6 Shocking Truths All Empaths Must Acknowledge About Narcissists

Are you an empath? Have you ever dealt with a narcissist before? Any sympathetic person can attest that the empath has a high degree of tolerance and a strong drive to help and save people. A fact that becomes more apparent due to the empath's sensitivity to the feelings of others. It is no secret that Empaths feel it is their duty to save the world. And when they are manipulated by a narcissist, this sense of obligation becomes their entire identity because the narcissist excessively playing the victim.

Anyone who has dealt with a narcissist before can confirm that they may appear charming, but manipulation, energy drain, and abuse are often part of the narcissist's dynamic. It's not a good place to be especially if you're an empath . But it is difficult to leave because of the mental and emotional gymnastics that the narcissist does to keep his victim in emotional control.

6 Shocking Truths All Empaths Must Acknowledge About Narcissists

Empaths are a narcissist's preferred source of fuel and energy because the empath can be easily manipulated by their own empathy and sensitivity. This is why so many people stay in relationships with narcissists for many years. But it is also difficult to leave these relationships because the empathetic person is unwilling to confront certain facts about themselves and the narcissist that will shatter the illusion and fantasy they created with the narcissist. 

Unfortunately, sooner or later these facts must be addressed if there is any hope for my sympathizer to get their lives back on the right track. For this reason, we've collected six truths that empaths must admit about narcissists and themselves to free themselves from the narcissists' grip.

Here're 6 Shocking Truths All Empaths Must Acknowledge About Narcissists:

1- You can't save them.

Narcissists do not want help or healing. They do not consider themselves broken. Which leads them not to ask for help at all. Narcissists think they are okay with who they are. Even if they do something, they don't really want to help you, they want your attention, love and energy to feed their ego. 

You cannot help or save someone who does not want to be helped or saved. To accept help, a person first needs to acknowledge their need for help in the first place. Then they have to decide, not only to pursue it but also accept and incorporate it. Herein lies the decision to change. When you acknowledge that you need help, it is also an acknowledgment that something needs to change, usually, something inside of you so that the outside changes as well.

Narcissists do not want change, instead, they will try everything in their power to stay steadfast on their beliefs while manipulating and molding others according to their needs and entertainment. This is why an empath cannot save a narcissist. Narcissists will never accept being rescued because they don't believe there is anything wrong with them or that they are comfortable with who they are. Therefore, they do not seek or want to be changed or saved.

2. Emotional thinking keeps you trapped.

Aaron Beck, founder of cognitive therapy, explains that emotional reasoning occurs when a person concludes that their emotional reaction to something determines their and its  reality. Any evidence observed is ignored or dismissed in favor of the supposed "truth" of their feelings. 
With emotional thinking, a person may feel the exact opposite of what is presented to him. Besides making you believe that your feelings make an idea or situation correct, the problem with emotional thinking is that it causes you to stray from facts and evidence. 

Narcissists know that empath basically works on emotion, so they get in through your emotions and make you think emotionally so you don't see the reality of the situation.“narcissists take a place in your life through your emotions,” “narcissists control and control your life through your emotions, and you have a hard time removing the narcissist from your life because of your emotions.

” Narcissist triggers or pulls emotions out of you by seeming down and complaining. They’ve had so many troubles and things happen in their life. They complain and when you meet the narcissist, this usually triggers compassion in you”

At any time, you may start thinking about facts you either know or don't know, and question the narcissist. When a narcissist detects or senses that you are interrogating him, he/she is afraid that you will discover them and trying to push you back into the emotional trap they wants you into. 
What narcissists do is they pull you back,” by saying something like, “No, no, no don’t talk to that witch,” “No, no, no, I don’t want you to meet my father.”

They pull you out of using wisdom, back on emotion. It immediately stresses the chain of empathy and you forget about wisdom. You no longer want to know facts because you have been overpowered by compassion. And from your empathy, you begin to feel narcissistic.” This is why emotional reasoning keeps you trapped in a relationship with a narcissist whether or not they are still physically with you. 

