7 Myths About The narcissists

7 Myths About The narcissists

7 Myths About The narcissists

There are many myths swirling around the internet about narcissists, and many of them are quite accurate. We can all have opinions, ideas, theories and beliefs, most of which have been passed down from generation to generation, with many more information added or subtracted, many based on scientific evidence, and which can also be debunked over time as new data emerges. 

We can also have people who have narcissistic traits, but not disorder, narcissists over disorder with low levels of characteristics, those with high traits. Then sociopaths and psychopaths are narcissists, so these myths don't apply to everyone

Not all that we assume about narcissism is true. Have you fallen for these myths?

Myth 1: All narcissists are extremely self-confident.

The truth is that what appears to be narcissistic grandiosity and self-confidence is a thin defensive front that is an attempt to impress others, stabilize their fickle self-esteem, manage their self-doubt, and ward off feelings of shame and disgrace. Self-loathing.

Myth 2:You can change a narcissist.

Unfortunately, narcissistic people are less likely to read self-help books or seek therapy for change. "There is significant research indicating that narcissists are aware of their narcissism, so the problem is not necessarily a lack of self-awareness," 
"But they find it difficult to accept that they also have a problem - they are more likely to think that other people have the problem." So, if you love a narcissist, focus on taking care of yourself - and don't expect that your love can change him or her

Myth 3:All narcissists are charming.

The truth is that while some narcissists may be superficially charming when you first meet them, others are very boring and annoying. Attractive people are good at telling stories that make their lives look great and are more likely to know how to make a good first impression. Their charm fades after you hear them tell the same stories over and over, realize they have absolutely no interest in your life, and use the same methods with everyone they meet.

Myth 4: All narcissists are predators or demons like vampires.

The truth is that narcissists are people like the rest of us. Narcissists need other people to check their honesty in order to maintain their sense of self-worth. Their disorder causes them to be insensitive to the feelings and needs of those around them. They lack emotional empathy and are self-centered. This combination of need + insensitivity + self-centeredness often results in people with narcissistic personality disorder being overly selfish and lonely in their pursuit of what they want.

Myth 5:They have no feelings.

Narcissists experience and feel emotions. Unfortunately, most of the emotions they feel are dominated by those negative emotions. For many reasons, they feel negative emotions such as anger, resentment, annoyance, anger, disgust, boredom and loneliness. They also feel shame, jealousy, envy and hatred. Aggression, malaise, contempt, these feelings often cause them to seek external validation around them, and seek this excessive attention to make themselves feel better, it is also these feelings that make them so cruel and manipulative towards others.

They lack empathy. Most of the time, whatever sympathy they have is self-serving sympathy. It doesn't matter if you suffer with them. It's "what about me" they feel joy, sadness, regret, guilt and love, just not the same way others do, because love is an individual feeling for each person, it seems that when a narcissist loves bombard and gain attention they feel joy, they feel good about themselves, they feel loved in a way that is in which to meet their needs.

Myth 6: They hate being alone. 

They need to surround themselves with people and often skip partners or have more than one partner available. On the one hand, this is true, as many fear abandonment, but not everyone does. They can also be surrounded by people and feel lonely if there is no one to meet their needs. Not all narcissists will move from one relationship to the next. If their needs are met by friends, family, or co-workers, they can be on their own while meeting someone new, although most won't want to wait long, as long as they get their needs met by someone new. 

They do not always feel lonely when they are alone, They enjoy their own company. Through social media, they can now be on their own while keeping in touch and searching for the next person they can manipulate.

Remember that being alone and being alone are two different things for people with and those who don't have the disorder.

Myth 7: They are all the same.

The disorder falls on a spectrum with nine diagnostic criteria of which a person needs five, and which five they have can vary. They are also individuals, some of them are physical and it's all about appearance, whether it's facial features, body, houses, cars, so even the body has variables. The brain works more with the mind. However, most narcissists are secretive because they try to hide their manipulative behavior. 

There is the covert narcissist who is the most vulnerable narcissist, and then the outspoken narcissist who can be even more egregious in their behavior because they usually have an army of supporters and flying monkeys protecting them.

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