15 Things Narcissists Don’t Do

15 Things Narcissists Don’t Do

15 Things Narcissists Don’t Do

Narcissists Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance, sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration. Because of their basic sense of worthlessness and redeeming grandeur, they play by different rules than the rest of us.

Here is a short list of things that healthy people do that you would never see as a narcissist do

1- They don't take responsibility .

They were immature. who cares? They shouldn't have acted a certain way ... but who cares? Surely they are not! The narcissist will in no way be held responsible for his actions. Instead, they will blame others for everything. The narcissist is deeply averse to responsibility, as he systematically divides his life to avoid it and becomes adept at denying it and projecting it onto others, especially those closest to his sphere of authority: his partner and his children.

2- They won't make you feel good about yourself. 

No matter how awesome you are as a human being, a narcissist will always try to frustrate you. They prefer to make you feel guilty for your actions and lower your self-esteem.

3- He will never love you.

They will treat you kindly as long as your presence fits with their schedule. They form an attachment to others but it just depends on how they improve their life. There is no give and take, just take, take, take. It can seem like a narcissist loves you. A narcissist can make it seem like love. A narcissist can say words of love. A narcissist can think it is love. Unfortunately, when you are dealing with a narcissist, you are involved but not in love. You can be involved and mistake it for love.

4- They won't do anything for you.

The narcissist does not understand the meaning of mutual giving. Everything has to be about him. He won't do anything to make you feel good, which will make you happy. A narcissist only does the things that make him or her happy. You exist for the purpose of the narcissist's benefit. You are an "extension" of the narcissist. He does not see you separated from himself, has desires, needs and desires of your own. 

5- They will not appreciate what you do in your life. 

You may have a great career but they will never praise you. Instead, they will point out the flaws that make you feel bad and demoralize you. You give because you are expected and this is your duty to the narcissist

6- They won't care how you feel. 

 Yes, it hurts but not for them. They lack every bit of sympathy. No matter how close you are to them, a narcissist will not care. Did they offend you? Well, that's fine for them. Did they ignore you? This is because they wanted it. No matter how hard you struggle, it simply won't bother them.

7- Say “I’m sorry.”

 Admitting a mistake is uncomfortable for most people, but give and take in relationships sometimes requires admitting a mistake. Healthy people usually know when to owe an apology and are willing to offer it. Whether we boycott or fail to deliver on a promise, say something painful, or lose our temper beyond reasonable limits, we offer an apology for your showing of respect and concern. 

On the other hand, a narcissist never apologizes. Since he sees himself above blame, he never feels wrong. His sense of superiority over others reinforces his belief that other, lower-ranking beings are always responsible for anything that goes awry, even if the narcissist is indeed responsible.
Sometimes ,narcissists express a false apology, and are designed to place the blame back on others. An example of biology is, “I'm sorry you are so sensitive that you can't handle real life

8- No Forgiveness.

For the same reason, narcissists do not apologize, they also do not forgive. Hyper vigilance towards perceived or real attack (rarely), they see life as a war zone in which they always fight for survival and view tolerance as a symptom of vulnerability. If someone apologizes to them (often in a misguided attempt to end a conflict), narcissists see it as evidence of their superiority and may seize the opportunity to punish that person for anything that may or may not have done a mistake. Genuine tolerance is not part of a narcissist's emotional lexicon, because they basically cannot forgive themselves.

9- They do not listen.

They don't listen, they just wait for you to shut up so they can say what's on their minds. They don't really care what you have to say, all that worries them is your willingness to hear them speak constantly.

10- They will not care about your problems. 

If you think you need them to get support with your problems, just forget it. Even if they are involved in the problem, they will avoid it or they may make it difficult for you to blame you who are responsible. Show them one problem and immediately they'll connect it to something vaguely similar to their problem and back to square one: they'll start talking about themselves.

11- Act in self-denial.

Altruism is the opposite of narcissism. Because narcissism lacks empathy and has an inflated sense of entitlement, acting selflessly is beyond comprehension. In essence, narcissism has nothing to offer because it feels like its survival is at stake and nothing else matters. Narcissists by definition are caught up in an inner vortex of unmet early childhood needs and grandiose self-compensatory beliefs.

12- Express their true feelings.

A narcissist thrives above all else on attention, and there is no subject more exciting than himself. An extroverted narcissist likes to dominate the room, asserting his superiority and intimidating others with his intellectual prowess (filling in the void). The introverted narcissist also thrives on attention and finds passive-aggressive ways to get it, such as complaining or playing the victim. But when it comes to his feelings, the narcissist is hiding from others and from himself.

Narcissists lack the self-awareness to understand the underlying feelings that drive their behavior as well as the courage to make themselves vulnerable enough to share those feelings. The narcissist operates competitively on a raw survival instinct and is alien to his deeper emotional world.

13- Self-reflection.

Narcissists are terrified of their own shadows - the child hidden for so long inside and irreparably damaged that the narcissist feels his own inadequacy and constantly makes up for it. For narcissists, self-reflection is a dangerous area that must be avoided at all costs because it represents an unbearable weakness. This is why narcissists rarely seek treatment, avoid honest communication, refuse accountability, and easily resort to defensive frenzy to beat the truth.

14- See emotional differences.

Although they may be smart, especially at manipulating people and discovering their weaknesses, the narcissist lacks awareness of emotional differences and tends to think extreme in black and white. She tends to idealize or belittle others, and she displays her own corrupt emotional agenda, believing that others see life as you do - as a series of games or battles to be won. The broad gamut of emotion that healthy beings, especially the most empathetic ones, experience on a daily basis is lost on narcissism, trapped in its self-protective construction of reality.

15- They don't like losing control.

Narcissists are obsessed with control and losing control makes them extremely upset or angry. They need to control people and their surroundings. It gives them a sense of security in the knowledge that you will do whatever they want without question.

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