5 Things A Narcissist Will Do If You Leave

5 Things A Narcissist Will Do If You Leave

5 Things A Narcissist Will Do If You Leave

If you are involved in a relationship with a narcissist and suffer from constant abuse and manipulation, then you should know that narcissists - they will turn on magic to hide the fact that they are manipulating you and they will take you to hell and back with them. However, you can escape from them and it will be easier if you know the methods they use to prevent you from leaving.

Information is key, and if you can learn about certain practices, you can avoid falling victim to them and avoid them.

These are the usual tricks they use to keep you attached to them

1. They will try to get you back

So imagine that you were able to separate from the narcissist. I avoided all forms of contact. And you decide to rebuild yourself and only when you think things are okay, suddenly a narcissist appears unexpectedly. He will wait until something bad happens to you and send you a message offering support and help He might also send you a tragic message telling you that he cannot find happiness without you.

But this is just a spider's way of luring you back into its web. They know your weaknesses. They will target them properly since they know they can get you, so don't give them a chance. Remember, they don't really care about your happiness. They just want to take advantage of you as much as possible before leaving you and looking for a new victim.

2. Intermittent reinforcement tactics

When you start dating a narcissist, they'll treat you as if you are the one who cares about them more than anyone else in the world and they'll do it so well that you fall in love with them. And when things go wrong, he'll stir all of this up so he can bring you back again. 

Like you are a puppy that is treated really badly most of the time but is rewarded with some petting and nice food sometimes. It will still love his owner and endure abuse for the good few times.

In this case, you are that pup. A narcissist will kick you all the time but sometimes, he will treat you with some love and you will fall in love with him. It really works for people who don't have much confidence in themselves. So if a narcissist does this to you, don't ignore the memories of the abuse. Just pack and leave.

3. They swear they will change for the better

Once you are able to let him go, he will wait a while for things to calm down, before calling you and letting you know that he is getting professional help to improve his behavior.

Now they run the strings of your heart and show you all the good that you have tried for so long to see in them. But remember, these are all lies. Narcissists are masters of manipulation and know this technique works well

4. Appeal to the role of the sympathetic savior in you

They might tell you that his partner is abusing him and needs help getting out. There might be a fake suicide attempt, or some difficult situation that only you can save from them, etc. It's a very good tactic because it's a win-win situation. 

You can offer help but it just means that they get you back into the sinister relationship that took so long to get out of it. If you don't rush to stand by them, you will still feel like a horrible human being because you dumped them when they needed you. 

You will feel as though they came to you only because they care so much about you and cannot live without you. But really, beware of this tactic because it is much deeper than you think.

5.The smear campaign 

Many are forced to revert to their former narcissist just to show the world that they are not bad people. This happens because of all the false stories that narcissists post after they abandon them. 

You should be careful if the narcissist generally knows people close to you because they will tell them tales to make them believe that you are the devil incarnate. 

When a narcissist cannot control you He will continue spreading lies until you find yourself in a position where you have to reach for them to fix your place in society. The goal is to beg them to get you back even though it took a lot of your strength to leave them in the end.

So don't get discouraged. Your true friends will be there for you because they know what you really had to go through

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