. Well, narcissists are usually chameleons. They don’t go around acting like abusers since they’re extremely careful about their reputation and the public image they present.
Acting brilliantly and cunningly

11- Possessiveness & jealousy

The scariest thing about being involved with a narcissist is their loving, controlling and jealous nature. And we're not talking about ordinary jealousy because someone cares about you so much and obviously can't stay immune to fantasizing about you next to someone else. With a narcissistic personality, jealousy is part of their disorder and usually beyond your understanding. Narcissists have an uncontrollable desire to always be in control regarding all aspects of their lives and yours.

12 - Emotional blackmail 

When I talk about blackmail, which is one of the weird things that narcissists do, I don't mean that they ask you for a ransom. A narcissist can sense when you are empathetic or if you have the slightest insecurities. They use these weaknesses to keep you under their thumb. For example, tantrums or tantrums at random times can startle and frighten you. Most of the time, if you feel insecure, you will bend to their will when this happens. Of course, they use other forms of emotional blackmail like talking badly about themselves to get compliments or giving you gifts if you did something you didn't want to do.

Related Article:  5 Ways A Narcissist Uses To Project Himself As A Victim


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