7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

An empath is a highly sensitive person, highly sensitive people are sensitive to light, sound, experiences and emotions, while empaths personify the emotions, experiences, and relational energy of others. This means that empaths not only feel what you feel, but often have information on how to untangle clutter and improve your life. When empaths heal themselves and transcend their ego, they can become emotional superheroes.

Many empaths must learn how to set clear boundaries with family members and friends. They have to adopt practices, habits, and rituals that help them remove emotional debris that they often collect through daily experiences. Empaths are a large, intuitive foam core. It's not complicated. If you feel it, they feel it. Since empaths tend to live on one foot in other worlds, they sometimes find it difficult to live in the real world. To be clinging to happiness

Empaths often need: 
  • Time to consider, embrace, and integrate personal and work relationships 
  • Healthy food and beneficial supplements 
  • Meditation and prayer Fun activities that do not involve crowds.
Empaths need to regularly express their feelings, which are often sadness. Empaths also need space and solitude to allow for careful introspection

7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

Here are 7 tips that might help you to protect your energy:

Empaths have the unique ability to absorb other people’s energies, so being in crowded places or close contact with others can be overwhelming.
Being around negative energies can make you feel drained, and even hanging out with friends who are stressed or unhappy can cause you to feel as if it’s your personal burden to carry.
But it doesn’t have to be such a struggle if you only take the time to practice some of the strategies below.

1. Set boundaries:

Boundaries help relationships and friendships flow much more smoothly because both people know what is acceptable and what isn’t. Having healthy boundaries is important for all of us, but if you’re an empath it can be particularly useful. Empaths often feel so full of other people’s emotions that they lose track of their own needs. Learning to say ‘no’ more, knowing when to step away from situations, and prioritising self-care, is key.

When thinking of what boundaries you want to have in place, ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I willing to put up with, and what crosses the limit?
  • Who do I need to set boundaries with the most?
  • What am I comfortable saying yes to and what do I want to say no to?

2-Shielding yourself. 

It’s very popular recommendation in the west to shield your energy. So you can  focus all your energy on seeing the shield, feeling its protective forces, and visualizing the negative energy being evaporated

The shield isn’t just blocking external forces, it’s also keeping in all your energy and positivity. It’s your personal bodyguard that can be summoned in the blink of an eye, so get into the habit of using your shield whenever you need it.
The basic idea is that you imagine some shape around your body (and aura) that keeps you safe from outside energies. You can either imagine an egg or cloak that is made of white light, and it doesn’t let anything negative come to you. But after discussing with Balinese gurus, I’ve realized that this is not always the best solution. They believe that the energy must flow and when you close yourself into this energy cocoon, your own mental and negative energy is getting stuck there, and you can have negative thoughts. 

So, when you shield yourself, imagine that there is a hole above your head for the light to come in and for anything negative coming from you to leave. You can also have a hole above your feet, so the energy flows naturally but keeps the protection “walls” on other places surrounding your body. With your intention you allow the good to come it as well as your negative energy to leave, but the outside negative energy is not allowed to come in.


The daily habit of journaling is another great way how you can connect with your innermost self as well as release some stuck energy. 
Putting pen to paper, and writing whatever’s on your mind, can not only be a release, but can also reconnect you with your own emotions, and help you to focus on how you’re feeling. To get into the habit, perhaps start by writing a few lines every evening to process the day and any lingering emotions..

4-Time alone. 

Every empath needs time alone. This doesn’t change with family or any other commitments. Sometimes we have to disappear from the surface of the world to rejuvenate ourselves. I know that many of us have other people who “need” us. But when you’re alone, the energy that you’ve absorbed from other people naturally disappears (if you don’t actively feel into the problems of your friends). So you balance yourself, and then you have a greater capacity to give love to others. The time alone should be used consciously and wisely. Use this time to read an inspirational book, meditate, journal, dance, or do something creative. Some people say that this is the last instance, I say that this is needed regardless.

5-. Plan for emotion overload

Being prepared can help to avoid unexpected emotion overload. The trick is to note down what triggers your empathic tendencies, and having a plan for each.
Some of these will involve the boundary work, others will need a recovery plan, such as keeping the day after an event free for rest and self-care.

Having time management is useful here because you can plan your time around your empath needs and create a life that doesn’t ever get “too much”. By knowing when you’ll need some downtime, you can effectively prevent becoming burnt out or overwhelmed in most situations – and you’ll automatically create more time for self-care

6- Cut out energy vampires.

Like it or not but we all have people in our surroundings who suck our energy. You know it when you feel drained after talking with them, whether it’s your boss at work, your sibling, or an old friend. An energy vampire is simply anyone who makes you feel drained after being around them.
It could be that they’re jealous of you, they have narcissistic traits or they enjoy feeding off your caring nature and willingness to help others.
so it’s wise to cut off these people from your life. If you have friends who suck your energy, you can cut the cords and then stop being in contact with them. If it’s your family or co-workers then ground yourself before talking with them and try to keep it short and with firm boundaries.

7-Practice detachment

As an empath, your natural desire is to help others, even if they don’t want it. By opening up this channel of empathy you’re also opening a tunnel for energy to pass between you.
And every time you do this, you’re taking on the person’s energy without even realizing it.It means being far more exhausted than you should be, stressed with other people’s issues, and drained from being a constant companion of support.

The need to “fix” others is one of the things that creates an energy tunnel between the two of you, carrying their burden or “flaw” within you, and subconsciously trying to remedy it. But when you develop (and that takes time, maybe a lifetime) the attitude that everyone is okay, then when they go through a problem it's a learning curve for them, you won't feel the need to fix it anymore. You help them when they are ready.

Read Also: 8 Dangerous Signs Of A Dark Empath

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