The 5 Biggest Weaknesses Of Narcissists

The 5 Biggest Weaknesses Of Narcissists

The 5 Biggest Weaknesses Of Narcissists 

Narcissists people may like to believe that they are invincible and have everything together, but that could not be any further from the truth. These people do have frailties that all essentially stem from their huge egos, need for control and lack of confidence.

Narcissists are weak! We're talking about narcissists' weaknesses. Although narcissists act superior to others and seem unstoppable, underneath their grandiose exteriors they hide their deepest fears & weaknesses

Here are 5 weaknesses to look for in a narcissist

1- Admiration suckers

Narcissists need to be admired by their partners and every day should be a "praise feast." When they notice that a partner's interest in them or enthusiasm for them wanes, they become desperate to regain their affection. They might buy expensive gifts, or engage in romantic "grand gestures," whatever it takes to get their partner to put them back on a pedestal.

When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you will realize early on that little things can drive the narcissist into a state of anxiety and fear of a relationship that is failing. Being late for a date, having to go to work early, hanging out with your friends, or forgetting to put on an outfit that the narcissist wants you to wear can be interpreted as deliberate acts of disrespect toward the narcissist.

Narcissists view partners as rewards. They also tend to expect partners to show high levels of respect and adoration - long after the early "breakdown" phase of the relationship has ended. Partner manipulation is emotional abuse and narcissists resort to some pretty bad behavior if they feel they are losing their grip on a partner.

2- The narcissist is not very brave. 

They run and hide when the going gets tough. They act bravely when things are safe, but hide behind their battalion of "middlemen" and volunteers who will gladly support them. He is rooted in fear, exaggeratedly dropped from a place of safety, never letting go of his knuckles when effort overcomes trouble. Likewise, they blame others for the failures they have caused. They spill surprising amounts of overreaction and never do what they promised in their bravest moments.

3- Fear of loneliness

In addition to being one of the narcissist's greatest weaknesses, loneliness is also their greatest fear. This is because, to be a narcissist he needs victims. They are like predators looking for prey to feed on. Without them, they would die of hunger and loneliness, as they had no one to serve as sustenance to feed their ego. With a narcissistic personality, face-to-face confrontations and arguments are not worth it. However, narcissists often act as if they don't need anyone. But this is a facade, because narcissists do not like to appear weak. So they live in fear of being abandoned. This is why they are often possessed.

Read Also: 7 Things The Narcissist Fear Most


Rejection in any form is a narcissist's worst fear. Rejection leads to what they do every day to hide from others and from themselves: feelings of inferiority and inability to love. Narcissists experience any kind of rejection — personal, social, or professional — as depressing and destabilizing. Whereas healthy people will pick themselves up and eventually try again after rejection, narcissists resort to all kinds of devious rational means and bitter revenge to regain a sense of control.

Narcissists usually prepare for their lives to play the role of rejection and will try to get rid of others before they turn away first. But if they refuse, they will use all their tactics, from guilt trips, to grand promises and temptations, to power maneuvers, to threats and revenge. For example, a rejected narcissistic spouse may struggle for child custody not because they care about the children but as a way to "win" and hurt their ex.

5- Humiliation 

Being simultaneously hypersensitive and condescending, narcissists have unrealistic expectations and are threatened even by small, pointless insults that others may easily overlook. Feeling embarrassed or humiliated is painful for anyone, but a narcissist's emotional instability and a compensatory sense of superiority outside the charts cause them to react especially to those feelings. To avoid such feelings, narcissists often preemptively insult the people around them to gain the upper hand. And they compete compulsively, even over ridiculously trivial things


For those of us who have narcissists in our lives, knowing all of this can be liberating. Understanding narcissists' fear of looking bad can help us empathize with their transgressions and lack of empathy.

Recognizing their horror of unmasking can help us understand why they are irritated by milder events. Understanding their fear of being seen as normal may help explain their inability to meet others on an equal playing field or to seek win-win solutions. 

However, empathizing with and understanding narcissists does not detract from our responsibility to protect ourselves from narcissistic manipulation and abuse.

When you interact with narcissists, ask yourself about the costs. Consider whether these costs are worth spending a minute too much around an unhealthy narcissist. Narcissists will always find others to feed their ego. You don't have to be the meal. Your time, attention, presence, emotional health, and self-esteem are precious gifts. Give them wisely.

Related: 10 Things Narcissist Fear Most

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