Secret to Successful Marriage

Secret to Successful Marriage 

Did you ever wonder why some people find the perfect person to marry ,do so 
and enjoy a love affair that lasts a lifetime 
On the other hand, some marry a person that is wrong for them now 
wrong for them tomorrow and wrong for them a lifetime 
what is the difference? why do some succeeded at love and marriage where others fail? 

on of the mentors, Don Clifton often reminded us of the power of pervasive personality characteristic 
Don defined pervasive as a recurring pattern of thought and behaviors 
In the other world theses are personality characteristics that human being develops within the first tow decades of life that for the most part. 

defines who they are for a lifetime 
what you are by the time you become and adult 
changing who and what you are becomes nearly impossible after that. 
So what is the lesson in all this 
simple really. The people you met in the life are. by the time reach adulthood,pretty much what they are. 

They wouldn't change much, if at all. the hard truth is, they cant change who they really are, even if they wanted to. Oh, sure, people as adults can make you believe from time to time that they are something different than what they really are, but in the end, they are well, they are what they are, Make no mistake about that 

When it comes to love and marriage, there is a truism that trumps all truisms - pay close and careful attention to the words, deeds, and actions of person you think you are falling in love with. 
And in the end, pay most of your attention to their actions. first and foremost! 
The truth is a person's actions speak so much louder than their words. Never lose sight of this truism for to do so is put your heard. 

your health, and your happiness at peril

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