9 Signs That You're A Heyoka Empath

 9 Signs That You're A Heyoka Empath

What is Heyoka Empath?

Many spiritualists think Heyoka empaths are the strongest kind of empaths.
This is due to the depth and insight that come with this kind.

9 Signs That You're A Heyoka Empath

An Empath is someone who has what could be a called a ‘gift’ for being able to understand the emotional state of another person. There are many kinds of empaths. Just as other gifts are used and exhibited, in many different ways, so there are different types of Empaths with certain abilities and talents.

Then there are the Heyokas. Heyoka is a Native American term meaning “sacred clown” or “fool”. Seems an odd terminology for what we now consider to be the most powerful type of Empath. The Heyoka is a very powerful empath that feels the emotions and energy of others inside their body. They have the natural ability to help heal physical afflictions and emotional issues.

The Spirit of a Heyoka Empath

When you meet a Heyoka in person, they act as a great emotional mirror. What you see in them will show you what you must work on to grow and evolve spiritually.

Connecting with a heyoka can be an emotional experience. You may leave feeling angry or leave feeling an incredible sense of love. As an emotional mirror, whenever a Heyoka senses an emotional reaction in you, they use it as a guide of what to reflect back to you that will help you most on your journey.

The guidance will be individualized to each person a Heyoka meets. This is what makes them so powerful. Your ability to understand what they are trying to teach you will depend on how ‘open’ your eyes are and whether or not you are tuned into your intuition.

Signs of a Heyoka Empath

How can you know a Heyoka when you meet one? Is it possible that YOU are one?

The signs of a Heyoka Empath vary but there are some signs that are common, including:

1. Using Humor to Uplift and Heal Others

They say laughter is the best medicine! And this is very true! Humor can shift depression and bad moods faster than almost anything. Heyoka Empaths engage humor as a method to explain their distinctive viewpoint and ease difficult circumstances in interpersonal connections.

2. You are Wise

Even though heyoka empaths are often seen as the class clowns, they are often “Old Souls” who have incarnated many times.

The wisdom of their experiences shines through them when you actually ask for their advice.
They are kind, supportive, and very strong

3. You Can Not Only Feel the Emotions of Others, but you Solve Their Problems as Well

A heyoka empath can walk into a room and immediately sense the emotions of others in the room, (as with all empaths). But a heyoka is also an excellent problem-solver for this person’s issues as well. They clearly see what is needed to help other’s out of their situations and offer their guidance.

Sometimes, they can tell that another person simply needs a friendly ear, but other times, they’ll have the perfect solution to someone’s problem that has been eluding them.

4.You Often Struggle with Insomnia

Intuitive thoughts and guidance from the spiritual realms seems to travel faster at night, when the rest of the world is at rest. A heyoka may wake often during the witching hour (between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m.) to receive incredible Divine guidance. Or, they may have a hard time shutting their brains off while trying to sleep.

Read Also:  7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

5. You Know When Others are Being Insincere.

Just like most empaths, a heyoka can spot a liar from a mile away. Heyokas have an uncanny ability to tell if the vibration of a person’s words match the vibration of their emotions. This could be a malicious lie, or simply someone saying they are “doing great”, when they are in fact, depressed.

6. You are Highly Creative

Because creativity often comes from intuition, heyoka empaths are usually highly creative.
They usually make excellent artists, writers, painters, interior designers, musicians, and even crafters!
Even though a heyoka empath’s creative abilities can be latent (or not emerge until later in life), they still are highly intuitive creative thinkers with an incredible ability to think outside the box.

7. People Come to You To Advise Them 

Heyoka Empaths are often sought out for their advice. Because of their wisdom and humor, heyoka empaths are often sought out by others for advice.

Heyoka empaths will often find others that they don’t even know asking for advice.
This could be a new neighbor, or a random person at a grocery store. But, rest assured, wherever a heyoka empath is, people in need of assistance will find them.

8. You Know What Others are About to Say

Heyokas are highly intuitive, sensitive, and creative. Their minds seem to work on overdrive with inspired thoughts. A true heyoka empath has much to say and often interrupt others, simply because they have so many incredible ideas to share!

Others can misinterpret this as rudeness, but the heyoka often interrupts either because they can sense where others are going, or because they must share their amazing thoughts before they forget!

9. You Are Excellent Judges of Character

In an instant, a heyoka empath can tell if someone is a person that is worthy of their time and friendship. Heyokas simply know when others are responsible, reliable, and trustworthy.

Being a Heyoka empath can be both a blessing and a burden, but for those who accept it, it can also provide enormous joy and fulfilment. It's crucial that you learn to put self-preservation first if you can identify with the Heyoka empath characteristics and believe you might be one. Although they can be intense and difficult, relationships can also be very gratifying. Everything depends on your capacity to accept and embrace who you truly are.

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