11 Reasons Why Old Soul Struggle To Find True Love

 11 Reasons Why Old Soul  Struggle To Find True Love

Old souls have a great deep wisdom and maturity. they crave purpose. They have a keen sense of intuition and are sensitive to the emotions of those around them. They find endless satisfaction in simple pleasures like as walking, reading, and simply daydreaming. Their sensitivity is a lovely quality, but it may also cause them some problems, especially when it comes to love & relationships.

Here are 11 Reasons Why Old Soul  Struggle To Find True Love

11 Reasons Why Old Soul  Struggle To Find True Love

1. They possess a strong sense of self. 

They understand who they are, which means they understand what they want and don't want in a partner, as well as what works and what doesn't. While this is excellent in terms of being able to make informed decisions, it significantly reduces their pool of options.

2. They are a hyper intuitive. 

Their hyper-intuitiveness can destroy relationships if left unchecked. Because of their great sensitivity, they are prone to overthinking, and their ability to worry and make assumptions can ruin relationships that aren't completely solid.

3. They fear.

Fear of loosing and not being good enough can sometimes get in the way of the relationship that's right in front of them. They don’t just love intensely, they feel everything else intensely, too, and sometimes, that gets in the way of the really good things in front of them.

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4. They're natural healers

Old soul are natural & tend to attract people who require assistance rather than love. And the fascination is returned. Nothing makes an old soul feel better than being able to assist someone who is actually in need. However, they must realize at some point that they must choose a partner, rather than a student or a charity case.

5. They dislike "games.

" For an old soul person, dating is inherently exhausting. Faking disinterest to appear "cool" or understanding which faux pas other people find offensive (how long after the first date do you text again?) isn't instinctual for them, and it can stress them out more than it can be "fun."

6. Old soul are frequently searching for their twin flame.

Sometimes two souls become intertwined in the river of time due to some inexplicable force or destiny, always leaning towards one another. They exist in the same time periods and always find a way to meet up, even if they aren't aware of it, and when they do, it's as if they've known each other for all eternity. It's a challenging connection to make, making it difficult for an old soul to connect with their other half.

7- Their Standards Are High

It's critical to set expectations and boundaries before entering into any relationship, but it's especially crucial for an older soul. Old souls have great expectations of themselves, thus they also have high expectations of their mate. If left unchecked, though,This can only create unmet, unrealistic expectations which will ruin any relationship.

8-They seek for vulnerability

Being vulnerable is tough for many people but for an old soul, it comes easy. They know speaking with their barriers down is a sure way to build connection and authenticity. But not everyone feels the same.
Allowing yourself to be vulnerable is scary for a lot of people. When the gesture isn't returned, an old soul will continue

9- They desire growth 

Relationships for an older soul must be more than just passionate and supportive; they must also be demanding and educate them how to improve. Someone who can point out where they're going wrong and challenge their way of thinking appeals to them greatly. However, finding such a relationship is difficult. 

10- They are free spirited

old souls have a hard time finding love because they require a mate who can accept their free spirit and let go of their need to be in charge. We place love in a cage the instant we establish control over such a transcendent experience, and every time we look at that cage, we feel guilty for remembering how free that bird once was.

11-Thy Have A baggage

Being a wise old soul has its drawbacks. Old souls may have always been a little more mature than others, but this was due to the fact that they had to find themselves at a young age. Old souls form through challenging life events, and while these challenges are beneficial for human growth, if left unresolved, they can cause problems in close relationships

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