8 Malicious Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

8 Malicious Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

Breaking free from a toxic relationship with a narcissist takes strength and courage. One powerful step that individuals can take to protect their well-being is to go "no contact" with the narcissist. This means severing all communication and cutting ties, which can be a pivotal moment in reclaiming one's life.

On the other hand, narcissists can engage in various harmful behaviors when someone decides to go "no contact" with them. So, it's important to note that not all individuals with narcissistic traits or personality disorders will exhibit these behaviors, and the severity can vary. Narcissists cannot handle being rejected or abandoned, so they resort to various malicious behaviors to regain control and assert their dominance.

8 Malicious Things Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

Here are eight potential malicious things narcissists might do when faced with no contact:

1- Hoovering: 

Narcissists may attempt to hoover, which refers to their efforts to suck you back into the relationship. They may bombard you with calls, texts, emails, or even show up unannounced at your doorstep. Also, they might use manipulation, guilt-tripping, or false promises to make you reconsider going no contact. Remember, this is just another ploy to regain control and manipulate you into resuming the relationship.

2- Love Bombing:

In an attempt to lure you back into their web, narcissists may resort to love bombing. This is a tactic where they shower you with excessive attention, gifts, and affection. They may apologize profusely, promising to change and be better. However, it's important to recognize that love bombing is just another form of manipulation. Don't let their empty words and gestures sway you from maintaining no contact.

3- Smear Campaigns: 

Narcissists cannot tolerate being seen as anything less than perfect. To protect their image and maintain control, narcissists may engage in a smear campaign against you. They might spread false information, lies, rumors, or half-truths about you, portraying themselves as the victim and painting you as the villain. Remember that their goal is to manipulate the perceptions of those around you, so seek support from trusted friends and family who see through their manipulative tactics.


Narcissists may use gaslighting as a manipulative tactic that narcissists use to make you doubt your own reality and question your sanity. They might deny past abuses, manipulate facts, or portray themselves as victims to undermine your perception of reality. Stay strong and trust in your decision to prioritize your well-being.

5- Stalking: 

If a narcissist feels threatened by your decision to go no contact,, they may resort to stalking behavior, both online and offline. They may monitor your social media, show up uninvited at your workplace or social events, or even hire a private investigator to gather information on you. Remember to document any incidents and consider involving law enforcement if necessary. Your safety and well-being always come first.

Related Article: 10 Mistakes to Avoid When Going No Contact with a Narcissist


As they thrive on chaos and drama, Narcissists may use triangulation by involving a third party to create confusion and jealousy. They might attempt to make you feel insecure or compete for their attention. They might involve a new partner, friend, or family member to entangle you in their toxic web. Recognize that this is a manipulative tactic designed to keep you emotionally invested and prevent you from moving on. Stay focused on yourself and your healing journey.

7- Silent Treatment: 

While you are trying to establish no contact, the narcissist might employ the silent treatment as a way to gain control or punish you. They will ignore your attempts to reach out or provoke a reaction from you. This cold and calculated behavior is meant to exert control and inflict emotional pain. Remember: This tactic is meant to make you feel abandoned and anxious. Stay strong and remind yourself that their silence speaks volumes about their own insecurities and need for power.

8-Legal Maneuvering: 

In some cases, narcissists may resort to legal actions, such as filing false accusations, seeking restraining orders, or attempting to tarnish your reputation through legal means. This is a way to exert control and assert dominance.


Going no contact with a narcissist is a courageous step towards reclaiming your life and protecting your well-being. Be prepared for the malicious tactics they may use to regain control. Remember that you are not alone – seek support from trusted friends, family, or mental health professionals who can provide guidance and validation. If you feel threatened or unsafe, consider involving law enforcement or seeking legal advice. Stay strong and know that you have the power to break free from the toxic cycle of narcissistic abuse.

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