7 Reasons Why Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love
Empaths love differently. They are not believing in transient love. For an empath, love is sacred, and love is eternal. For empaths, love is always transcendent, and what is transcendent will always be eternal. They believe that love is an unshakable bond that can’t be replaced or mimicked or undone. It isn’t just a roughly drafted screenplay with characters who could be recast at the beckoning of a bored director. Empaths aren’t like others, the ones that can pick themselves up after the end of a relationship and just move on with their lives.
But not everyone is ready for the kind of commitment and transparency that they carry in their character. It can be a little overwhelming, especially for people who struggle with a fear of commitment or are looking for short-term casual relationships. In friendships, empaths can be very generous, giving and beginning to feel their friends' needs and feelings, but not everyone is their cup of tea to share the same devotion and extreme sensitivity towards them.
So Here're 7 Reasons Why Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love.
1-Getting lost in a partner's feelings rather than having clear emotional boundaries.
Humans can bond deeply with lovers and partners, and when you're a sensitive empath, it's important not to over bond and blend in with a partner. Because empaths easily identify with what is going on around them, if you suddenly feel difficult emotions — such as sadness or anger — ask yourself, "Is this mine or someone else's?" You may carry some of your partner's feelings to an unhealthy degree. Even extreme joy can be draining when you're too much into someone else's emotional experience. Let your partner have an emotional experience of their own, and remember that you don't always have to feel it. You have a beautiful shared emotional and vital bubble with lovers, but you also have your own bubble. Keeping that in mind is powerful.
2- Attempting to manage, contain, or change the partner's feelings.
Since empaths can sense a partner's feelings in their own system, they can mistake this for being responsible for a partner's feelings. Keep in mind that your partner's feelings belong to him or her. If your lover's feelings are making you confused or uncomfortable, that's usually none of your business. However, dealing with your stress by trying to control your partner's emotions, which may seem like they always want to calm your partner when they are upset or trying to talk to a partner away from difficult feelings, is not the best way forward for either of you.
3- They tend to put their partner first.
4-Empaths are too honest.
Honesty in a relationship is always a good thing, but it doesn’t have to be all day, every day. Naturally, we tend to keep some thoughts and opinions to ourselves, otherwise, we risk driving our partners crazy and vice versa. Whether it’s their new haircut or the fact that their mother is coming to stay for a week, sometimes it’s much easier to just smile, agree, and support them in their choices. This might not always come naturally to an empath. They mean well by being as honest as they can all the time, but there’ll surely be times where their honest opinion isn’t wanted or well-received. And even if they try to tell a white lie or sugarcoat something, they’re not great at faking things, so their partner will probably see straight through it.
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