7 Reasons Why Empaths Have A strong Connection To Animals

7 Reasons Why Empaths Have A strong Connection To Animals

"Though all people with loving hearts can feel their goodness, empaths are especially sensitive to absorbing the pure unconditional love that cats and dogs and other animal companions so generously bestow. It is very soothing for empaths to be around that love. Wild creatures exude power and grandeur, a bit of a different energy, that can be very vitalizing too. Empaths often find people difficult and harsh whereas loving animal companions nurture them."

"Judith Orloff,"author of The Empath’s Survival Guide: Life Strategies for Sensitive People.

Here're 6 Reasons Why Empaths Have A strong Connection To Animals

1- Unconditional love

Animals love in a way that needs no explanation or reason. And since they're very honest about how they feel, empaths know exactly where they stand when they're around animals.

It's not always that easy with humans, so it's natural for empaths to relax and feel comfortable around animals. With animals, there are no hidden agendas or manipulation at hand. Empaths don't need to worry about being abused their kindness and loyalty when they give it to an animal, and this just strengthens their bond.

7 Reasons Why Empaths Have A strong Connection To Animals

2- Animals Make Great Teachers

Animals teach us compassion, responsibility and patience. Some of the best qualities in anyone. Animals teach us about survival because they don't waste time worrying about what the cat next door said or making a five-year plan.

Instead, they concentrate on the present moment and what they require to survive.Animals, in addition to their survival instincts, enjoy playing, interacting with one another, and having their own distinct personalities.

Observing how they live their lives with such bravery and delight is both heartwarming and humbling, and it only serves to strengthen empaths' bonds with them by bringing out their primordial survival instincts. This bond is what allows empaths to feel as if they actually know their pets or other animals they come into contact with; it's more than simply a passing acquaintance.

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3) Animals need caring & protection.

There are animals in need all throughout the world, due to deforestation, climate change, and direct animal abuse. Even for those of us who have housepets, our natural instinct is to protect and care for them because of their frailty and size.

They're our responsibility, and they deserve to be treated with compassion and love, which empaths enjoy bestowing on others.They're no different when it comes to animals.

It's also natural for empaths to become upset when they see animals being abused or wounded since they feel their feelings so deeply.This may strengthen their motivation to aid animals wherever feasible, as well as to love and protect the ones they already have.

4) Being in the company of animals is relaxing.

Similarly to how animals in the wild require protection, empaths require their own type of protection.
Empaths can easily become overwhelmed, fatigued, or drained by the energies of others.

Through no fault of their own, a day out in a busy location can result in an extremely irritable empath. It's simply that they're so sensitive to other people's feelings, which may be exhausting.

Many empaths yearn to be greeted by a fluffy furball who is delighted to see them.They don't have to say anything, or listen to anything; they can simply be.It's the greatest type of company, and it's ideal for empaths who just want to unwind.

5- Animals are drawn to empaths.

People who are comfortable around animals or who have a calm nature tend to attract them since the animal does not feel scared and is more likely to explore.Animals can sense that an empath understands them, and there have been countless reports of empaths having animals follow them home or behave differently to them than they do to others.

A stray dog who has lived rough on the streets, for example, will be afraid of people because he may have been harmed in the past.However, when an empath goes by, they do not give off a feeling of strangeness, instead, they feel comforting, understanding, and compassionate.It is natural for a dog to be drawn to these unseen qualities, simply by picking up on a person's energy and vibrations.

Read Also:  7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

6- Bonding with animals is Supporting Mental & Physical Health

The thing is that the animals live now. They focus on what is happening at that exact moment, without worrying about what might have happened or what was in the past. And being present at that time can have the same effect on people — in particular, empaths may feel a marked decrease in their stress levels when they are near animals.

Several studies show how animals can have positive effects on: Anxiety and pain
  • Blood pressure and heart rate
  • learning
  • Public Health
  • Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
  • Cortisol levels (which contribute to stress)

Since empaths pick up on different energies easily, the effect of being around such calming forces can go a long way in making them feel less stressed or tired.
Just petting a dog could lower blood pressure, increase relaxation, and reduce stress
And let's be honest, empaths and non-empaths don't complain, and the dog definitely doesn't mind either, so it's a win-win for all.

7- Empath people-  are more sensitive to the expressions of dogs.

According to a study from the University of Helsinki, empaths do have better bonds with dogs.
The study discovered that empaths felt canine facial expressions more vividly than human expressions after looking at a variety of human and dog faces with varying expressions.
If the empath had previous experience with dogs, such as owning a puppy as a youngster, the feeling of empathy and connection was found to be stronger..

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