6 Signs Your Marriage May Be Over

6 Signs Your Marriage May Be Over

6 Signs Your Marriage May Be Over

Feeling that you are unhappy in your marriage and unable to bear more is one of the worst feelings you can feel after years of effort, patience and endurance for the sake of the success of this marriage

Feeling disrespected or emotionally detached from your partner is a miserable way to live, but whether you've been married for two or twenty years, the decision to get a divorce is not an easy one. 

Common relationship problems occur even in the happiest marriages, but if your minor disagreements turn into resentment, contempt, and an interruption of verbal and intimate communication, it could be a sign that your marriage is over.

Here are some common moments that your relationship go through before divorce, which are realistic facts for husbands and wives, some of whom moved in the last moments to save what could be saved and some of them were overwhelmed by time, as the famous wisdom says
Everybody care when it's too late

Here are 6 signs your marriage may be over. 

1-You Always Thinking About Separating 

"The most remarkable moment that all couples go through before divorce is when they suddenly start questioning everything." "After several years of a happy and loving marriage, doubts started rolling in their minds."

They started asking themselves, Are they asking for a divorce? Is there still love? What will happen to the children? How do you even start the process? This is when emotions run high and "noisy questions" remain on their minds.

If forgiveness no longer exists and one or both partners maintain mental lists of all of the spouse's mistakes or actions, the gap between them will continue to grow.

When one of you feels upset, so that hurting the other person or bringing out his faults becomes more important than protecting the relationship itself, you look at one of the biggest signs that your marriage has failed.

Holding onto grudges and keeping a mental checklist of everything your partner did wrong will not improve your bonds. It's easy to feel upset when problems remain unresolved or mistakes are repeated . Communication and working together as a team to find long-term solutions together can be a solution, but the willingness to do so must be there

2- The Blame Game:

A sign of a failed marriage again is the blame game One of the pillars of a successful and healthy relationship is being one team.

When people feel like a team, they have an easier time overcoming obstacles. Now, when every single argument turns into a blame game and both partners point their fingers at the other, the marriage becomes extremely threatening.

Likewise, when past excesses or shortcomings are constantly being raised (especially in the midst of controversy), this will damage your bond even more.

The spouses who have a healthy relationship will seek to support, support and build each other, and work to overcome past mistakes, and overcome differences together. In a failed marriage, one or both spouses no longer see any good or commendable personality traits in the other person.

3- No one takes responsibility:

 Another sign of the end of a marriage is when the husband or wife refuses to take responsibility for their actions and mistakes. Instead of accepting that they made a mistake and making a conscious effort to implement long-term solutions, the person will find ways to make it the other person's fault.

Even there is no place for compromises and compromises, it is not my fault and the other is the one responsible or blamed and negligent

I did what I see fit
And when stubbornness prevails, there is no place for friendliness

4- You Don’t Communicate 

Having an open style of communication in your relationship is important if you want it to continue healthy. ِAlso, couples who eventually split usually see a breakdown in their communication process.

"Many of my clients talk about how they are no longer communicating fully or effectively (some of them don't communicate at all)

 “Communication is really the cornerstone of a successful relationship.” Even if a couple decides to divorce, communication is still necessary especially if there are children.

"Parents should be able to talk to each other," she says. "

In order for communication to remain effective, it must be free from the obstacles such as:
  • Comparisons
  • Permanent blame
  • Disclaimers of Responsibilities
  • Threats and repeated insults
We communicate with the intention of understanding and achieving further closeness

5- Your fights turn into personal critiques.

 Even the happiest couples sometimes quarrel. When you are in a healthy relationship, you must feel that you can express your feelings and opinions regardless of whether your partner agrees.
“A healthy relationship is one in which you feel“ safe, ”not only in the physical sense, but also in the emotional sense.

“If spouses do not know how to argue productively, it is often a major factor in causing a divorce.” Fighting in a productive way means getting together and talking about your problems as a team.

But if you start insulting or pointing out each other's flaws with the intention of manipulation, a desire to control and not get out of defeat at all costs, then that may be a sign that your marriage is heading towards divorce

6- Lack of intimacy

Sex may not be everything, but it is an important part of a healthy relationship. Sex helps you strengthen the bond between you and your partner by releasing a chemical called oxytocin into your body. Not only does this enhance feelings of love, but it also acts as a natural stress reliever.

If you have been married for a while, it is natural for your sexuality to find a more stable rhythm than it did when you were together for the first time. But if you:

  • The interruption of your sexual relationship
  • Not physically attracted to your partner
  • Or the relationship occurs sporadically or for long periods
  • You feel alienated from the idea of ​​being in an intimate relationship with your partner
These are stark signs of an unhappy marriage.

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