5 Ways To Outsmart A Narcissist

5 Ways To Outsmart A Narcissist

People with Narcissistic personality disorder are attracted to compassionate and loving people, people who radiate energy and are bursting with empathy.

The more feelings a person shows, the more chances that he or she will be more attractive to a narcissist.The reason is very simple. Narcissists need their supply. They need the attention and admiration of their victims.

It is what feeds their ego and gives meaning to their lives. In other words, narcissists use their partner as a source of narcissistic supply. The fact that you are seen and perceived as a source of narcissism makes you vulnerable and easy to control. Only if you let someone treat you like shit will you appear as a victim, but if you play your moves cleverly and sneaky like they do, you will be able to beat the narcissist.

5 Ways To Outsmart A Narcissist

Experiencing a narcissistic relationship may be one of the worst things you will ever experience in your life. These people suck you dry; They steal from you all the little feelings - this is the first step to complete control of you. When they succeed, they put you in their fist. They control your emotions and thoughts.

From that moment on, you are their doll, moving where they ask you to move. At first you thought you loved them. You gave them a sea of ​​second chances despite their constant betrayal. It was because of all the manipulation tactics and guilt trips. That's what brought you back every time you decided to leave. But the truth is, you keep coming back until you hit rock bottom.
As long as you have a little power, they will find a way to lure you back into the relationship to take what you have left. When you have absolutely nothing, only then will you be able to leave.

Here's a look at some practical ways to deal with someone with narcissistic personality disorder or narcissistic tendencies — as well as some tips for when to move on.

5 Ways To Outsmart A Narcissist

1- Do not react.

'No contact' will help you immensely, you may remember the peace you experienced when the relationship first ended, and 'no contact' will bring that peace. What may not be clear at the moment is to what extent their actions and the game they ultimately play will help you recover. If you can't make a "non-contact", use the gray rocks method.

Any communication you receive and interact with is a step back. And if you can ask someone to read your emails, messages, text messages and any form of contact from the list. When you are highly alert, it is easy to be drawn into situations through fear. Fear is a great emotion, and many other emotions stem from it. This fear may come from the relationship and not understanding how to live with it or live without it, they have put themselves in a position of power and control and may have told you how lucky you were to have them in your life.

2- Disengage.

Find ways to disengage from their power games. During your relationship, you may have heard them talk about other relationships and they were always the victim. Perhaps you sympathized with them and gave them the attention they were looking for. All they need is attention and they don't care if it's good or bad it's attention. They need to be taken care of the same way a vampire needs blood to survive. It won't be fun anymore. You will be boring and unimportant. Only, you don't have to risk your brain to be left with a narcissist. You don't have to reach your lowest point to leave.

3. Setting a clear boundaries.

A person with a narcissistic personality is often self-absorbed. They may think they have the right to go where they want, to snooze on your personal stuff, or to tell you how you should feel. They may give you unsolicited advice and take credit for the things you've done. Or pressure to talk about private things in a public place. They may also have a little sense of personal space, so they tend to push a lot of boundaries. Most of the time, they don't even see them.

That's why you need to be very clear about the boundaries that matter to you. Why would the consequences matter to them? Because a person with a narcissistic personality usually starts to pay attention when things start to affect them personally. Just make sure it's not an idle threat. Only talk about the consequences if you are prepared to carry them out as stated. Otherwise, they won't believe you next time.

4 - Ignore them.

If you want to beat narcissists at their own game, ignore them! Narcissists like to ignore their victims. They manipulate you so that their love and validation is like a casino to you. You are addicted to those few moments of attention you get from them. They make you addicted to them like a drug. The sad truth of narcissistic relationships is that narcissists target people who are dying for the love, attention, and validation of someone, anyone! They take advantage of this and remind you now and then that no one wants you, that they pity you.

This further solidifies your brainwashing and even makes you fall in love with them, to the point where you can't live without them. Back to ignoring the narcissist: It might go wrong if all you do is refuse to respond to them, either in person or to their text messages. The real way to do this is to underestimate their accomplishments. Do not do what is your usual above praise and love. Keep it neutral and low key.

Read Also:    7 Things A Narcissist Does To Keep You From Leaving Them

5- Be aware of narcissists traits & their true nature.

You need to know the traits of a narcissist well enough to recognize them in the person you want to get over. Now, everyone is different, including narcissists. Therefore, they reveal different traits from each other. Typically, narcissists lack empathy, use fear to control others, cannot admit mistakes, have negative reactions to criticism, and take advantage of others.

This is where you need flexibility to be strong in your sense of self. Don't let anyone tell you anything about yourself that isn't true. Don't believe them for a moment. They trapped you in their toxic abuse because you are the type who believes in this kind of degrading behavior. Narcissists go in search of the right prey. Mentally impaired. Those who do not have a strong sense of self, or the ability to set any limits for that matter.

At the end of the day, a narcissist will never change.

The truth is that narcissists are adept at disguise. They will pull you into a magic offensive, only to show their true colors when they think they've got you where they want you. This is their true face and this is what you have to remember. A narcissist will never change.
Sure, we all act a bit narcissistic every now and then, but a true narcissist has a personality disorder that forces them to act the way they do. They have no empathy and it's all about them. They don't care who they tread on to get what they want and look their best. Even if it means breaking your heart and then making it not that important, they will.

You cannot change a narcissist. Even if you are the most perfect person on the planet, you cannot change them. They need to accept a diagnosis of NPD and get specialist treatment. For the most part, this type of therapy doesn't work well for narcissists either. This is mostly because they don't actually think there is anything wrong with them - they think there is something wrong with everyone else! So, you can try to get over a narcissist, but in the end, ask yourself why they bother you. Cut your losses and walk away.

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