Why do narcissists lie so much? Do they realize that they are lying?

                                      Why do narcissists lie so much? Do they realize that they are lying?

Why do narcissists lie so much? Do they realize that they are lying?

Narcissists are exaggerating. They draw their own imaginary version of things. In general, the things that make them more important, dramatic, and noticeable. These things often bear little resemblance to facts - it's their illusory perception of how they want something to be, or what is necessary for them to attract attention (the narcissistic supply) from people.

Many times, a narcissist doesn’t know that they are lying, because their reality is so far off-tap that they don’t know what is real or not anymore.Narcissists shine stories. They are exaggerating. They lie about being more special, better, more dramatic, accomplished, interesting, and the like. They do this to attract attention, benefits, trust, and empathy - all valuable aspects of the narcissistic presentation and situation for gain.

They lie sometimes to protect themselves from harm Realities that the ego simply cannot handle. Things like, "It was my decision to leave the relationship" after someone else gave up on him, or they quit their job after being replaced ... or whatever. In these times, because truth poses a major threat to a damaged, insecure self-image, the narcissist has adopted the lie as a protective buffer.

There are reasons why the narcissist is lair .

 The inner self that the narcissist is deeply disgusted with and who is above reproach - never wronged and never held accountable - the inner core that the narcissist is actually disgusted with, is projected on the outside onto another person. Then that disinterested, damaged portion is ejected and the narcissist strikes it ruthlessly through you. The fact of the matter is that - living in the subconscious brings about delusions - the greatest of them is the constant lying to oneself and staying in the subconscious as a result.

When a narcissist knows he is lying

A narcissist lies a lot because he's actually such a drug addict. The preferred drug is the constant and unstoppable need for the narcissistic supply - attention, praise, admiration, and the things that nourish the false self and prevent the narcissist from seeing their flawed truth. Like any addict who needs his drug, there is a lot of lie. A narcissist cannot tell people their true motives, and they have to come up with what they really want. Like telling someone that they are their new soul mate and the love of their life - just to get the purpose of invisibility.

A narcissist’s lie also comes from his or her sense of self. The difference is that their life has become a lie

The narcissist is deeply aware of his defense mechanisms and his beliefs that "he must have the upper hand" and "I am against you" in order to survive. Since a narcissist knows that they think and act this way, they think everyone else does, too.

A narcissist does not trust anyone.

At times when a narcissist knows they're lying, and they're building up the spin, there is always the perfect excuse created to do so. The narcissist sees himself as deserving of the lie because of what happened to him or her, or whatever he thinks his entitlement might be.
They also imagine that if they didn't get in first, they would. They think you are out to get them. 

The truth is, narcissists don't think there's anything wrong with lying - it's just a way of life. They don't feel bad about it or guilty - they're just terrified of falling into the trap of truth, which is people's discovery of the flawed inner self that hides beneath the compulsive, delusional false self.

They lie to hide, to pretend, to hurt, to control, to devalue, to blame, to win, to confuse and make you stop trusting yourself,.and to feel bigger than you. They are so very afraid of the truth


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