6 Basic Emotional Needs For Men In Relationship

6 Basic Emotional Needs For Men In Relationship

6 Basic Emotional Needs For Men In Relationship

Men and women are different on many levels: physically, emotionally, and communication-wise. So if you really want your man to commit to you, you have to figure out how to turn your relationship into something he needs..

In the following article, we will deal with the six emotional needs of a man, according to what the famous writer John Gray mentioned in his book, "Men are from Mars and women are from Venus" as follows:

6 Basic Emotional Needs For Men In Relationship

1- Trust:

The man needs to feel that his partner is trust that he is doing his best and wants the best for his partner, and therefore if the woman is able to respond in ways that are open and receptive to the caring activities provided by the man, then the man will feel confident.

Choice plays an important role here as well. If you choose a man with similar moral values ​​and beliefs, it will be easier to build an atmosphere of mutual trust in the relationship.

2- Acceptance:

This is so important for men, they should be accepted without feeling that women are trying to change them. A man should feel accepted for who he is, and imperfections. Most people will grow and make improvements on their own if you allow them the space to do so. 

Part of successfully navigating being in a relationship is finding ways to internalize the key personality differences that are part of everyone's personality.

3. Appreciation :

A man needs to feel that his partner sees and appreciates his efforts. Men like to feel the need for them. This creates feelings of importance and power within them that boost testosterone and make them feel satisfied. 

Men love to feel that they are winning. If they feel that they cannot win by making a partner happy, they will lose motivation to try, so focus on the little things as well as the big things. This might be through thanking him so much for the simple little things he does, but also for the big things, like the qualities that made you fall in love with him.

4. Admiration :

Admiration gives a man a sense of security in the relationship, and boosts his testosterone. In general, men receive fewer daily compliments than women, so a little compliment here and there helps make him feel admired. Compliments also help to keep him in a positive mood and away from the criticism and contempt that foretell a relationship breakdown.

Related Article:

6 Basic Emotional Needs For women In Relationship

5. Respect:

Respect is very important in relationships for both genders. No one likes being belittled, treated poorly, talked to disrespectfully, or feeling jealous, etc. In particular, men like to feel that their partners value and respect their judgments. 

Women can demonstrate this by actively seeking opinions, fully listening without criticism, and respecting each individual to make their own decisions. Men also like to feel respected for their abilities, which often means letting them discover something on their own, and not questioning if they have the ability to do so before they try.

6. Encouragement :

Encouragement has the effect of magic on a man as its to prevent the man from withdrawing and emotional lockdown, the man wants to feel that his life partner is standing at his corner and not against him, in other words she provides him with support and backing , often couples can enter into fights for power, where each partner tries to score points and get One advantage over the other.

Encouragement behaviors can be reinforced as follows:
  • Encouragement helps spouses work together as a team. If your partner is experiencing problems at work or other areas of his life, ask him how you can support him and follow through with support instead of blaming him for any mistakes he made.
  • Also very important, unless he specifically asks for advice, avoid giving unwanted advice and encourage him instead.
  • Listen carefully when he opens up and talks to you, as this will help him feel confident and accepted.

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