8 Reasons Why Female Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love

 8 Reasons Why Female Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love 

Female empaths can be the most intelligent, intuitive, committed, caring, and fiercely independent women in your life. Any relationship with a female empath is one of the most satisfying relationships in life but not everyone is ready for the kind of commitment and transparency that they carry in their character. 

It can be a little overwhelming, especially for guys who struggle with a fear of commitment or are looking for short-term casual relationships. In friendships, sympathizers can be very generous, giving and beginning to feel their friends' needs and feelings, but not everyone is their cup of tea to share the same devotion and extreme sensitivity towards them.

8 Reasons Why Female Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love

So Here're 8 Reasons Why Female Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love

1-She Values Reliability

Men who are wishy-washy should never even try to have a relationship with an empathic woman because she needs stability more than anything in her life. While Empaths definitely don't want to be with utterly dull people, they should be dependable. They shouldn't cancel plans or fail to return calls on time.

2. She Is Too Sincere

Honesty is an integral part of their personality. It's something sympathizers live with every day. Lying, deceit, dishonesty, and hypocrisy are the absolute no-no in all their relationships. They prefer to cut ties with liars and cheaters. Moreover, you can not overdo their intelligence. They can read all your lies and be brutally honest about their feelings in your face. It's not easy for many people who include a little bit of lies and for whom this is not a big deal.

3. She Is Giver

Empaths are unconditional givers. They often have a hard time saying no to someone. Most of the time they can’t stop themselves from helping others in need. When a female empath gets into a relationship with a man she will give everything to nurture that bond. She may act like a mother while taking care of her man and therefore, it can be a bit overwhelming for the men as they may not handle the attention.

Setting definite boundaries will help. It will be better for empaths to draw the line themselves as sometimes receivers will drain them completely without reciprocating the same. At other times, receivers need to tell the givers that they are getting uncomfortable with the intensity of attention

Related Article: 5 Reasons Why Empaths Attract Toxic People

4- She Want A Commitment to her ASAP.

She doesn’t like short-term relationships, but she is willing to go the extra mile for the man she loves. And in case she doesn’t get what she wants, she can get hurt badly. She can lose faith in love and give up on dating and meeting new men.
She believes everyone wants to be loved, but in most cases, guys just want to have fun.

5-She Takes Things Personally

Sensitivity runs rampant in an empath. She'll take things personally even if you meant no slight. You can't just tell her that you didn't mean it or that she's overreacting. If you do, it will tell her that you aren't willing to value her.

6. She Loves Hard

Empath women feel so much and give so much in return. They will hold the other person to such a high standard, provided they meet her needs. As a result, they can't have a relationship that's one-sided. If they love, they want to be loved back.

If you are an empath woman or are starting a relationship with one, you need to understand how much they feel and expect. It might seem demanding, but it's part of their nature. Should you treat them right and find a connection, you can have a great relationship.

7- She is Intense

Female Empaths have a lot of intensity. And they aren’t making any apologies about it; you either get on board with what they’ve got going on, or you move on. It’s plain and simple for an empath.

8. They are very intuitive

Female empaths are walking talking energy catchers. No one needs to tell them upfront but they can feel the energy of a place, person and circumstances. They are hypersensitive to pick up the vibes instantly therefore social circumstances may leave them emotionally as well as physically drained.

Read Also: 7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

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