7 Weaknesses Of The Narcissist You Should Know About

7 Weaknesses Of The Narcissist You Should Know About

Narcissistic people may like to believe that they are invincible and have everything together, but that could not be any further from the truth. These people do have frailties that all essentially stem from their huge egos, need for control and lack of confidence.

Narcissists are weak! We're talking about narcissists' weaknesses. Although narcissists act superior to others and seem unstoppable, underneath their grandiose exteriors they hide their deepest fears & weaknesses. Narcissists have a cripplingly low-self esteem, accompanied by an inability to accept their weaknesses and regulate their own feelings.

Everything they the narcissists ever do is aligned with a pervasive feeling of unworthiness that originated early as infants when they needed more love than they could generate. Being unworthy is a victim position, and victim’s show a narrow behavior pattern that can easily be seen.

7 Weaknesses Of The Narcissist You Should Know About

Despite their bravado, narcissists have several areas of weakness because of their fragile self-image. Here are 7 to consider whenever you must interact with a narcissist.

Weaknesses Of The Narcissist 

1- Narcissists often fear exposure and being wrong.

Narcissists often believe that they are above all others and that they are right. If they are wrong, they will rewrite history within their minds to escape taking any responsibility. Narcissists shift the blame to avoid being held accountable for their wrongdoings, as they perceive themselves to be perfect. To a narcissist nothing is their fault. It’s always someone else’s. They will lie after lie to protect their lies which often slowly become the narcissist's truths. they will never be to blame, they will never be the villain. Narcissists will outright lie, deny facts and evidence, they’ll falsely accuse others of doing the very things the narcissist is doing, all so the narcissist can avoid consequences for their actions.

2- An inability to remain in a relationship.

Especially a romantic one, for long. The narc tends to have hyper-unreal expectations of the other half and that will lead to the narc discarding the partner very early or the partner running away in the end for fear of abuse.

3- Hypersexual behavior. 

The narc does not commit to one partner emotionally or sexually, and even when attached or married, will date, see, or flirt with others to keep the options open.

4- An immense obsession with appearance. 

The narc spends an immense amount of effort, if not time or money, on the one source from which he or she can draw supply, such as praise or adulation from others, through physical looks. It could be the face or body, but you can be sure that he or she uses that physical trait as a means to bait and then abuse their partners.

5- Most narcissist’s are high flying “wannabees.

They enjoy cultivating a grandiose image to impress themselves, and the few that get caught up in the shiny object dazzle. Upon closer inspection, that watch is a Chinese knock off, they didn’t learn much in school, and their stories aren’t built on personal experience - instead they’re built on embellishments which only fool those that are dazzled. They leak footprints of being unauthentic.

RELATED ARTICLE: Things A Narcissist Fear the Most

6- The narcissist isn’t very brave.

They run and hide when things get tough. They act bravest when things are safe, but vanish behind their phalanx of “fixers” and volunteers that will gladly support them. It’s rooted in fear, and over projected from a place of safety, never scraping their own knuckles when effort trumps trouble. Likewise, they blame others for failures they caused. They leak surprising amounts of overreaction and never actually do what they promised in braver sounding moments

7- Fear is public humiliation. 

 Narcissists act like a prison escapee they are constantly shifting position when they hear the distant bark of the houndogs approaching. Don’t expect them to stand near anyone sick, guilty, hurt, or socially contagious. They just won’t be there for too long. A quick public profession of undying support will be quietly followed by slipping out the back kitchen window and vanishing into the dark. They leak insincerity when they make lifelong professions of love, and steadfast support.

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