5 Reasons Why Highly Sensitive People Are The Most Susceptible To Gaslighting

5 Reasons Why Highly Sensitive  People Are The Most Susceptible To Gaslighting

Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse that highly sensitive and empathic people are particularly susceptible to. This form of manipulation that makes the victim question their own memory, perception, and sanity. This means that by default, those who are subject to this form of psychological abuse are not able to stand up for themselves and fight back.

Gaslighting abuse can range from overt to subtle. Abusers  who may or may not be conscious of what they are doing. But the outcome is the same: The abused’s trust in their own instincts and intuition is damaged. And without their instincts and intuition to guide them through life, a person who has been abused through gaslighting can become isolated, depressed and lost.

5 Reasons Why Highly Sensitive  People Are The Most Susceptible To Gaslighting

Why are sensitive people more susceptible to gaslighting?

For highly sensitive people, gaslighting can be especially harmful because it makes them doubt their own sanity and reality, eroding their self-esteem and affecting their ability to thrive.

1- They tend to be more likely to question themselves.

And if highly sensitive lacks confidence in themselves, they are more likely to believe what the gaslighter is saying, like the convincing stories they’re telling. And since they don’t love speaking up, fear of being ridiculed or dismissed may make them less likely to say something, too, even if they sense something is wrong.

2- They tend to not trust their own intuition

Also one of the most common reasons is that they tend to not trust their own intuition, and allow an unfair or abusive situation to go on for too long. Since they have been made to feel throughout their lives that they are “overreacting” or acting in a questionable way. From a young age, they have been made to feel that there is something wrong with them by other people’s opinions. If you are a highly sensitive person, you tend to distrust yourself quickly. You may feel that your feelings are never valid.

3- HSPs tend to take things personally 

Highly sensitive people attract these kinds of gaslighters & toxic people because their empathetic nature not only takes responsibility for themselves and their actions, but it takes responsibility for the actions of the toxic person as well. Empaths always feel that whatever bad happens in the relationship it is their fault. Aslo they are also more prone to taking things personally and thinking about interpersonal challenges. When the empath sees that the other person is upset, hurt, angry, or abusive, they immediately start thinking that it is because of something they did, and they will try to do everything in their power to fix it.This makes them more likely to to fall for the deceit and manipulation of a gaslighter.

4- HSPs are Peace loving

As a highly sensitive people dislike conflicts. They do their best to avoid potentially distressing or overwhelming situations, or upsetting those around them. And have a tendency to deny your anger. Due to this, it is not likely that you would push back, challenge the gaslighter, or at least point it out when someone is crossing your boundaries.

5- Highly sensitive people are more likely to attract narcissistts

HSPs are natural caregivers, and they tend to be drawn to people who need help. Narcissists are really wounded souls, and they can be very appealing to highly sensitive people on an unconscious level. Also, HSPs are are "emotional sponges," who can absorb feelings from other people very easily. This makes them them very attractive to narcissists, because they see someone who will fulfill their every need in a selfless way.


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