7 Common Thing Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

It’s extremely difficult to even get to the stage of establishing no contact with the narcissist and even maintain it. Because you still have terrible feelings of losing someone, and a life you poured your heart and soul to. 

Besides a lot of messy thoughts in our minds about what the future will be after this relationship, what are they going to do next? Do they miss me, and will they try and win me back? Have they found a new target already and completely forgotten about me? Will they take revenge on me for leaving them?

Besides, we all know how manipulative narcissists are and what all kinds of tactics they want to use just to suck you back into their abusive, vicious cycle.

7 Common Thing Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

We know logically what the right thing to do if he comes back (staying no contact and ignoring him and giving him absolutely no reason to talk to you and go on with our lives), but in reality, we find ourselves feeling so shocked, hurt, empty, lonely and confused that we may doubt our ability to do Doing the right thing or making the right decision for us when the narcissist does “something” or when we are overwhelmed by a strong sense of hopelessness.

It is very painful to live in fear of what a narcissist might do next. You have been in similar situations with him before. Unfortunately, if you think that everything is over and you got rid of it forever, then you are completely wrong. He's back, doing crazier things than before. Therefore, even after you have lost contact with him, you still live in fear of him coming back, trying to lure you back and hurt you again. Once you go no contact, you'll feel worse than before. You will feel like a heroin addict struggling to quit this addiction.

How does a narcissist feel while you go no contact?

Narcissists are like a drug addict in the sense that they are addicted to attention, admiration, praise, and control of others—the narcissistic supply as it is called in psychology. While you were with them, you were their narcissistic supply, and now that you are robbed of them, they are frustrated and anxious. They want to restore their narcissistic supply source. They feel challenged and want to prove themselves by forcing you to come back to them.

Will the narcissist return after no contact? 

In most cases, the answer is yes, if you let them. It is important to them that if a breakup occurs, they are the ones to initiate it. What's even more worrying is that they may seek revenge because ignoring them is one of the worst things you can do to a narcissist.

The other question is how long you last in a no contact phase? 

A phase of "no contact" is not a temporary thing you do for two weeks or a month - it's a final, irreversible decision. If a narcissist has a way of communicating with you, they will continue to eavesdrop on you and stalk or stalk you for years to come. This is why it is so essential that you heal yourself first so that you can stay strong and resist the temptations to come back into them.

Do narcissists miss their ex after no contact? 

If you are thinking that the narcissist really misses you. The answer is yes, they do but not in the way you would like them to do. As we explained above, you were their narcissist's supply of love, admiration, and praise. Now you left, there is a sense of emptiness and dissatisfaction. At this point, the narcissist is eager to fill that empty space, which is why they keep calling you. But unfortunately, that doesn't mean that he really loves you or misses you the way most people understand.

So. What are the most common things a narcissist can do when you go no contact. Surprisingly, most narcissists act in very similar ways, so I'm going to show you the 7 most common things a narcissist do when you go no contact. But here’s the good news. If you take the time to understand how all that works, understand the patterns, understand the behaviors, and know what to expect, you might get through it a little easier. That’s exactly what we’re talking about in today’s article. So let’s get started.

7 Common Thing Narcissists Do When You Go No Contact

1. Launching smear campaigns: 

The first thing a narcissist does when you go no contact with them is launch smear campaigns against you. Narcissists hate rejection and can't handle rejection of any kind. So by cutting off their narcissistic supply and not connecting, the narcissist feels rejected, tarnishing your reputation with other people and making you look like a bad person. They will tell everyone around you about how awful you are, they will lie, they will gossip, and they will make up all kinds of untrue stories, just to make people believe the victim role they are playing and gain their sympathy.

2. The narcissist will contact you about random things. 

Narcissists will do whatever it takes just to check if you are still addicted. They will make up flimsy reasons and will ask you for unimportant things just to be more present in your life. Narcissists do not like to lose, and they will not come to terms with the fact that you have ignored or rejected them. They will not give up their narcissistic supply so easily. 

You have to stay strong in these situations because they will come back and ask questions or indicate that they are dating someone else when in reality they are not. The narcissist will do this to see if they will provoke you and if they can elicit a reaction from you. And if he can get a reaction from you, then the narcissist knows that you are still addicted to him and that he has a chance to get back into your life.

You mustn’t react to these provocations. Don’t engage and maintain no contact because if you do, you’ll find yourself seeking answers, trying to get him to take responsibility and the result of all of this will be you getting hurt once again.

Read Also: 7 Things A Narcissist Does To Keep You From Leaving Them

3. Fake apology: 

The narcissist will send you gifts, Whats App messages, emails, or even call you pretending to take responsibility and promising change, showing how sorry they are. Don't fall into this trap. A narcissist will do almost anything to get you back into the cycle of abuse. Narcissists only pretend to be accepting and conciliation, and they will lead long, deep conversations with you and try to figure out what went wrong in their life to get them to act the way they do. Don't fall in love with these classic narcissistic tactics and lies. The narcissist says this only to make you think that he has changed so that he can regain control over you.

It can be hard to resist because you think that the narcissist has changed in the end, especially since there is a feeling deep inside you that you want to believe. But once you believe the narcissist's lies, you'll be back to square one, once again in the cycle of abuse.

4. Declaring that he/she is the one who has ended his relationship. 

with you: You may have learned this from his Facebook status or the fact that he deleted all your photos from social media. they may pass the information on to your friends until you find out from them. Either way, it can really shock you because you're the one who needed to escape and disconnect, not them. It may seem fabricated and naive, but it may negatively affect your state of mind, and you may be tempted to take them back and get attached to them more than before. 

The only solution to this situation is to stick together and not go into any discussions with him. Find someone who loves and cares for you - your family or friends - and talk to them. Feelings of abandonment and loss will go away with time, especially when you have supportive relationships.

5. Stalking:

When you go no contact with a narcissist, this is very common. A narcissist will follow you everywhere you go when you stop contacting them. narcissists are very persistent with their victims, and will not leave you easily because they are obsessed with the constant flow of supplies you used to give them. The narcissist will view Your decision to go no contact as abandonment, rather than as a way to secure your peace and sanity and heal from their abuse. It is a game for narcissists. It's all about winning, power and control.

6. The Guilt trips: 

Be prepared for the narcissist to frustrate you by exploiting your empathy by playing the victim. The narcissist will lie and say that he has lost his job or that he is a patient in the hospital dying of cancer...etc. If a narcissists can make you feel sorry for him, then they knows they still have a chance. The narcissist knows that you are a empath person by nature and it is difficult for you to resist not helping someone you once loved, even if that person treats you poorly. That is one of the reasons why empaths attract narcissists, due to their energy and their willingness to help others. Narcissists exploit that. Narcissists will take advantage of this in any way they can.

7.Intimidation and Threats: Instilling Fear

When narcissists feel threatened by your independence, they may resort to intimidation and threats. This can involve stalking, harassment, or even physical violence. It is essential to prioritize your safety and seek support from friends, family, or professional resources to navigate these difficult situations.

Final word

Going no contact with a narcissist is a brave decision, but it can be accompanied by various challenging experiences. It is vital to recognize and prepare for the common behavior's narcissists may exhibit during this period. By understanding their tactics, you can protect yourself, prioritize your well-being, and ultimately break free from their toxic influence. Remember, you deserve happiness and healthy relationships. Stay strong and seek the support you need to heal and move forward.

Related Article: 5 Safety Steps To Get Out Of An Abusive Relationship

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