7 Types of Toxic People & How to Deal with Them

7 Types of toxic people and how to deal with them

7 Types of 
Toxic People & How to Deal with Them

The toxic people can poison your life with their negativity & manipulative behaviors, so you should recognize them in order to protect yourself and to keep them away from you

What's a toxic person?

A toxic person is someone who puts negative behaviors into your life that cause you a lot of discomfort. Often times, toxic people deal with their stress and trauma in ways that do not present them in the best way and usually cause harm to others along the way.
so Dealing with such an individual can be difficult and draining,

According to  "psychcentral ", There are a clear signs that You’re Surrounded by a Toxic Person

  • You’re emotionally affected by their drama
  • You dread (or fear) being around them
  • You’re exhausted or you feel angry while you’re with them or after your interaction
  • You feel bad or ashamed about yourself
  • You’re stuck in a cycle of trying to rescue, fix or care for them.

Here are the 7 types of toxic people to watch out for:

1- Blamer person

Who used to blame you for everything about his mistakes and failure And he holds you responsible for his frustration and failure

According to an article for Nancy Cloier at psychology-today " When the blamer is projecting their bad feelings onto you, they actually believe that you are doing this to them. You are to blame for creating this bad experience inside—with intention. 

They are not playing at being deluded, but actually believe that you are the bad one and blame you for trying to make them feel this way. In their projection, they are the victim of your negative intentions. The result: They succeed in morphing their bad feelings into a bad you"

2- Bullying:

Who is willing to control every detail of your life, and want to be in charge of what you do, what you say, and even what you think.

And won’t stop trying to convince you that they are right and you should do what they say. In a relationship, this person will give you no breathing room and will constantly nag you until you are in complete alignment with them.

3- The Negativity supplier

These are the people you always find sad, negative, or pessimistic. In conversations and relationships, they can never see the positive side of things, and they tend to get everyone down with them.

And they only want your empathy, sympathy, and support–but not your advice! You offer help and solutions, but they never seem to want to fix anything. Instead, they complain and complain.

4- The Jealous

The person sees something in you or another person that makes him or her feel not good. But these feelings of imperfection arise from the negative thoughts or actions within him. Jealousy appears as a response or solution to these feelings of imperfection.

They have so much self-hate, that they cannot be happy with anyone around them. Usually their jealousy appears in the form of negative judgment, offensive criticism, or gossip.h self-loathing that they cannot be happy with anyone around them. Usually their jealousy appears in the form of negative judgment, offensive criticism, or gossip.

5- The Master lair

they routinely lie without conscience and often without reason. they lie simply because they feel like it. Lying is easy for them, and they lie without conscience or remorse. They lack respect for truth and other beings; They can lie to you because you are a tool to be used in whatever exploitation they have, simply to satisfy their own needs.

6- The Selfish person

self-absorbed, or exclusively concerned about what you're thinking, feeling, needing and wanting, instead of the thoughts, feelings, needs and desires of others." mostly take, and no give concerned excessively or exclusively with oneself : seeking or concentrating on one’s own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.

7- Passive Aggressive:

Passive-aggressive behavior is the expression of negative emotions indirectly instead of openly. A person who uses passive aggression may feel anger, resentment, or frustration, but they act malicious or indirect to show how they really feel. Like criticism, mockery and sarcasm

How to deal with Toxic people:

  1.  Surround yourself with a positive people who make you feel happy & make your life balanced
  2.  Draw strong personal boundaries that protect your self-esteem and confidence
  3. Be alerted to how they make you fell
  4. Put yourself first , and take cake of your self care activities 
  5. Do not take their bad words personally, 
  6. Do all your best to boost your self confidence, as its the first line of defense  

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