11 Techniques Narcissist Use To Control You

11 Techniques Narcissist Use To Control You

11 Techniques Narcissist Use To Control You

Narcissists are self-absorbed. They often dominate conversations, manipulate their loved ones, and engage in deceptive behaviors for profit. We try to steer clear of these disingenuous individuals, but we also fall victim to their manipulation. So, how do they accomplish this? How do narcissists control you? What techniques do they

Here are 11 Techniques Narcissist Use To Control You

1- Minimizing. 

Narcissists systematically minimize anything that makes them look or feel bad. They make excuses for their bad behavior by blaming others. They may deny outright that they have done anything destructive. Narcissists know that minimizing and procrastinating are hard for others to fight. Their minimizing reveals a double standard. When a narcissist insults or hurts another person, they hardly ever think about it again. But when a narcissist feels offended, it can feel the end of the world for him.

2- Projection.

  • Narcissists have a habit of accusing others of doing what, in fact, the narcissist is doing. For example: Narcissists who lie often will accuse you of being untrustworthy. 
  • Unreliable narcissists will claim that you are untrustworthy and that you have let them down. 
  • Reckless narcissists will say that you are the one who needs anger management. 

Narcissists tend to be unaware of such hypocrisy. They accuse in an instant, and then are satisfied with their accusations. Dropping allows them to avoid responsibility for their own dysfunctional behavior while putting others on the defensive.

3- Emotional Appeals.

Attempting to play on emotions such as fear, guilt and loyalty rather than using logic and reasoning.

Narcissists use emotional appeals to disguise false or outrageous claims. Since many narcissists tend to be Drama Kings or Queens, using over-the-top emotionality to control others comes naturally for them. For  example: How dare you question me! After all Ive done for you.

Related11 Ways Narcissists Play the Shame Game To Control You

4. Gaslighting.

When you are gaslighted, you feel uncomfortable and know something toxic has occurred, but the narcissist in your life tells you: “That didn’t happen. You imagined it. You’re crazy.” In a nutshell you’re lied to and that makes you doubt yourself. Gaslighting may be the most insidious manipulative tactic. A steady diet of doubting your ability to tell it like it really is alters your sense of reality. Your self-doubt eats away at your ability to trust yourself, and inevitably disables you from feeling justified in labeling and calling out abuse and mistreatment

5. Creating Word Salad Conflicts.

Narcissists thrive on conflict. If you ever disagree with a narcissist, want something different, or challenge them in any way, expect a word salad. These consist of circular conversations, arguments, projection, and gaslighting to disorient you and get you off track. Word salads and nonsensical conversations often erupt into arguments and are used to discredit, confuse, and frustrate you. The goal is to distract you from the main problem and make you feel guilty for having independent thoughts, opinions, and feelings that might differ from their own. In the eyes of a narcissist, you are the problem if you happen to exist and disagree in any way.

6. Smearing campaign.

Toxic narcissists will slander you and report back to your loved ones, their loved ones, and anyone who will listen. They create stories that depict you as abusive and pretend they are the victims of your abuse. They claim that you engage in the behaviors that they don’t want you to accuse them of. Even worse, they deliberately abuse you so they can use your angry reactions against you. A smear campaign sabotages your reputation and slanders your name so that you won’t have a support network to fall back on if you decide to detach and cut ties. A malignant narcissist may even stalk and harass you or the people you know as a way to “expose” the truth about you. Smearing you hides their own abusive behavior while projecting it onto you.

7. Triangulating.

Triangulation is bringing the opinion, perspective or threat of another person, or other people, into the relationship dynamic. Malignant narcissists love to triangulate their significant other with strangers, co-workers, ex-partners, friends and even family members to bolster their claims about you. “Everyone knows what you do to me.” When a narcissist changes the story so that you appear the aggressor, it validates the toxic person’s abuse. At the same time, it invalidates your reaction to abuse. Triangulation puts you on the defensive and makes it difficult for others to know what’s really going on. If you try to defend yourself too vigorously, that may also validate the other person’s claims. Triangulation can also create love triangles that leave you on the outside feeling unhinged and insecure. They also use the opinions of others (that they have influenced) to validate their point of view.

8. Bait and sugarcoating.

Narcissists'  love to mess with you. A simple comment may bait you into responding politely initially, but by the third jab it’s hard not to react. Then the narcissist feigns innocence. They use your insecurities maliciously to provoke you. After you’ve fallen for it, hook line and sinker, they’ll stand back and innocently ask whether you’re “okay” and talk about how they didn’t “mean” to agitate you. This faux innocence works to catch you off guard and make you believe that they truly didn’t intend to hurt you, until it happens so often you can’t deny the reality of their malice any longer.

9- Shaming.

Narcissists carry enormous shame, though this shame is generally outside their awareness. As a result, they tend to discharge their unpleasant feelings on those around them.

They may question others’ legitimacy. They may chide others for a less-than-perfect performance or rub a failure in another’s face. They have a knack for knocking others down a peg. The result: They feel one-up. In addition, the recipients of their shaming may feel they have to defend or explain themselves, which often gives narcissists additional ammunition for more shaming.

10- Hot and cold games.

narcissistic individuals are also known to play games. “One of the ways that narcissists try to control you is by playing manipulative hot and cold games,” “One week, they’ll flatter you to get you to do what they want, and the next week, they’ll use aggression. The negative moments are interspersed with positive ones so that you might not even realize that you’re being manipulated. The only way to defeat this is to be cautious of the flattery and positivity when it comes. Take every action with a grain of salt, and don’t let the love-bombing be a form of bribery towards you. Niceties shouldn’t be conditional.”

11. Splitting.

Also called black and white thinking or all-or-nothing thinking.
It’s the failure in a person’s thinking to bring together both positive and negative qualities of the self and others into a cohesive, realistic whole. This is exemplified in a family who has both a golden-child and scapegoat. The golden-child can do no wrong and the scapegoat is a complete burden and failure as a person.

Then narcissist does this as an attempt to stabilize their sense of self-esteem, by perceiving themselves as purely upright, admirable, or superior and others who do not conform to their will or values as purely wicked or contemptible.


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