7 Things The Narcissist Fear Most

7 Things The Narcissist Fear Most

7 Things The Narcissist Fear Most

Narcissists like to pretend to be very powerful beings, who know everything and can never be harmed, but behind this mask of overconfidence lies a fragile self-esteem that is vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” These people are very fragile, with extremely low self-esteem. It seems obvious then, that there are many things that really scare them.

Here are just seven of those things:

1- Insults.

Narcissists are hypersensitive to insults, and the mere thought of being verbally abused can be a source of great fear for them. Excessive sensitivity means that they suffer more from the "sting" of insult than the average person. While the average person may be hurt and saddened by the insult, they will likely get over it in a matter of days or even hours.

On the other hand, narcissists will feel the insults as a crushing blow to their already fragile self-esteem, and they will outgrow it and take it for weeks on end. They may even never get over it (depending on the offense), or even plan some kind of revenge in response to the person who insulted them. Another phenomenon that occurs with narcissists is that they sometimes imagine insults where there are no insults. These people are so insecure and paranoid that their minds will actually create insults when someone just makes an innocent comment on them. This level of paranoia shows how much narcissists really are afraid of humiliation.

2- Shame.

The other thing narcissists really fear is shame. They really value their position in society, and like to think that people value them. But it's an interesting point to make narcissists fear shame, not guilt. Guilt could mean that he feels bad about hurting someone's feelings, or doing the wrong thing. It is widely accepted that true narcissists are incapable of feeling these emotions, because they find it impossible to put themselves in the shoes of others.

Shame is more difficult for narcissists, as this implies that they are being singled out by their community or friends and given lower status. Shamed people are sometimes ostracized or even banished from society. Because narcissists value their pride and position in society, savoring the bitter sense of shame and wounded ego can be one of the most harrowing experiences for them.

3. Rejection.

A narcissist usually wears a mask so that he can be accepted and liked by others. They will not admit that a person can be alienated from his selfish character. If someone decides to leave the narcissist's life, the latter will take it personally and will definitely try to get the other person back.

However, if they don't work out, they will likely start slandering their ex-boyfriend. The reason for such behavior is that behind the false narcissistic attitude lies a small soul that is afraid and terrified that it is not good enough, but they will never say it in public. They will likely do whatever it takes to preserve their reputation.

4- Not Being admired from others.

Narcissists thrive on the admiration of others. Without other people, they are nothing. This is why one of narcissists' biggest fears is their complete lack of admiration for others. It's not quite as scary as being shamed by others, but it's pretty close.

Some people don't mind feeling invisible. They are perfectly fine to walk down the hallways or the street without anyone noticing. But for narcissists, even the thought of this happening is a nightmare for them. This feeling of insignificance and insignificance is what frightens narcissists so much. For this reason, they will often try very hard to place themselves in important roles (imagined or otherwise) in society, in order to avoid this frightful fate. Admiration from others is the source of the narcissist's strength in their minds, without which they are nothing. This lack of power is what frightens narcissists so much.

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5. Feeling remorse.

Another key characteristic of narcissism is the inability to feel remorse. Not only can they not feel remorse, but they strongly refuse to show remorse. This strong rejection of the concept of feeling bad about hurting others is indicative of a very deep fear. It is a complete denial of remorse. Why are they so afraid of regret? it is easy. For them, remorse is a feature of vulnerability. Regret, for them, shows weakness and emotional vulnerability. The feeling of regret is to open up to this weakness.

Regret is also, in its simplest form, acceptance of a mistake. And for proud and arrogant individuals like narcissists, this may be out of the question. More than that - it can be a major source of fear. Regret is also a way to apologize, and this is also unthinkable for people who inflate themselves with narcissistic traits.

6. Exposure. 

Exposing the narcissist and their false life causes deep anger in them. Their anger may be expressed in a rage or by more discreet means such as the silent treatment or gaslighting of you. They do not like to be responsible for the things they do to others, as this means that they have to admit that they are less than perfect.

It also means that they have to acknowledge the humanity of another person, which they cannot do. Narcissists are fully aware of their flaws, but only on a subconscious level, and the way they handle this is to project their flaws on you. So the narcissist may tell you that you are the narcissist, or that you are the abuser. They are also good at getting others to align against you, and these people become their flying monkeys. They will accuse you of doing the things they did themselves and everyone will believe them, not you.

7. Feeling gratitude.

Another feeling that narcissists reject and fear is gratitude. Gratitude, like regret, is another emotion seen as a sign of weakness by narcissistic people. For the narcissist, gratitude means giving others power over yourself. It is accepting that you owe something to someone. It also forces you to accept the fact that you may need someone else's help. For narcissistic people, they think of themselves as extremely powerful beings who are superior to others.

Accepting someone else doing something so precious to them makes them crumble to the ground. The idea that someone else gave them something they needed not only puts them on the same level as others but also makes them feel weaker, or at the bottom of the social ladder. This is one of the greatest fears of a narcissistic person

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