7 Surprising Signs That You Are A True Intuitive Empath

7 Surprising Signs That You Are A True Intuitive Empath

Everyone (whether empath or non empath) has the ability to tap into their intuition, although I believe empaths are arguably more intuitive than the average person because empaths tend to ‘feel' their way through situations, problems and life in general whereas people who are not high on the empathy spectrum base decisions more on logic, reasoning and experience.

7 Surprising Signs That You Are A True Intuitive Empath

You might know that you’re highly sensitive, but that doesn’t necessarily make you an empath. There’s a key difference in being sensitive to others’ emotions and being an empath, According to Dr. Judith Orloff who literally wrote the book on being an empath, The Empath’s Survival Guide. She wrote,

“Being empathetic is when your heart goes out to somebody when they feel joy or sadness, but being an empath means you can actually feel their happiness or anxiety in your own body.”

The intuitive empaths are those who experience life with extraordinary perceptions, they learned to recognize, discern and cultivate that inner voice that provides guidance often in the form of impulses, feelings, dreams (or other signs), and which helps lay out the pathway for decision-making and general direction in life (including recognizing people who are healthy vs toxic).

Some believe intuitive empathy is a powerful gift that may come with its own unique challenges.

While all empaths have many common traits, there are signs that point to one specific kind of empath that you possibly are and these are the signs you are, indeed, an intuitive empath .Here are 7 signs you could be. 

7 Signs You’re an Intuitive Empath

1-You understanding other people easily

While many people struggle with deeply understanding what others are truly about, intuitive empath do that easily. It’s natural for them to realize where other people come from and putting themselves in other people’s shoes is an easy task for them.

As an intuitive empath, you’re able to comprehend other people's emotions and experiences on a higher level, you’re also able to apply those things to your own being and figure out their exact position in life, even when they don’t tell you much.

2-You have Premonitions About the Future.

Intuitive empaths often have premonitions about the future while either awake or asleep. Since you’re able to knows what someone is going to say long before they say it or has a deeper intuition when something is going to happen without knowing how, you might be an intuitive empath.

It’s not just intuiting foregone conclusions. An intuitive empath has an inner knowing that defies all logic. It’s an innate gift that pairs well with your deep sensitivity.

3. You easily spot liars.

One of the most interesting things that you should know about an Intuitive empaths is that they are human lie detectors. They are always so good at figuring out whether you’re being honest with them or not. Intuitive empaths is always going to be able to tell whenever you’re trying to pull a fast one over on them.

As intuitive empath, even little white lies don’t pass the sniff test with you, and this can be hard when your feelings are involved. Maybe sometimes you want to believe the person in front of you as good as he pretends to be … but you just can’t. You see the truth, and nothing gets by you.

Related Article:  12 Types Of Empaths, Find Who You Are

4- You Are A problem solver.

Because you are driven to help others, as intuitive empath you develop the knack of finding a way to do it regardless of the obstacles. This is strengthened by your natural positivity and enthusiasm for life. 

What helps you figure things out quickly is your empathic abilities which is why you see a clear path to an effective solution faster than others. 

Contrary to the common misconception, sensitive people are highly self-involved and don't seem to find a way to deal with the "real world" and difficulties of life, they take great pleasure in helping others solve problems and ultimately thrive. "

5- Despite your experiences, you maintain your optimism.

The wonderful thing about intuitive empaths is that even though life can be difficult and overwhelming, they never lose hope. It's intriguing.

Intuitive empaths are able to process the experience and continue to see the positive side of life, when many individuals would fall under the weight of all these emotions.

It truly is a gift. Despite how much of the worst they’ve seen or predicted., intuitive empaths are not simply resilient; they also really see the best in people and the world around them.

6. You Have a Powerful Creative Side.

Possessing a strong creative side is another indication that you can be an intuitive empath. It makes no difference how that creativity shows up.

You can be the most creative employee at your company or a talented artist or writer. You sense the emotions of others and use all the input you can to create beautiful things. You can be fairly artistic or even choose art as your profession

As highly imaginative people, intuitive empaths naturally extends into the creative realm. Because of how vivid your inner and dream worlds are, you'll probably discover a creative outlet.

Even though you haven't yet used your strong creative side, you're probably drawn to music, art, or other forms of similar medium. You've probably had the need to try it out, even if you haven't yet.

7. You Have a Meaningful and Important Career.

Because they are compassionate and have a desire to help others, intuitive empaths choose career paths that are meaningful. For instance, many go on to become educators, life coaches, or mentors.

Since the intuitive empath has a great love for the natural world and its beauty, it is common to see them working in an environment that allows them to be at peace.

It is very possible that you have a deep love of nature if you are an intuitive empath. Even less important is having a job that enables you to pursue your interests.

You can also choose to do volunteer work, such as helping with beach clean-ups and other things to preserve and protect nature.

Many intuitive empaths find themselves becoming activists. As they want to be the voices for those who are unable to speak for themselves.

Read Also: 5 Unique Signs You Are An Old Soul 

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