7 Reasons Why Empath Tend To Fall In Love With The Wrong People

7 Reasons Why Empath Tend To Fall In Love With The Wrong People 

Empaths tend to fall in love with the wrong people because they are real in what they do. Most of the time they feel things a lot and need space from their partner. They may move too quickly with their feelings, have mood swings, be afraid of intimacy, and figure out when things are going wrong. Likewise, sometimes they focus too much on their partner and their feelings and try to change them. They may even put their needs behind and hesitate to break up even if it's the right thing to do. This can negatively affect their awareness and ability to make the right decision, causing them to suffer in abusive relationships with the wrong people.

Here're 7 Reasons Why Empath Tend To Fall In Love With The Wrong People :

1- Empaths Likeemotional sponges

Everyone is influenced by the thoughts of others around them, such as the media's thoughts about what love is like, a friend's opinion, or our family model. But empaths, more than anyone else, are greatly influenced by the thoughts of others due to their sponge-like nature. Often absorbing the facts and feelings of others as their own, empaths can struggle to discern what is right for them and what is not.

Empaths are "emotional sponges," who can absorb feelings from other people very easily. This makes them them very attractive to a toxic persons like narcissists, because they see someone who will fulfill their every need in a selfless way.

2-Prioritizing partner needs

Since empaths are sensitive to the needs and feelings of others, they may tend to put people's needs before their own. Such prioritization especially with their partner in a romantic relationship can create imbalance in their relationship. They may struggle with confrontation, asserting themselves and suppressing their own needs. So, in a way, they fall into the trap of pleasing people. Such self-sacrifice may eventually lead to unconscious feelings of resentment toward the partner or make them a target for opportunists and manipulators.

3-Empaths are prone to confusion about what love is.

When an empath meets someone while dating and they feel great, charged, and even magnetic-like feelings for another, they often make the mistake of thinking that this great feeling must be a deep connection due to their intense sense of nature. They may even mistake big feelings for true love. In fact, this emotional wave is often a growing signal from their intuition to pay attention and take a closer look. Whether it is to indicate repeating unhealthy patterns and habits from their past or just to check how they are feeling, charged feelings can be a signal that things may not be what they seem.
Believing that this powerful emotion is love can lead empath to date the same type of person over and over in the name of “love,” repeating unhealthy patterns, riding an emotional roller-coaster.

Read Also:  7 Reasons Why Empaths Have A strong Connection To Animals

4- No clear boundaries. 

For many empaths, drawing boundaries at the end of their emotions and the beginning of their partner can be challenging. Since they feel the energy and emotions of those around them so clearly, it can be difficult for them to know which feelings belong to them and which ones belong to their partner. This can be quite draining. Imagine suddenly feeling overwhelmed with joy, or suddenly immersed in sadness, not being able to tell whether these feelings belong to you or those around you. In relationships, empath may take one their partner's feelings unnecessarily, and eventually, it can lead to outright exhaustion.

5. Empath loves to please and maintain harmony. 

Empaths tend to absorb the feelings of those around them. Therefore, by pleasing others and restoring harmony, they also make themselves feel better. If their partner is happy, they are happy. And if their partner seems troubled by something, they will do everything they can to fix or make up for it.Their feelings make them vulnerable to exploitation by selfish people

6. Empaths fall in love quickly

Empaths are emotional beings who can control the emotions of others. This means that they are more likely to pick up on the subtle cues that someone likes them. Since emotions are front and center in empath, they tend to fall in love quickly and deeply. The problem is that empaths think everyone is the same. Affectionate and caring. Toxic people like Narcissists pretend to be these things to attract empaths. Then, once hooked,  the narcissists begin to show their true selves. By then, it would be too late for Empath. They are already in love.

7. Empaths have a strong desire to help others 

Empaths are very sensitive people who feel someone else's pain as if it were their own. Because they can communicate on a deeper level, they instinctively want to help others. Empaths are also more likely to put their needs aside and can sometimes end up being very neglectful. They will put every ounce of their being in a relationship and do whatever is needed to help their loved ones. When empaths and manipulative person meet, the empath will sense that something is off, so they are immediately drawn to it

Related Article:  5 Reasons Why Empaths Attract Toxic People

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