How To Make The Narcissists Miserable - 8 Things They Can’t Stand

How To Make The Narcissists Miserable - 8 Things They Can’t Stand

Narcissists is extreme self-absorbed persons who ignore the needs of those around them. While everyone may show occasional narcissistic behavior, true narcissists frequently disregard others or their feelings. They also do not understand the effect that their behavior has on other people.

Narcissistic people m often like to surround themselves with people who feed into their ego. They build relationships to reinforce their ideas about themselves, even if these relationships are superficial.

How To Make The Narcissists Miserable - 8 Things They Can’t Stand

Read through this article to know how you can push a narcissist’s buttons Which helps you understand their strange and erratic behaviors. So you can  make them miserable every time you see them.

8 Things Narcissists Can’t Stand

1-Seeing you happy

Narcissists don't want to see other people thriving. In general, a narcissistic person thinks that they’re the only one in the world who deserves to be happy, because they think their reality is the only reality. If you’re feeling amazing, show off just how happy you are to make the narcissist in your life super upset.

The narcissists believes that they should be the centre of your universe. And, how dare you be happy, when the narcissist can’t be. They will do anything to take away your good feelings.

2- Setting boundaries with them.

Narcissists feel entitled to use other They hate hate boundaries, being told no  This makes it especially important to set firm boundaries with them.

Narcissists believe they are superior and feel they are better than anyone else. So they used to rely on manipulation to get what they wanted. So setting boundaries makes them feel angry and confused because their egos are so fragile that something as simple as having boundaries challenges and threatens their sense of uniqueness and provokes their fear of feeling incompetent.

3- Being Ignored.

In most cases, narcissists like to be the center of attention and want to be treated as extremely important figures. Nothing a narcissist despises more than being ignored.  This is why they may act irrationally when ignored. This is because narcissists have incredibly fragile egos (also though they seem quite large because they are overcompensating). They'll feel humiliated and lash out against you to protect themselves. They probably want to make you feel ashamed, regretful, and rattled. They want to be in control and will go to any length to keep feeling empowered.

4- Being rejected. 

Narcissists are undoubtedly self-absorbed and believe they are superior to others. They consider themselves above the rules and assume that they deserve what they want. At the same time, despite pretending that they don't care about others, they are extremely sensitive to any rejection - to the point of threatening their sense of safety.

Narcissists love attention, but hate feeling frustrated, losing control, or being criticized. This is why they often react in such highly manipulative ways. Because they can't stand the idea of ​​someone threatening their fragile ego through rejection.

Related Article: 7 Weaknesses Of The Narcissist You Should Know About

5- Public Humiliation. 

Narcissists can’t handle real or perceived public humiliation. They just can’t tolerate the threat of failure. To them, public humiliation is the ultimate form of defeat. As we all know narcissists have incredibly fragile egos. If you really want to make a narcissist miserable, point out something embarrassing in front of other people

6-Being exposed.

Exposing the narcissist and their false life causes deep anger in them. Their anger may be expressed angrily or by more discreet means such as the silent treatment or gaslighting of you. They don't like being responsible for the things they do to others because that means they have to admit that they are less than perfect. Once you stand tall and honest and things stand out in the bright light of exposure, the narcissist will wilt like a vampire does when a bright light shines on him.

7- Being Accountable.

Narcissists will gladly be responsible for the things they deem worthy, especially when it provides an opportunity to be the center of attention. However, when others place responsibility on the narcissist, the narcissist sees this as an attempt to control them.

They believe they are superior to you and that you have no right to ask them questions or expect them to respond. Instead, they will evade responsibility by stalling, changing the subject, or both. Intensify your line of inquiry and let them know you're expecting a response.

8- Insufficient Narcissistic Supply.

When a narcissist's supply, or the attention that gives them the feeling that they actually matter and exist, is low, an irritating emptiness and anxiety start to rise inside of them. And it is plain to see. You'll see a clear distinction between a narcissist's darkness and moodiness when they have access to enough narcissistic supply to satisfy their unstable and demanding egos and when they do not.

This is the most perilous area because "the narcissist you know" may turn against you or be forced to leave the area in an effort to obtain supplies they desperately need elsewhere.

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