8 subtle signs that you're in a relationship with a manipulative toxic person

8 subtle signs that you're in a relationship with a manipulative toxic person

8 subtle signs that you're in a relationship with a manipulative toxic person

When you're in a relationship with someone, it can be very difficult to identify the red flags that you really need to watch out for. You are in love with someone, and you need to know that love can also mislead you by blinding you about the things you need to see. 

You may be in a relationship with a manipulative person and you may not even know it. The victim may be in a toxic relationship with a narcissist or passive aggressive person. She is constantly being abused and exploited without realizing it.

And it's always unfortunate to be stuck in a toxic relationship with a manipulative person. It's unfortunate because the more you dig into things, the longer you allow yourself to remain a victim, the harder it will be for you to get out of the situation you are in. 

And you don't want it for yourself at all. You always want to make sure you stay alert. You always want to make sure you protect yourself at all costs. You never want to allow yourself to play the fool. You don't want to make yourself a victim in a toxic relationship.

Keep in mind that a toxic relationship can ruin the life of the victim. The longer you remain in this relationship, the effects can be long-lasting on the health, psychological and emotional level. This is why you don't want to allow yourself to be a victim for long.

Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to spot when you've been in a toxic relationship with a manipulative person. You won't always realize it right away. This is because these master manipulators are very adept at hiding their true intentions with gentle gestures and charming promises. This is why you have to work consciously to protect yourself.

Here are 8 subtle signs that your partner is toxic and manipulative

1. Makes it seem like it's always your fault in the relationship.

He always tries to blame you. It just makes it seem like everything in the relationship is your fault so you'll feel guilty for trying to fix all of the issues you're in.

2. He is being too controlling.

He always wants to have the longest hand in every detail of your life. However, he does not want you to act in the affairs of your life. This is only because he wants to control the way you live your life, precisely as a narcissist does.

3. He gaslighting you.

When you try to blame him for something worth calling for in your relationship, he will act like you are crazy. He will try to convince you that you are only fantasizing about things and that all the problems in your relationship are only in your head. 

4. He always playing the victim.

 He'll want to make it seem like everything bad he's doing in the relationship isn't his fault. He or she will want to play the victim so that you have compassion on him so you will not be blamed or guilty of any kind. 

5. He makes you feel Guilty  for any little mistake . 

It really makes you feel guilty when you do wrong or make a mistake. And he does not ignore any of them. He will really use these grudges and petitions to make sure you always remain guilty.

6.  He Makes  you feel like you aren't good enough for him. 

It will always make it seem like you aren't doing enough in the relationship. It will make you feel like you are not good enough to be with him. It does this to make you feel guilty and lose your confidence to do more and to be more submissive in the relationship. 

7. He gets upset when you don't allocate all the time to him.

 He wants to control all of your time. He wants to dictate how you spend your time, and he thinks he should always be with him. 

8.  He Makes you feel insecure in your relationship with him.

It doesn't really give you any sense of security in the relationship. It really doesn't make you feel safe about being with him. He just doesn't stay clear and responsible enough to make you feel that he's going to be someone you can always count on. It does not give you any sense of reliability.


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