Can An Empath Become A Narcissist?

 Can an empath become a narcissist?

Emapths and Narcissists are two opposite sides of a coin, While people with narcissistic personality disorder have no empathy, and thrive on the need for admiration, empaths are very sensitive and attuned to the feelings of others.

Empaths despite being physically, emotionally, or verbally - exploited and abused -  that makes them emotionally draining and may resort to insensitive and self-serving behaviors. But they are not narcissists because at their core they are still empathetic and loving. They are so traumatized that they think they have to hurt others before someone can hurt them.  But these are symptoms of PTSD, not narcissism. This is not the nature of that person. This is an empathic person suffering a temporary illness, a reactive illness.

Can An Empath Become A Narcissist?

Examining the early relationships between one of each is the greatest way to see the truly profound differences between a narcissist and an empath. The assumption here is that the empath is emotionally stable. This too will be a condensed version. Please refrain from claiming that these instances are false 99% of the time. That has no bearing on the activity:

  • An empath gives, the narcissist takes
  • An empath tell the truth, the narcissist lies
  • An empath nurtures, the narcissist manipulates
  • An empath is faithful, the narcissist cheats
  • An empath forgives, the narcissist seeks revenge
  • An empath empathizes, the narcissist condemns
  • An empath communicates their feelings, the narcissist stone walls or uses the silent treatment

Also the narcissist manipulate empaths by gaslighting, projecting & others mind games . Although the empath is honest and does her best to portray the narcissist in the best possible light, Empath may discuss relationship issues with a friend honestly . The narcissist uses outlandish lies and false accusations to defame the empath in front of his flying monkeys. By attributing to the narcissist sympathetic qualities and presuming that they mean no harm, the empath justifies the narcissist's actions. The narcissist falsely believes that the empath is filled with rage against him and wants to do him the most harm (apropos of nothing). The empath communicates with the narcissist in the most direct, truthful manner possible and wishes for problems to be resolved. The narcissist strives to avoid conversation through lying, gaslighting, and engaging in pointless arguments.

There is no reason to blur the lines between a narcissist and an empath because they are vastly different. They exist on opposite ends of the spectrum. Narcissism being incredibly cold and callous whereas the empath is kind and caring.

Empaths will never be narcissists simply because they are empathetic. They may exhibit some of their behaviors. But almost always they act in this way because they are hurt & trying to protect themselves from further injury.

The fact that you are contemplating whether or not you’re a narcissist or toxic also shows that you may be an empath. Because a narcissist is incapable of self reflection & responsibility. They will always find some way to deflect the blame.

They are not similar. Empathy and narcissism are opposite ends of an empathy spectrum and opposite ends of a narcissism spectrum.

Narcissists are not empathetic. An empath cannot become a narcissist, at least not without acquiring brain damage of some sort. The brain damage from a relationship with a narcissist heals, so it would have to be some other type.

Read Also:  5 Painful Truths Empaths Must Eventually Face In Relationship With Narcissists

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