The Sociopath-Empath-Apath-Triad (SEAT)

 The Sociopath-Empath-Apath-Triad (SEAT)

One of the most useful and important contexts in which psychopath abuse can be explained is the so-called Sociopath-Empath-Apath Triad (or SEAT for short). 

The Sociopath-Empath-Apath Triad accurately refers to the three groups of people involved in the dynamics of abusive relationships, describes a method of psychological abuse regularly used by psychopaths, sociopaths, and other toxic personalities. It involves the basic method of triangulation, which many people will be aware of, where the sociopath effectively uses other people as pawns to play against their goal or empath people.

The Sociopath-Empath-Apath-Triad (SEAT)

Through miscommunication, lies, and other manipulative tactics, a sociopath effectively turns others against their goal or at least creates a situation in which they do not publicly support the goal. This adds to the sense of isolation and helplessness that the target person can feel, especially in the work environment, where they feel that they are confronted not only with the toxic behavior of the socially impaired, but also with the indifference and moral indifference of others close to the situation.

This is a very common dynamic that adds to the gas lighting effect that's integral to how the socially vulnerable target their victims. Since the victim remains unproven and unsupported, her entire situation is often greatly increased and this unfortunately is due not only to the socially insecure but also to the vulnerability and indifference of the majority of the remaining human race who are not evil to themselves but are doing so. You don't tend to stand up to evil either.

The Empathy Trap named The Sociopathic Transaction - a scenario or situation created by a sociopath deliberately to undermine and target the sympathetic individual by recruiting active or passive support from onlookers or indifference. The sociopath is the main toxic character here and in this article we can consider it equivalent to the mentally ill as well. Personalities that fit the descriptions and definitions will easily engage in this tactic so they can be treated as the same for our purposes here. 


The sociopaths are manipulative people who live on the emotional energy of others, without feeling bad about it. They're often very sensitive, but they lack empathy. Sociopaths are used to making their way with people, and controlling it. They use people like puppets, who are like skilled chess players, who are able to predict the next movements of people in their environment. They enjoy the strong feeling that they draw from playing people against each other and nurture all sorts of other feelings, like joy, happiness, fear and sadness. And because of this, they're constantly stirring up these feelings in other people, for their own selfish purposes.

They don't feel the suffering that they inflict on others, and potential targets should understand that with sociopaths, they don't deal with people who can feel guilt, regret or shame like normal people.

Research has shown that the brains of socially impaired people work very differently, and sometimes backwards, from most people. Socially inactive people react positively to seeing others suffer. There are different theories about what makes a person socially ill, whether their lack of empathy is a biological flaw from birth or whether the condition is a consequence of early childhood trauma. The term "sociopath" is used by people who focus on social factors, while the term "mentally disturbed" is used by people who have a more biological approach.


They are very sympathetic people - often also very sensitive and intuitive - people. Their ability to feel what other people feel, empaths, are natural helpers and they have a strong moral code. They are often the heroes of any story - the people who interact, protest, protect, aid and rescue. They are the whistle-blowers and they risk everything to do the right thing. They can't stand up and do nothing, whenever people suffer. Empaths are often very emotionally expressive and respond strongly to emotional stimuli. All of this makes them vulnerable to sociopaths.

They are the intended target of the sociopath and are often high quality individuals who possess many characteristics that the socially impaired person does not have. Often they're very smart, they're sympathetic, they're ethical people, they're decent, they're strong people with principles to which they adhere. In a work environment, it is the honest, direct, conscientious, and good workers who want to do things the right way. 

They also tend to be very observant, which is why socially vulnerable people perceive them as a threat, because they will be more likely to spot and recall the unacceptable things a sociopath says or does. They will discover their contradictions and good practices in a way that others will not easily recognize. Often, they are intuitive people with a strong sense of right and wrong, and soon they discover that something is “out” of touch with the socially impaired person in terms of behavior and personality.

Related Article5 Reasons Why Empaths Attract Toxic People


The apath is the person or group of people who are, to some extent, "stuck in the middle," not mentally or morally or ethically mixed or committed in the same way as Empath. people who are not directly ill-conceived, but are not particularly sympathetic either. Empaths may consider them to be “deaf” to feelings. 

Apath is mostly concerned with running their own business and would rather give up their own power and let others make decisions, than take responsibility for themselves.However, they are not strong enough to stand up against socially impaired people or to support Empath.

Apath is often used as a toxic army or as extended weapons for the socially insane. They're unwittingly manipulated to behave like this, because they lack sensitivity and clarity and intuition.
So they're easily influenced by people who lack integrity and self-awareness, and therefore are very easily manipulated and turned against Empath by the social community.

They're usually not as intuitive and observant as empathy, so they don't monitor (or ignore) the bright red marks that sociopath will emit in terms of manipulative behavior and deception. Apaths constitute the vast majority of the 'masses' or 'crowds' of people of which most are made. They are essentially good but also passive and not particularly brave or moral in standing up against the evil they see as being perpetrated against others.

Often, a sociopath-empath-apath triad is used by poisonous characters to isolate a target in the workplace by turning a group against them in a social deal. Now that we've broadly defined the three types of people involved, we can conclude in more detail how to recruit the sociopath for the complicity of apathy in targeting a empathetic individual in what is sometimes called social transaction.

The dynamic begins when compassion feels compelled to take a stand for something unacceptable that a sociopath does. This can be one of many things but here are a few examples:
  • Humiliating comment.
  • Improper or improper conduct toward others.
  • Neglect of duty in the work environment, or simply not doing something they know is required and must be done.
  • They also breaks rules and procedures in order to get a result, which is also common in businesses to where they go to any extent to 'get results' and self-endorse with higher processes.

In both cases, it ends badly for empath, although they did the right thing in exposing something he did or said that was socially impaired. Through collusion with this process, apathy allows the sociopath to walk away from nothing, often blaming compassion for the process and making it problematic.

People who have been exposed to this kind of dynamic will be aware of the full reflection of reality and the reality that sociopaths know about, where they can somehow turn everything over on their heads and blame others for the situations they take responsibility for. In this dynamic, people will regularly find themselves apologizing for something that was clearly socially wrong in the beginning! 

This is part of the more general tactic of 'gas-lighting' that sociopath and psychopaths like to use, keeping away from one's sense of reality and perception. Twisting attitudes and shifting blame to sympathetic goals is just another way to do it.

Read Also8 Dangerous Signs Of A Dark

The Empathy Trap by Tim McGregor

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