5 Ways Full Moon Affect On Empaths' Energy

5 Ways Full Moon Affect On  Empaths' Energy

The full moon is the lunar phase when the Moon appears fully illuminated from Earth's perspective, though there's still some dark section when there isn't a lunar eclipse. The full moon occurs after every 29.53 days. .This occurs when Earth is located between the Sun and the Moon (when the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon differ by 180°).

This means that the lunar hemisphere facing Earth – the near side – is completely sunlit and appears as an approximately circular disk. The full moon occurs roughly once a month.

Full moon has a noticeable influences on various aspects of our planet including: (Fluctuating light levels - Changing tides- Farming and fishing practices -Human reproduction especially the menstruation cycle, fertility, and birth rates -Animal migration and navigation, especially birds -
People’s moods )

Effects of the full moon on empaths

Empaths are highly sensitive people, and they tend to absorb positive and negative energies from their surroundings. One of these vibrations is the energy of the full moon, which occurs during the full moon phase. This energy affects human and animal behavior, including empathic behavior.

The Moon has a special energy frequency,linked with the element of Water: the flow of feelings and emotion, a deep dive into the rich subconscious, and the direction of your intuition.
The different phases of the moon have different effects, and because empaths are fully aware of the inner and outer energies, they feel these changes more deeply.

5 Ways Full Moon Affect On  Empaths' Energy

How Does the Full Moon Affect Empaths?

1- Empaths can't sleep during a full moon.

They are sensitive people and tend to feel the weight of the woes of the world weighing on their shoulders. They are intuitive and have a deep understanding of others As a result, empaths pick up on energhy from other people around them. And that can be overwhelming. The full moon is an energetic time for empaths because it amplifies the energy in our environment.

This can cause an empath to feel even more overwhelmed than usual, making it hard for them to get quality sleep during this time Empaths are sensitive and intuitive people closely linked to the lunar cycles. This means that they can be affected by moon’s gravitational pull on their bodies and emotions—especially during its phases of fullness.

2- Bring any shadow feelings to the surface.

When you are empath to unresolved feelings or wounds that have not yet healed, the energy of the full moon will illuminate what you are trying so hard to bury and forget. It does this by increasing the sensitivity of your senses and your reactions to these shadow feelings. 

For example, do you have unresolved anger due to childhood trauma or neglect? The energy of the full moon may create an urge to protect a child in your area that you suspect is going through a similar experience. Likewise, you may get upset with people who remind you of your abuser.

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3- Severe mood swings.

According to astrology, the Moon and the Sun are the celestial bodies associated with emotions and personality. And during the full moon, these two objects are in opposition to each other. In turn, our feelings and personality are at odds, leading to extreme mood swings.

Mood swings can be overwhelming for empaths, causing them to turn into fear, anxiety, or other negative emotions that they suppress more often. For example, watching the news of a road accident may trigger feelings of anger towards drivers. This anger may be due to your past loss of a loved one through a tragic road accident. However, did you know that these mixed feelings unblock the stagnant spiritual development of an empath, allowing them to relate to higher spiritual realities?

4- Spiritual awakening and greater manifestation.

Since you as an empath person focus on certain aspects of your life during meditation and other spiritual practices, the energy of the full moon brings with it a manifestation of these aspects. In fact, the energy of the full moon keeps you in line with your intentions. For example, at this time, empaths can focus on gratitude for their present blessings. This shift changes their vibrational state so that more of these blessings flow out

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5- High intuition and psychic abilities.

The intense spiritual energy during the full moon helps empaths to tune in to their intuition and psychic abilities. Here, empath can perform divination, oracle card readings, and diaries to rediscover their only purposes and advance their spiritual journeys.

Final Word:

As an empath, the moon loves you. You are deeply in tune with her energy, so don't be afraid. Instead, focus on carefully maintaining yourself and nourishing your inner being while you do all the deep work. Hold on and take a deep breath - this is only meant for you to grow and thrive.

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