7 Intense Problems Empaths Have In Romantic Relationships

7 Intense Problems Empaths Have In Romantic Relationships

An empath is someone who is highly sensitive to the energy and emotions emanating from people, animals, and everything that exists around them.They’re constantly aware of others’ mood shifts, and they can get easily overwhelmed by others’ emotions.

Being so attuned with energy can lead to empathy fatigue, overstimulation, and chronic fatigue, especially if they drain the energy of someone they are in close contact with. This may mean that some empaths find it difficult to remain in a relationship for extended periods of time, as they are known to need a significant amount of alone time, freedom, and personal space to recharge and rebalance their energy levels.

7 Intense Problems Empaths Have In Romantic Relationships

Being too closely involved with someone can exhaust empath, as in relationships they are known to give far more of themselves. If there is no equal exchange of energy, they often become emotionally exhausted.

Here're 7 Intense Problems Empaths Have In Romantic Relationships:

1- Fast moving in relationships.

Empaths will be able to detect their own feelings very quickly. They will also express these feelings and emotions in a direct and clear manner. This can often frighten their partner because others don't move as quickly as empaths do in a relationship. Moreover, empaths know their feelings and are secure in themselves. Once this happens, no one can change their mind and this eventually leads to the end of their romantic relationship even before it even started.

2- Rapid mood swings.

Empaths and their romantic relationship became difficult due to their mood swings. Often times, feelings and emotions such as happiness, sadness, anger, etc. are intensified for the sake of sympathy. These feelings can get out of control and start to show through their mind and body. This is because they absorb a lot of energy from their partners. As a result, these feelings are ultimately directed at the partner and can make the relationship tense.

3- Unconsciously prioritizing the partner's needs over their needs.

Because empaths can feel the energy and emotions of others intimately, they may have difficulty coping or asserting themselves in a romantic relationship. Empath will resort to burying his objection to any things he does not like to avoid feeling all the difficult feelings that his partner will feel when challenged. This is how empathy can easily fall into pleasing people - in a romantic or any other relationship.

Read Also : 5 Reasons Why Empaths Prefer To Stay Single

4- Trying To Manage & Control Other People’s Emotions.

Empath, are often tempted to help others in need and that’s one of the most special things about them. 
empaths can feel a partner's emotions in their own system, they can mistake this for being responsible for a partner's emotions.  But sometimes when they get involved in a whirlwind of emotions and  absorbing all that energy, they may feel the need to make it all go away. Empath may feel like he/she should be the one to fix things. 

Whilst their intentions may be out of love and care, it can end up feeling like they’re trying to control or change their partner’s emotions. For the partner, this can quickly become annoying and a challenge to express their emotions healthily.

5- Reveal when things go wrong. 

Empaths generally understand another person's feelings and treat their emotions as if they were their own. They have a unique talent for revealing that something is wrong even before their partner knows it himself. However, empath struggles in romantic relationships. It is difficult for them to get past the hidden feelings, pain and struggles of different situations that arise in their romantic relationship. They spend a lot of time discussing their partner's feelings. This can create different kinds of conflicts for them in romantic relationships.

6- No clear boundaries. 

For many empaths, drawing boundaries at the end of their emotions and the beginning of their partner can be challenging. Since they feel the energy and emotions of those around them so clearly, it can be difficult for them to know which feelings belong to them and which ones belong to their partner. This can be quite draining. Imagine suddenly feeling overwhelmed with joy, or suddenly immersed in sadness, not being able to tell whether these feelings belong to you or those around you. In relationships, empath may take one their partner's feelings unnecessarily, and eventually, it can lead to outright exhaustion.

7- They are always tuned.

Being so deeply in tune with others can be a heavy weight to carry, Being able to feel with people or take the energetic pulse of a space or group is useful, but if it's the only way you navigate life, it can quickly leave an empath feeling drained or overwhelmed. These individuals are often very kind and generous to others but often are the victims of emotional drainage and the overactive egos around them.

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