Understanding Dark Triad Personality Traits

Understanding Dark Triad Personality Traits

Understanding Dark Triad Personality Traits

What is the dark triad?

It indicates three distinct but related personality traits: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Psychologists Paulhus and Williams coined the term "dark triad" in 2002 when they found that these three personalities tended to work together and cause problems in relationships.


Narcissism comes from the Greek myth Narcissus, a fisherman who fell in love with his reflection in a pool of water, and drowned. Narcissists can be selfish, boastful, arrogant, lack empathy, and hypersensitivity to criticism.


The word comes from the famous 16th century Italian politician and diplomat Niccol Machiavelli. He gained notoriety when his 1513 book The Prince was interpreted as an endorsement of the dark arts of deception and deception in diplomacy. Traits associated with Machiavellianism include duality, manipulation, self-interest, and a lack of both emotion and morality.


Personality traits associated with psychopathy include lack of empathy or remorse, antisocial behavior, manipulation and volatility. It is important to note that there is a difference between psychopathic traits and being a psychopath, with their common association with criminal violence7

Patterns of the dark triad relationship 

There are five destructive patterns that you can observe to identify people in a continuum of the Dark Triad traits. 

1. Lying

The researchers found that those who are higher in the dark streak of the dark often lie, and consider themselves to be adept at deception. More specifically, Machiavellian is associated with telling more white lies, while narcissism is associated with telling more white lies. Most worrying are those with high levels of psychopathy, who are more likely to lie for no reason at all

2. Infidelity 

It is known that those who are high in the dark ladder of the triangle are more likely to cheat on romantic partners. Given their tendency to be impulsive, disinterested in other people's feelings, and the ability to lie easily and often, this is not surprising.

Even more interesting are the traits in the dark triad that lead to the kinds of consequences of infidelity. When people with higher levels of psychopathy cheat, this leads to a breakup. But when the most Machiavellian people cheat, they can keep the relationship going. This may be because their strategic approach to everything allows them to Flying under the radar. Even when caught, they are more able to manipulate their partner and may turn away from anything.

In fact, you might find yourself wondering if you were the bad guy when a friend who just got caught sending sexual messages with someone else says that you are the one who pushed him away by being so arrogant. Don't fall in love with her! This is a classic Machiavelli.

3. Jealousy and revenge

People with the dark triad tend to experience higher levels of protective jealousy - that is, feeling jealous before you give them a reason - compared to the average person. One study found that those who have the dark triad are not only more likely to cheat on a partner, but also expect to be cheated on. If they find themselves in an unfaithful relationship, they are more likely to want revenge than the average person, such as yelling at their partner or spreading a rumor about him. Interestingly, the dark triad women in this study said that although they do want revenge, they won't necessarily end the relationship if their partner cheats. This speaks of wanting emotional control of their partner for the sake of control rather than just doing harmful things as an impulsive response.

4. Superficial relationships 

Lacking true emotional loyalty, people on the dark ladder of the triad tend not to choose serious, committed relationships. Now there's nothing wrong with slandering and dating for fun, friends with benefits, and other less serious "romantic relationships". At different times in our lives, we have different needs, and most of us will probably have relationships that were never intended to be a serious commitment. But people with dark triple traits tend to have shallow relationships emotionally, emotionally and with friends. Specifically, narcissism tends to go hand in hand with one-night stands, and psychopaths tend to go with booty calls.
In friendships, the Machiavellians aspire to befriend those of elite social standing. Narcissists like to roll around with a good-looking team. And guys with psychopathic traits are just like friends who can play a wingman and help them connect with potential mates.

5. Relationships that don't last 

With all of these non-glowing results to recommend, it's no surprise that people with high dark personality traits don't tend to have long-term relationships. Even if they want to stay in a long-term relationship, people with the dark triad find it difficult to make it last, perhaps because they are simply too difficult to live with. The researchers who first coined the term "dark triad" immediately noted that compatibility - warmth, friendliness, and tact - is the one thing most people with these traits lack.


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