2 Things that can trap you in relationship with a narcissist :

2 Things that can trap you in relationship with a narcissist :

2 Things that can trap you in relationship with a narcissist

What is Narcissism:

Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others. But behind this mask of extreme confidence lies a fragile self-esteem that's vulnerable to the slightest criticism.
source ( mayo clinic )

Narcissists are highly skilled at picking their victims

The narcissistic person or any toxic person always targets weak personalities or the dependent personality that is not independent, or at the very least, he targets people who are vulnerable, either because of their past, or because they have high levels of empathy.
The narcissist is very intelligent and carefully studies his victim, so that he knows well the keys to their weaknesses

For example, he may keep watching you for a long time on social media, until he gets to know your activity, your interests, what is going on in your mind and your general mood, and thus he can find a dazzling way to sneak into your life through it

The same thing in public life, whether in work or in the club, he will keep watching you in silence and calm, until he understands your personality well, just like a wolf who is waiting for the right opportunity to pounce on its prey

The narcissist will set the trap of control for you through one of these two ways :

First way: Love Bombing

Either he enters your life in a dazzling and noisy way in which he snatches your heart and eyes through the love bombing , and surrounds you with the feelings that you need and miss in your life, so you feel that you are his most special person in the world by showering you with affection and admiration is especially exhilarating when you’re in the beginning stages of a new relationship. - Love bombing - ( overwhelms you with loving words, actions, and behavior as a manipulation technique.) Until your resistance collapses and your strength weakens, and you fall completely into the trap and thus fill your whole life , and not just a part of your life

Then he start to withdraw all their kindness and instead punish the victim with whatever they feel is appropriate — shouting, giving them the silent treatment, or even physically abusing them

The second way: Gaining your sympathy with his fake weakness

The narcissist always targeting the People with high levels of empathy, people who over-give, people who are fixers, they tend to be in such relationships
- he will disturb your life by claiming weakness and claiming integrity, or he will tell you a dramatic story about his life so that you sympathize with him and decide to help him

As an empath, you want to fix the pain in the narcissist. because Empaths have a lot of compassion and understanding to give, while narcissists thrive on someone worshipping them.

But while the empath gives and gives, the narcissist takes and takes, which is incredibly emotionally exhausting

And here he will begin to occupy your life your life slowly until you find yourself literally involved in his life and you cannot breathe without him

Here you will understand that you are the strongest person, and he represents the weak party that needs you, but the reality is not quite like that, because the narcissist here will be the one in control and the one who controls you and your life with his problems, details and stories, and consumes your energy, feelings, and interest

In any case, you must understand that the person suffering from narcissistic personality disorder is:

  • A selfish, exploitative person looking only for his interest
  • He loves nothing but himself and does not know the meaning of sympathy with others
  • For him, the end justifies the means The desire to control and capture the attention of its victims is a big goal

True intentions

Therefore, any concession, any sacrifice, and anything that will be offered to you by this narcissist person, he must have in return for him greater benefit and greater gain he will get
When a narcissist is able to control you and control all the details of your life and becomes the commanding and forbidding control person - he will begin to practice the remaining stages of narcissistic abuse and exploitation.

Isolating the victims 

Isolating targeted victims enables the narcissist to better manipulate and control them. When it comes to their partner and children, they isolate them from the outside world, from one another, and even from their own sense of reality. To make matters worse, very few people truly understand narcissism, isolating sufferers even further.

And in order to tighten control over you, he will decide that he isolates you from the rest of the world by planting suspicion and enmity between you and all your loved ones and friends and even your family - under the pretext that he knows what is best for you, or that he does not feel comfortable with some of them and you have to choose

And he knows very well that you will not be able to choose someone else, because for you it is like water and air

You have been abnormally addicted to him and made your relationship with him not a healthy love affair, but rather a toxic illness relationship like the relationship of an addict and a dealer

This is the narcissist's journey to gain control of you

Once you've identified the red flags and the signs you might be a target for narcissists, the next steps are to protect yourself from their toxic tactics.

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