8 Of The Worst Jobs For Empaths

What Is An Empath

An empath is a person who experiences high levels of sensitivity to their own emotions and the feelings of those around them. They often show qualities of empathy, care and intuition at work and in their personal lives. These characteristics can be assets in many types of jobs and work environments, and empathetic people can enjoy long and successful careers. If you recognize the characteristics of empathy, consider looking for jobs well-suited to your personality type to help you find the most satisfaction in the workplace.

Most empaths struggle with their daily lives. It is because they are always picking up on other people’s emotions and absorbing them. As an empath, you cannot differentiate your own emotions and those that belong to other people in worse cases. That’s why some people feel the gift is a blessing and a curse. As an empath, you struggle to say no. well, as much as you care about others, you should also care about your well-being.

One of the best ways to take care of your energy is to choose work that enhances your unique empathic gifts and avoid draining jobs. However, there are some careers unfit for empaths, which we have compiled into our top 8 worst jobs for empaths in. To take your decision, you might also want to look at the list of the best jobs for empaths.

8 Of The Worst Jobs For Empaths

8 Of The Worst Jobs For Empaths

1.Sales Person

Sales is high on that list. Not many empaths enjoy being salespeople, especially if they’re introverted. Dealing with the public takes too much out of them. A salesperson has to deal with different types of people with different psychological make-up and mood swings. On a good day, you are dealing with sensible clients who have just come to inquire; On a bad day, you are dealing with argumentative, rude, disrespectful, and irrational customers who think they know better than you about the company's products and services. 

For an empath ,constant interactions with the public can be overwhelming and unbearable. Even if you force yourself to take up this job and continue with it, you will be miserable, depressed, and suffering from anxiety. Empaths find it hard to resist when they experience negative emotions, because instead of standing their ground, they are busy trying to understand the oppressor. 

2. Executive jobs.

For sensitive people, it's also difficult to keep jobs that require you to manage others. Such as positions of authority and management positions that involve being in charge of a group of people and having them work together to get results. It can be very difficult for sensitive people to take responsibility for the actions of others. When you are emotionally vulnerable, the daily problems and hassles at work can become too much for you. 

Hearing about your team members' problems and grievances can be very stressful and add to your anxiety. All of this can make it very difficult for you to separate from work even after returning home. Continuing to think about office issues is not healthy for your emotional well-being.

3. Politician.

Politics is a game of intelligence, passive aggression and all kinds of tricks and traps that an intelligent human mind can think of. Politicians always have to deal with the public, and therefore they cannot tolerate introversion. Empaths tend to be introverted most of the time, especially during a period of apathy and emotional exhaustion. Politicians do not have time to take a break because of their emotional minds. They are always under the control of the public. They have to make huge decisions about themselves and beat their opponents in different miraculous ways. 

Empaths lack the emotional strength to perform such emotionally demanding tasks because they are always preoccupied with thinking about the other party; Practically making politicians one of the worst jobs for empaths.

4. Attorney.

In the attorney training that lawyers should learn to detach themselves from the case of their clients. All cases should be handled with objectivity even while arguing in favor of a client.
So, Its Legal practitioners have one of the safest and most objective minds. The ability of legal practitioners to be objective and detached helps them to reach out the truth in their clients' statements and also helps them make the best decisions for their clients and give them the best advice about their situation.

Stress, heartbreak, and sometimes the unfairness of the situation may be too much for sensitive people to bear. Empaths are known to always try to emotionally connect with people's situations. Their excessive sensitivity will make it difficult for them to find true facts from the customer's story and make them unable to give the best advice to customers.

5. Customer Care.

A job in customer service isn't your cup of tea if you're very introverted. Because it requires constant public interaction, during business hours you need to interact with many people, not all of them may be nice or polite. 

Most customer service jobs involve listening to customers' grievances, calming them down, and finding satisfactory solutions to their problems. You may end up absorbing their emotional turmoil and this can be mentally draining for an empath especially given the long working hours involved.

6. Public Relations.

Interacting with the public and establishing relationships is the most difficult of all jobs for empaths. So, from the job title itself, this is clearly not the right type of job for sensitive people. Those who work in public relations should be in the spotlight at all hours of the work. This can be annoying for sensitive people because they prefer peace, quiet, and solitude. When such a person is forcibly placed in a very difficult situation, he will feel like a fish out of water. Sensitive people, especially if they are introverts, need their time and space to function normally and effectively. This is not an option they will have when working in PR day in and day out.

7. Doctors.

The job description for medical personnel requires them to maintain a calm mind and demeanor for the sake of their patients. They must share both good and bad news to patients every day, as well as deal with the pains and troubles that patients have in their field of work. Empaths may connect easily with people on an emotional level, but they have a high tendency to get tired and suffer emotional bleeding when the pain and emotions are too much. In the process of communicating pain and patients' story, people who empathize with anxiety and depression may set off by overthinking and putting themselves in the patient's shoes. Literally, a medical practitioner is the worst job for an empath.

8. Firefighter.

Firefighters are generally known for their stressful and physically demanding working conditions. While everyone is running away from harm and danger, firefighters run into it. They carry heavy metal equipment and machinery, travel great distances, and climb great heights to save lives and property from destruction. 

Empaths are not cut to the pressures of a firefighter. Near-death experiences, emotional meltdowns, physical injuries, and so much more that empathy just can't handle. These working conditions are likely to drive empaths into a nervous breakdown which is why firefighters are one of the worst jobs for empaths.

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