The Most 5 Things That Weaken An Empath

The Most 5 Things That Weaken An Empath

Empaths tend to absorb others’ emotions, on their own expenses which typically makes them extremely caring, compassionate, and understanding people. On one hand, this is a wonderful trait, but it can create some real challenges. As it can be difficult to separate themselves from others, leading to their feeling overwhelmed, misunderstood and burned out.

For example, empaths are often pick up on negative emotions from other people and actually absorb those feelings onto themselves. They feel what others are feeling in such an intense way that they struggle to live a normal, everyday life.

Being sensitive and empathic is a strength, but it has a high cost. They are frequently labeled and characterized as needy or sluggish. Due of their gift, empaths experience stress, depression, anxiety, and sadness.
The Most 5 Things That Weaken An Empath

Here're  The Most 5 Things That Weaken An Empath:

1-Empaths have a harder time dealing with technology and EM radiation

Dr. Judith Orloff, author of The Empath’s Survival Guide, writes that Some empaths are what I call “electro-sensitives.” They get exhausted or anxious around electromagnetic energy from computers, phone wires and cell phones so it’s important for them to take technology fasts.Empaths can also feel the stress and other energy of people in texts too.

2- Excessive exposure to TV, Media

TV is full of violence, cruelty, and tragedy. While many people find television a relaxing way to unwind and disconnect from their own worlds., it is unbearable for an empath. An empath can quickly become emotionally drained just minutes into a network television show.

“As the media… is designed to get the attention of the rest of the population who do not feel deeply and have sensitive nervous systems, a sensitive person will feel emotionally bombarded, overwhelmed, and overstimulated if they consume as much media as a less sensitive person

3-Emptional Vampires.

Empaths and highly sensitive people tend to be targeted by emotional vampires due to the strength of their emotions and vibrant energy. Toxic people can easily drain empath's energy and leave them feeling emotionally exhausted. They have a parasitic quality in that they provoke emotional reactions in others and “feed off” their emotions as well as resources.

As an empath, being around an emotional vampire can cause you to feel depressed, anxious, frightened, confused and in pain. It can affect your productivity, ability to focus and your overall mental, physical and emotional well-being.

4- Conflicts.

Empaths hate annoying people. This is because they will sense the other person's feelings and experience guilt for causing others pain. This can make it difficult for empaths to resolve conflict and meet their needs. Unfortunately, this can lead to empaths being unable to hold on to themselves and establish healthy boundaries. They often tolerate bad behavior just to keep the peace.

As a highly sensitive, empaths react badly to other people being angry with them. that's why, they will often not speak up when another person treats them badly. Unfortunately, the people we interact with soon learn this about empaths and know that simply a hint of anger will shut down the argument

5. They take responsibility for things that don’t belong to them.

When you’re constantly absorbing emotional information from other people, it can be hard to know what you’re feeling from others vs. your own thoughts and emotions. This can make decisions hard, and sometimes your “feelings” lead you down the wrong path.

Do you find yourself apologizing for other people’s feelings or behavior? Not only can empaths struggle to set boundaries, but we can also take responsibility for things that aren’t ours to carry (i.e., someone else’s mistake). As a result, You can become overburdened with guilt and eventually feel resentful of those around us.

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