6 Things Men Like in Women More Than Good Looks

6 Things Men Like in Women More Than Good Looks

6 Things Men Like in Women More Than Good Looks

Dear women

Of course, the things that a man likes in  a woman, such as her appearance, body, eyes, and smile are definitely important things. 

But good looks is not enough to make him fall in love with a woman and dream about building a long lasting relationship with her.

Regardless the claim that all men are erotic and only think about sex Although this is not a defect or an accusation to the man, because sex is a very important key for a man to express love and the feeling that he is loved 

There are several important details that make a man more loving women
For example, men like to feel a sense of responsibility to take care of their wives financially, even if she is earning more money or sharing the household income.

Therefore, a more understanding of the man’s needs will support your position in the relationship with him and make you closer to his hear

What does a man like most in a woman?

Check out this list of 6 things men love about women and you'll see it's truly the small things that count

1- belief in his abilities

Many men believe that it is important for them to protect and provide for those they love.
Let your man know that you believe in and support his talents and skills. Your encouragement is more important to him than anyone.

The most important thing you can do is make your man feel that he is an adult, not a young child. 

So you deal with him like all his behaviors are wrong and you surround him with constant criticism and blame.

Small changes in your behavior towards him may develop trust between you and give him a sense of responsibility in the relationship.

2- Understanding

Men want to know that you "understand" them,  research indicates that feeling understood is an important part of a good relationship.

Men by nature are often more logical and like to solve the problem. Unlike women who are generally more emotional and more connected to their feelings.

One way you can boost understanding is by committing to talking daily together.

Commit to a daily conversation where it takes 20 minutes to ask positive questions of each other. This could include things about what attracts you both to each other, your favorite date together, or what your partner's favorite things and places are

3- Appreciation

Most men like to have a pat on their back. One way to do this is to praise your husband a lot. But beware of overdoing it, make sure it is a real action and make sure to do it from time to time.

Do simple things like:
  • Kiss him and tell him that you really like him as a person.
  • Let your husband know that you appreciate how hard his work is.
  • Tell your husband how handsome he is in this shirt.
  • Thank him for the way he takes care of the family.

4- Acceptance

We all want to be accepted for who we are and we don't want others to try to change us. Men are often agonized and angry when their wives try to change them, especially. 

If it is a matter of their health and safety, then that is understandable, but when it comes to the desire to change personal characteristics, the man will display strong resistance.

You can show how accepting you are for your husband as he is now by:
  • The obligation to agree to the difference in arguments.

  • Feeling comfortable with the idea of ​​being different from your partner.

  • Learn how to accept ourselves so that we can accept our spouses.

  • Learn the culture of positive dialogue and the art of responding when it comes to different activities, opinions or policies.

  • Seeing his faults and his love in any case without complaining or complaining about it

5- Do not be Talkative – Be Direct

If your partner is tired, engaged in a project, or generally just not ready to chat, do not push him to it.

Women can be particularly talkative at times, so it is important to make time to talk to your partner. 

You can achieve this emotional support for yourself through
talking to friends and other family members, or through alternative methods such as art, newspapers, and online forums.

6-  Respect

One of the best ways a wife can show her husband that she loves and respects him is by actively listening to him when he speaks, and not interrupting him.

You can also show respect by:
  • · Avoid making any negative comments about his thoughts and opinions.
  • · Respect his Future plans.
  • · Being positive, grateful, and considerate of his desires and needs.
  • · Using body language that expresses respect, away from tones of voice, cues and eye gestures that express belittling him or minimizing what he says

Golden tip 

You have to make the man one of the sources of your happiness, not all of your happiness, as this protects you from the constant feeling of loss and need, and on the other hand relieves the pressure on the man that he is being chased and accused of negligence

You definitely don't want a relationship that you never talk about. Communication is important, but when you really want to talk and get emotional support, check back on him to see if he's ready. 

If he is busy, you may need to determine the appropriate time for him so that he will be more attentive and listened to so that your communication is more positive and intimate.

The woman wants more emotional support by expressing her feelings in order to regain communication with her feminine side
And the man wants to feel that he is not accused or stalked so that he becomes more able to listen to you, and thus your happiness will help him communicate with his male side


The man is attracted to the smart, classy woman, and he is alienated from the weak woman who has no personal boundaries, even if he asks you to do so, he is constantly searching for excitement and passion, and your constant concessions and your permanent blockade of him make him lose his passion for you and make him alienate you

Be his friend and lover, not a mother and a manager surrounding him with criticism, blame and guidance

The big challenge for you ,is that you are in the midst of all the pressures and responsibilities that surround you
  • Do not forget yourself and your interest in it
  • Do not forget to boost your confidence and respect for yourself
  • Do not completely absorb yourself in the life of a man, as the years of your life pass and suddenly you find yourself lonely miserable with no purpose or value
  • Do not forget that the world will treat you the way you treat your soul, so treat it well

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