old soul is someone who knows a lot about things which most people care not to mention.They enjoy deep and meaningful conversations with like-minded people. their level of maturity and wisdom sets them apart from most people.

Old souls crave for honesty, authenticity, passion, empathy, realistic love, sincerity, understanding, value and depth. one of the greatest problems old souls ever faces in this life is finding love.

Old Souls don't want to be in a relationship just to have a partner, they need a love to grow together.
They are Souls who have had many previous experiences and therefore want to use this incarnation on Earth to evolve, they do not like to waste time.


Here'e 8 Reasons why old souls have a difficulties to find the right partner

1- They are a true healer:

The old soul people always looking for the ways to help for the sake of humanity, which sometimes people mistook them for greed and show-off, which is literally wrong, they don’t want to fix anyone, they just want to listen and feel the way someone is, but you can’t make everyone understand who you truly are.

2- They have a a higher purpose for life

Old Souls come to this World with a purpose, a mission and many times they believe that a love could distract them from fulfilling that task. Before looking for the love of a partner, they prioritize their personal evolution and the understanding of their Life mission.

As a love requires a lot of attention and dedication, they end up leaving aside the most mundane love relationships, unless it is the ideal companion, complementary and related to the purpose to manifest.

3- They are complex at first:

When you meet them it’s hard to judge them because they will show every little way to determine who they truly are, which sometimes people think is he/she really the way I think he/she is? but as people talk to them they admire the real beauty they possess.

4- They fell detached from the modern encounters:

Old Souls do not adapt well to conventional encounters,for them, all this is very superficial, they like true encounters, people who know each other deeply, show themselves, connect with their Soul, and have similar Energies.

They don’t mind sharing a glimpse of their love life online, but the parts they crave the most are the honest and vulnerable moments. The love that makes your heart skip a beat and never want to turn back. They crave soulmate love, and they will never settle until they find it

Related Article: 8 Things That Happen When Two Empaths Fall In Love

5- They do not like to play superficially:

They have a strong sense of self, which means they don’t just let anyone into their world. So for them online dating can be overly exhausting for a mature soul. Casual hooks up and blind dates are highly intimidating. Mind games are unappealing

The old story of Egos: "I'll wait for him to call me, I won't call" or "I'll pretend I'm not interested" is something that Old Souls really don't like, they can't bear to embody characters, they are very sensitive and true, they don't like the posture, being charming with the desire to please, they are transparent, direct, with the soul naked and that scares many people.

6- They  Unconsciously prioritizing the partner's needs over their needs.

Because empaths can feel the energy and emotions of others intimately, they may have difficulty coping or asserting themselves in a romantic relationship. Empath will resort to burying his objection to any things he does not like to avoid feeling all the difficult feelings that his partner will feel when challenged. This is how empathy can easily fall into pleasing people - in a romantic or any other relationship.

7- They have many emotional wounds

Old Souls have emotional wounds from this and other lives. Normally these Souls are strengthened with experience, but they do not find an easy life in this incarnation. They have many challenges to overcome, some of them very painful, so they are very careful, since they do not they want to suffer again, and they honor the mutual accompaniment of who knows what each one is going through and what it entails.
To have a relationship with someone, they need to feel that the person is mature enough to understand their path and their evolution.

8- They looking for a committed partner

Old Souls need a partner who wants to be by their side, who respects and understands them, they cannot be with people who deceive, possess, burden or limit, they only understand the relationship from freedom and LOVE.

They know that a relationship can only go forward if there is true communication from the heart, pure understanding between them, dedication and honesty, if their partner does not accompany them to the rhythm or resonates with their own Vibratory Frequency after trying to serve as a stimulus for the growth of the other, they detect when it is time for unsuccessful attrition and decide to take flight alone, letting go and honoring the bond of all that is shared, respecting the personal evolutionary moment.

Read Also: 8 Reasons Why Most Men Can't Handle A Female Empath

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