5 Unique Signs You Are An Old Soul

5 Unique Signs You Are An Old Soul 

An Old Soul is a person who feels much older than their age reflects. This feeling is often accompanied by the gift of empathy, high intelligence, intuition, and keen insight into the human condition. Old soul is more understanding of the world than others and is wise beyond their years.

To be in a relationship with an old soul, you will find a lot of contradictions. They can value commitment and stability but at the same time they’re thirsty for freedom and change.

They look at life through a compendium of experiences they may not have had, but somehow they seem to know. So, if you ever feel as if you've lived before, and have a wealth of wisdom you can't explain, you've probably been reborn - - Or maybe you're just an old soul! 

5 Unique Signs You Are An Old Soul

Here are some unique signs to help you tell if you're an old soul.

1- They Are Highly Intuitive.

Many old soul feel like  knowing everyone's "truth" is actually curse. They can see deep into the hearts & minds of people & the truth isn’t always convenient.

As an old soul, when you give advice it can come from a place of inner-knowing. You are adept at interacting with a wide variety of people, from different walks of life and age groups.You may find that you have a natural knowledge that seemingly comes from nowhere. You are often an over-thinker, but are able to deconstruct and put information back together

2- High Spirituality.

For old souls, there’s a vast difference between religiosity and spirituality. Being religious means adopting or following the beliefs, doctrines and rituals of a particular religion. Being spiritual has no connection with any particular religion, but one who has a direct and personal relationship with with God, if you want to use that term.

Also, many old souls will find that psychic ability comes as naturally as breathing. They stumble into metaphysics through following this natural desire to learn more, and see beyond what we take as reality. You may also feel that you are here on Earth to fulfill a specific mission, and bring forth wisdom.

3-They feel connected to the past.

A person with an old soul tends to feel connected to the past. As An old soul person, you look to your past and the lives of others To learn about the world, . You have a special connection to people who are older than you, and you value the expertise, skills, and information you have acquired from them through the years.

You find history fascinating. You yearn to live in a time when things were easier and connections were made more via personal relationships than through technology. You also wish to spend your life in this manner.

4-They need an energy rejuvenation.

Old soul people get exhausted around people quite easily. So they feel like they need a both  body, mind, and soul need rest. As an old you ,from time to time, you like going somewhere different, where no one knows you, and you like to rejuvenate your energy with the unknown or with nature.

This can mean visiting foreign nations or going on camping excursions in the wilderness for you. Or perhaps just spending the day at home by yourself.

When the time is right, you know how to refresh, which typically entail involves being alone. It’s not that you are anti-social or don’t want to see people, but you draw much of your own energy from your own company and need to recharge that way as well


5-They are Contemplative.

Do you frequently find yourself thinking deeply? Do you frequently ponder life and yourself?

Old souls tend to be deeply introspective, wondering how they can improve themselves and if they’re living the best life that they can. You accept accountability for your actions, , which is why when faced with a decision, you’d be more willing to step back and give it some thought before acting on anything.

Read Also:  12 Types Of Empaths, Find Who You Are

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