10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

The Law of Vibration is real. Your energy frequency and vibration directly relate to both your thoughts and your surroundings. So if something resonates at a stronger energetic frequency than you do, that level of frequency pulls you in like a whirlpool.

For that reason, be aware of what’s going on inside you and around you. Surround yourself with what you want in life, fill your mind with positivity and purpose, send love to all those around you, and live every day with good intentions.

10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration

Here are 10 Ways To Raise Your Vibration:

1- Meditate

Meditation can shift us from a low vibration to a higher vibrational state within just a few minutes. Using mantra in meditation is a beautiful way to start to quiet the mind and move into a higher vibrational frequency.And it has been scientifically proven that meditation triggers the brain to release these neurotransmitters

2-keep journaling

Journaling will help you release whatever is nagging at your mind. Release it and let it go. No need to re-read. Put down your worries and organize your thoughts in a journal. When you experience an emotion strongly, you can draw a picture or express yourself with colored pencils. There is no “right” or “wrong” way to keep a journal. That’s the beauty of it!

3- Commit Acts of Kindness.

Practice kindness. Open doors for people. Let people go ahead of you in traffic. Do something nice for an elderly neighbor. Call or text a friend to tell them how much you appreciate them. Acts of kindness don’t have to be enormous. When done spontaneously they bring joy to both you and to your recipient.

4- Practice mindfulness.

Building awareness of yourself and your surroundings is a brilliant way to raise your positive vibrations

5- Spend Time with Positive People

When we surround ourselves with people who dim our light, it is impossible to live to our fullest potential. Many people put their feelings on autopilot. Their feelings are the reaction to what happens to them. However, they don't realize that their feelings are the cause of what happens to them.

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6- Practice Gratitude

Keep a daily gratitude journal listing everything you appreciate about yourself, your life and the world. Feeling grateful is the key to attracting more amazing things into your life.Looking through the lens of gratitude helps you to vibrate in a high frequency, and it transmutes negativity into positivity.

7- Clean up your diet

What we put into our bodies is the first step in having an abundance of energy, mental clarity, and inner serenity. Prana, or life force energy, is present in everything you consume. You will lower your vibration if you consume a lot of "dead" energy (such as meat, fried food, or processed food). Your body literally absorbs nutrients and prana from meals like locally grown, organic fruits and vegetables, which makes you feel lighter, more alive, and more bright.

8- Move Your Body.

Small amounts of physical exercise can raise your vibration. Whether it’s walking, running, swimming, spinning or practicing tai chi or yoga, physical exercise can help get you out of mental or emotional ruts and boost healthy endorphins. Any time we release stagnant energy, we feel better. The better you feel, the higher your vibration.

9- Walk in nature.

Get the body moving while you enjoy the benefit of sunshine and fresh air. Turn off your phone, or, even better, leave it at home, and shift your mood by reconnecting with Mother Nature. Bonus points if you do it barefoot.

10 - Unplug from electronic devices

Technology, screens, and social media, electronic devices emit subtle, invisible electromagnetic fields (EMFs) that can negatively impact your energy field and drain spiritual life force. To limit your exposure, use these devices for no more than two hours at a time before taking a break. At night before going to sleep, turn off all wi-fi equipment and unplug the router to prevent interference with your circadian rhythm, which can cause you to awaken less rested.

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