Feeling emotions isn't a bad thing, but when emotions overpower your entire thought process and don't allow you to see what's in front of you outside of them, it becomes a problem because you can be manipulated through that.

Related Article:  Why Empaths Are Easily Attracted To Narcissists

3- Narcissists are morally bankrupt.

Have you ever met someone who is morally bankrupt? If you've ever had a relationship with a narcissist, you probably have one. Narcissists are often called disturbed and morally bankrupt because they do not think or care to support what ordinary people call morality. They will also keep you on top of what they are going to do or who they will be next. This often happens when they are not getting their supplies or are trying to control you again.

According to HelpGuide, "narcissists never develop the ability to identify with other people's feelings — to put themselves in the shoes of others. In other words, they lack empathy. In many ways, they view the people in their lives as things — there to serve their needs." Narcissists are not interested in upholding morals and do not think they are important because they have never learned how to feel empathy. 

Whereas when they feel emotions, most of the emotions they feel are always feelings directed at themselves and not on others.They are selfish and arrogant, and often look down on others because they don't have the ability to feel for others so they don't care.
Because they lack understanding, narcissists see many things and people as inferior to them including their likes, needs, desires, hobbies, etc.

While avoiding compassion and emotion. Narcissists need this supply of attention, praise, admiration, and care because it prevents them from considering their own feelings of insecurity. Which they try to hide by creating a perfect image of themselves that works on the energy of others.

“They really believe that what they want, they should have. They also expect the people around them to automatically compliant with all their desires and whims. This is their only value.” Once you stop inflating their ego, you won't be of any use to them anymore.

4- They does not care about your deep thoughts.

 Empaths are deep thinkers who possess highly sophisticated views of people and the world. It's hard to find anything that makes empaths feel more alive than finding a clan spirit to share his or her unique thoughts and opinions with. 
Narcissists attract the sympathetic person through live-bombing, pretending to be enlightened and advanced in modern philosophies, but when the truth of their false beliefs is discovered, which breaks the empath's heart deeply. Even worse, once the relationship begins to deteriorate, the narcissist usually makes jokes of the empath and his or her opinions and theories.

5 - Narcissist is not your soul mate.

Your soulmate understands and connects with you in every way and on every level, bringing you a sense of peace, calm and happiness when you are around him. While soulmates may help you evolve, they are not blatantly cruel and do not use others for their own agendas. Soulmates can be anyone...a friend, family member, or even your coffee maker. The only thing to know about soulmates... they vibrate with the same energetic frequency that you vibrate and they love you unconditionally. They see you as the unique and powerful person, which makes you feel really special...even if the relationship doesn't last.

This does not describe narcissists in the least. A narcissist showers you with everything your soul loves so that you can be sure that you two are soulmates, but in reality he/she is a manipulative, nesting, cruel person who takes advantage of your feelings for his own benefit.

"Empaths don't have to become hard or hard-hearted to be able to be healthy," "It's important to recognise that not everybody needs to be in our lives. We're going to come across people who we realise might not be healthy for us, and you have to be okay with letting them go."

6- Narcissists love drama and chaos.

Shannon Thomas, therapist and author of "Healing from Hidden Abuse," said that empaths work hard for harmony, while narcissists look to do the opposite. They enjoy chaos, and love to know they can pull people's strings together. Narcissists manipulate empaths by straining them with intermittent hope. They will incorporate compliments and kindness into their behavior, making their victim believe that if they act in the right way, they will win back the loving person they once knew.
“People Empath tend to understand that we are all human, we all have flaws, and they are willing to be patient with someone else’s personal growth,” Thomas said. Empathic people will suffer for a very long time if a narcissist says 'I really want to change, knowing I'm not perfect. "They have these moments where they kind of admit they were wrong, but they never follow through or believe it." This is just a tactic narcissists use to get their partner back. 
With empaths, it is very effective, because they want to support their partner and help them grow. In the end, they are taken advantage of even more.

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