6 Things Narcissists Say To Get You Back

6 Things Narcissists Say To Get You Back

Did you know that there are certain things narcissists say to win you back when you've finally kicked them out of your life? Or maybe they made up fake stories to make you think you missed your chances with them and now they are hovering for you, making you think there is a window of opportunity to find true love with them. They are going to spin intricate lies to reel you back in like a fish to bait.

Narcissists rarely admit it, but all your fears about worst-case scenarios regarding your relationship with them are materializing before your very eyes. You know that constant, fuzzy feeling of tension you get in your stomach, wondering if they're lying or telling the truth? It is your intuition that can cause painful physical symptoms. However, empathetic and unconscious people sometimes get into trouble by not listening to their intuition, which is very common when they find themselves in relationships with narcissists and sociopaths.

6 Things Narcissists Say To Get You Back

Hoovering is a technique used by deceivers and narcissists to bring their victims back into a relationship with them by showing them enhanced or desirable behavior. This manipulation tactic is often used by narcissists and is used to suck a partner - or ex - back into a toxic or insecure situation, conversation, or even relationship. Thus, they are attempts by the manipulative person to establish or restore contact with someone through manipulation.” “Like suction, people can feel the urge to return to him against their will or against their interest.” It was named after the Hoover vacuum cleaner because the narcissist not only wants to pick you up again, but in the end, they will treat you like dust sucked in a broom.

In order to avoid accusing others of falsehood and without awareness, and because not every person we are in conflict with becomes a narcissist, and because the word narcissist is not a charge or a peg on which we hang our differences, narcissistic personality disorder is a mental health condition in which people have an unreasonably high sense of their own importance. They need and seek a lot of attention and want to be admired by the people around them. People with this disorder may lack the ability to understand or care about other people's feelings. But behind this mask of overconfidence, they are not sure of their self-esteem and can easily get upset at the slightest criticism.

Narcissistic personality disorder causes problems in many areas of life, such as relationships, work, school, or finances. People with narcissistic personality disorder may feel generally unhappy and disappointed when they are not given the special privileges or admiration, they think they deserve. They may find their relationships turbulent and unsatisfying, and others may not enjoy being around them.

In this article, you will learn the most common things narcissists say to get you back, as well as how to thwart a narcissist's attempts to ruthlessly manipulate your feelings and exploit you.

6 Things Narcissists Say To Get You Back

1- “I have decided to go to a therapist or marriage counselor.” 

After many punitive silences, and the rest of the psychological manipulation schemes implemented by the narcissist, when you have had enough you tell them that you can never live with them like this again as long as their behavior does not change and you give them the boot they so desperately need. They come back later, look at you with a touch of sincerity and say, "I've been thinking about what you said. And I realize you're right and I want to make our relationship work, so I decided to go to counseling."

Going to counseling is one of narcissists' favorite tricks. It is nothing more than a way to buy time. They have no intention of being honest, and in fact, they will use the opportunity to make you appear deranged, by fabricating false narratives that make you look like the abnormal, that make you think you're the one with the problems and feel lucky that the narcissist "agreed to stay with you" in Relationship despite all the troubles you cause.

2- We were broken up!" 

"I swear I'm not in love with them. It just so happened that I met them the last time I broke up with you, and now she won't leave me alone. I tried!" Or "I was only with her because I felt like you weren't there for me when I needed you." Being in a relationship with a narcissist means being prepared to be deceived. we are separated. These are just some of the many lies a narcissist will tell to cover up his infidelity. Let's face it - cheating is cheating.

Narcissists have the audacity to lie and spout tales of cheating in order to make you swallow justifications for their infidelity in hopes that you will forgive them for "just being a human who wants to find love like everyone else." It's also the perfect opportunity for them to triangulate, gaslight, and make themselves look like victims while destroying your self-esteem.

You end up explaining the situation by thinking, "They're unfaithful because I'm not desirable enough, maybe the new lover is more attractive than I am and the narcissist likes it, or I messed it up by rushing to break up with them, and now my chance at true love is slipping through my fingers." This scenario was concocted by narcissists with the sole purpose of putting you in a situation where you become afraid that you might lose them and motivate you to do everything possible in order to maintain their love for you.

3- “I knew you weren't right for me”

After your valiant efforts to absorb the narcissist's multiple attacks in order to regain control over you, the narcissist takes the initiative to "end things" by arrogantly announcing "I knew you weren't the one for me." The truth - this trick seems counterintuitive because, on the surface, it seems that the narcissist has felt the strength of your forts and has no choice but to turn the tables on you by shooting arrows of guilt and blame and making you feel that he/she is the real hero who fights to keep that faltering relationship despite all Your flaws and all the mistakes you do, and it's time to end with you... This is to make you suspicious and start wondering about the validity of your position, so the verse will turn around by chasing you and trying to justify your position and improve your image.

Read Also:  5 Mistakes To Avoid When Dealing With A Narcissist

4 - Can we just be friends?

Let's be realistic - to be friends with narcissists means to be friends - with interests (theirs, not yours). Don't fall for the "let's be friends" ploy. The narcissist makes this suggestion for one reason only. They don't want commitment, but they do want to keep you around as a backup fuel option while maintaining influence and control over your life. They know full well that it would be impossible for you to move on, let alone heal from their abuse, and they're still around. You simply cannot look at things from a different perspective while you are in the middle of a situation. The only solution is to get out of your situation... and after a while, you'll see things from a different perspective. You will learn more about yourself and what really happened in the relationship. You will feel like an awakening.
“Can we be friends?” is a staple for narcissists. No, we cannot. There is no “friends” with a narcissist

5- ‘I’m hurting so much right now

Unfortunately, many people who are in love with narcissists will fall for this scam because let's just say love is a blind and powerful force in this world. It blinds you to the fact that this man is manipulating you. They lie and deceives you. Forgiving them is a bad idea. In fact, a narcissist will show up with gifts and flowers to try to win you back. They'll start texting you the I love you messages and the sweet good morning messages you've always wanted. They will compliment you with stars. You have to be careful of these scams. In fact, if the narcissist knew this was what you wanted all along, why didn't they? that's easy. This is because they were waiting to use it in emergencies like this.

Unfortunately, the narcissist's thinking is very different from yours regarding reconciliation. Their thoughts usually center on how to repair their fragile ego by regaining a sense of ultimate power and control over you.

6- “I only love you”

Narcissists are notoriously cheating. Therefore, they often try to make it seem as if they have no control over the fact that they are “a drug addict” or “bad at being polyamorous” — they are just with these other people or doing that shady activity for “fun.” The only person they truly love is you. You are the only one who accepts them, for all their flaws, and offers them a place to go home at the end of the day; A place where they fall and helps all their worries fade away.

You always support them. They admit that they are spoiled, maybe a little crazy, but for all that they love only you. How can they not always come back to you and you are the one who scoops it all up for them? Don't they always find you waiting for them? Reality-persuasion and attractiveness are the essential features of narcissists and psychopaths. There is no doubt that you are unique and special, but a narcissist does not appreciate these things about you. What they work for is to maintain your attachment to them and take advantage of you to the fullest extent at all costs as long as in the end you will be there for them, condoning their betrayals and moral deviations in the name of love.

Related Article: 7 Things A Narcissist Does To Keep You From Leaving Them

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