5 Projection Techniques Narcissists Use To Manipulate You

5 Projection Techniques Narcissists Use To Manipulate You

5 Projection Techniques Narcissists Use To Manipulate You

One of narcissists' most powerful weapons is their projection. Through manipulative projection techniques, they control and manipulate the people around them to carry out their offerings. Narcissistic self-esteem and self-worth depend on how others perceive them, as most of them generally lack self-awareness. They tend to deny themselves flaws and blame others for their personal flaws, misfortunes, and mistakes. There is even one word for this mess: It's called  projection. People with narcissistic tendencies are heavy projectionists.

Here We will explore 5 different way narcissist project you.

1. Grandeur, tradition and exaggeration 

Narcissists believe that they are too special, that they deserve exceptional treatment, or that they are justified in harming others. They have great goals and magnify their achievements to appear more impressive and superior. Narcissists often feel the need to compete with others because in reality they are not special and terribly insecure. They will pretend, lie, hurt, take advantage of others, or do whatever else they deem necessary for personal gain.

As a result, they may take on other characters' traits and accomplishments. This stems from a place of envy and self-exaltation. Often to the point of counterfeiting, theft, theft and fraud, all while denigrating and belittling others. This aims to destroy the credibility of their victims while appearing to be more competent. This provides a useful distraction from what is actually happening.

2. The victim role.

Victimizing is a common narcissistic strategy. Instead of working through it internally or face to face with the other person, they have no problem dragging others into it by lying and depicting the abuser on you and themselves as the victim. This regularly includes a preemptive strike or a provocation to get a reaction. For example, slandering you, destroying your property, turning others against you, or physically attacking you. And once you respond appropriately to their positive or negative aggression, they will say that you are the aggressor because you are hurting them or that you are irrational because of your "unacceptable animal behavior."

This Includes accusing you of things they did or did on their own. So it is not surprising that the audience for this drama does not see the complete picture or do not care enough to know the full story. Many of them may take the side of the narcissist. The narcissist does everything he can to believe his sight for the sake of his emotional management, as much as they will and say almost anything. For them, it is rarely about the truth and always about the audience's perception. 

In this way, they receive the false confirmation that they are righteous, righteous, wrong and evil. They can now regain their sense of self-worth and manage their feelings of inadequacy and shame. So everything is fine and great. Except for those on the receiving end - but who cares about them, right?

3- Triangulation

This tactic can be extremely destructive to a person’s sense of self. It can involve all sorts of scenarios but what it basically means is bringing in a third party (literally or not) to back the narcissist’s case or to make you question your own abilities, worthiness or sanity.
For instance, the narcissist may tell their partner that one of her friends flirted with him. This not only makes the victim feel insecure but also makes her try harder to please the narcissist in fear of losing his interest to her friend. It’s sadistic, honestly.

They will usually need to find an easily manipulative partner who they can dominate or someone who can cover them up and / or they can blame things when things heat up. However, they can only deceive the person who wants to be fooled. They cannot hide, and sooner or later they are always discovered. Their stories are usually inconsistent and often much relevant information is lost. Often times they are unable to notice their own mental blind spots, and responsibility depends greatly on the person who can let go or not acknowledge it when they are fully aware of what is happening.

4. False Accusations. 

 A good example here is your blame for betraying them when you don't do it exactly behind your back. It could also be something along the lines of "You only think about yourself and you are selfish because you don't do what I tell you to do." At the same time, they are the ones who make endless excuses, break promises, can't be relied upon, only think about their own needs, or compete with you. Plus, they will also easily forget all the things that you have done for them. In their view, they are entitled to all of your resources.

If it is not directed at you, it will be directed at someone else. “Look how horrible this person is! And do you know what they did?” What that translates to is human; Let's find someone else with flaws and talk about it instead. In their minds, this way, “We don't have to think about my shortcomings, or we'll come to the conclusion that I'm cool by default because someone else is horrible.

5.The No, you! defense.

If you call them over their foolishness or if they suspect that you can see through their smoke and mirrors, they will say that it is you or the others of all this stuff. Or that all of this is false and nonsense. They might even say that they are honest, caring, and genuine, that you don't understand these things, you picture them, you pretend, you are provoked, you are conceited, you are narcissistic, you are any buzzword they learned!

Because people with narcissistic tendencies might be interested in human psychology, too. Many of them are already working in the aid, teaching and medical fields or pretending to be experts and intellectuals on social media. Some of them are really smart, eloquent and popular, which makes their statements even more believable to an unaware audience

They can learn all these fancy terms and phrases, but they often don't understand or even care how to apply them correctly. Here, it is another tool for manipulation. For them, learning means finding ways to justify all of their disturbing thoughts and behaviors, or using knowledge as a tool against others for personal gain.

They will do anything but accept reality and become a respectable character and still can play well.

Read Also: 7 Mind Games The Narcissist Use It To Manipulate You


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