9 Things Narcissists Don't Do

9 Things Narcissists Don't Do

Narcissistic people are extremely egotistic, with an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, have fantasies of unlimited success and brilliance, expect special treatment, like to exploit others, lack empathy, are filled with envy, expect people to envy them.
It’s the most prominent sign that you have met a narcissist. But sometimes, you can also recognize them by the things narcissists don't do.

9 Things Narcissists Don't Do

9 Things Narcissists Don't Do.

1. They never show who they really are.

This is one of the many things a narcissist will never do. Narcissists are very elusive and manipulative people, which is why they will never show who they really are when you first meet them. They will hide behind a fake face to carry out their game and slowly master the process of tricking you into thinking they are the best people you will ever met. 

They will manipulate you into thinking they are good and kind people and put your best interest above all else. Sadly, you won't be able to see the truth about them until it's too late and their lies and charm will tempt you completely.

2. Prioritize the needs of someone else over their own wants.

The world should revolve around them, their dreams and needs should be given absolute priority and should be justified and make sense, and if you go out of context they will accuse you of being a “selfish” person because you are pursuing any of your own needs. Your attention and focus is no longer entirely on them, so you wiull be balmed and being guilt tripped.

They will question everything you do for yourself, even feeling insulted, the time you ask for reciprocity or demand your rights. You will find them denying you the right to meet your psychological, emotional and material needs. You will find them denying you the right to meet your needs. You will find their souls so full of envy and revenge, that they become filled with utter joy when witnessing you suffering/struggling. They will prefer to leave you hanging, and then step in at their own time so that you feel how much you owe them, how much you need them, and how important their role is in your life.

3. They don't like lose control.

Narcissists are obsessed with control, and one thing they absolutely hate is losing control. The moment they have no control over anything or anyone, it drives them crazy. They want everything to happen according to their whims and fantasies, and if this does not happen, doubts and fears grow inside them. Feeling in control makes them feel safe, in control and superior.

4. They won't let you prove them wrong.

A narcissist would in no way be wrong, at least according to them, and this is one of the most toxic things narcissists do. "Purely not admitting the fault" and taking responsibility, in a way they will manipulate the situation and make you feel guilty or that they did it because of you. They can argue until early dawn, but they will not accept their mistakes. What will happen in the end? You will walk out of the conversation emotionally and mentally drained.

However, apologies are sometimes used with ulterior motives. This means that you may receive an apology, but the intent may be to manipulate you into feeling guilty to satisfy the narcissist's needs. This tactic can be seen among people with maladaptive narcissism, which research indicates is linked to:

  • Depression
  • worry
  • low self-esteem

5. They never do anything that doesn’t benefit them.

One of the things narcissists don't have is opportunism. Narcissists will not do anything for you if it is not in their best interests. If they are doing something nice for you, then surely that thing ultimately serves their own agenda and is in their best interest, even if it seems moral or serves the world or seems to have a gain for you, and you won't realize it until time goes by. . Having done the nice thing for you, they will ask you for a lot of favors, which will mostly serve their interests, or you will find that you are caught in a big trap from which it is not easy to get out.

Related Article:   

How To Make The Narcissists Miserable - 8 Things They Can’t Stand

6. Tolerance and forgiveness.

Not being forgiven and holding grudges can be devastating to relationships, but for someone with narcissistic traits, this can be a manipulative tool in relationships. You may find that even if the narcissist assures you that they have forgiven you in the moment, those mistakes will be reminded of them later as a means of manipulation, assertion of dominance, or emotional blackmail.

A 2011 study of the interpersonal difficulties faced by those living with NPD found that revenge was a common characteristic of people with a narcissistic personality, with the narcissistic person unable to cope with low self-esteem and insecurity. It may also be less likely that this person will forgive or forget.

7. Validate your feelings.

In their view, if someone deserves to be a victim, it should always be them. They are If they're capable of showing any empathy, it is towards your abusers. They will defend people that they do not even know, such as your parent or an ex, just to minimize how you feel.. Any story you tell as your fault will be rewritten, even if it isn't. “You should have known,” “You should have left,” “I just don’t understand,” “I would,” “It couldn’t be me..” … They invalidate everything you want to say, and make it sound as If you overreact all the time.

They will never stop belittling and mocking the things they can't stand. No matter what you've been through, they've gone through worse, or others have gone through worse, and you're simply "ungrateful" or "too sensitive," because you expect them to understand your situation, no matter how many times you try to make them understand. The strange thing is that they will simultaneously expect you to feel sorry for them/aid them, in the exact same thing that you weren't allowed to be upset about (sometimes, it's completely fabricated after knowing what moves you)

Read: 7 Tips for Dealing with a Narcissist (When You Don't Have a Choice)

8. They will never compliment you.

This is another of those things that narcissists don't do. Narcissists love to get compliments and thrive when you shine the spotlight on them. But when the tables turn, and it's their turn to praise someone else, they never will. They will never say anything good about another person, due to their deep feelings of insecurity and jealousy. The narcissist would rather die than say something nice and good about another person, but themselves. Thus, the narcissists will not congratulate you on any achievement or success. 

They will devalue it immediately, finding fault in it for no reason, giving an unsolicited negative opinion, or endlessly talking about the time they did or had similar.

9. Accept rejection.

Narcissistic people are typically seems self-centered and would only focus on his/her needs being met; they constantly think and talk about themselves, and would rarely take others’ feelings and needs into consideration. 

They often act as if they were entitled to everything and have a constant need to be the best at everything.. In addition, narcissists cover up their fears by striving to get the best of everything, and it is important for them to be admired at all times. They have a great sense of self and will usually look for someone who will provide the attention they need.

If we say "no" to a narcissist, they will be disappointed that we are not available to them at all times. They may not express their disappointment at first or in a direct way, but instead, they will wait for the perfect moment to punish us. Oftentimes, they will try to make us feel guilty for not being there and might provide us with a passive-aggressive attack.. 

Rejection is hard for everyone and many of us can feel sad, upset, or even angry at times. However, when it comes to narcissists, their reaction will be much stronger because they live with the idea that they are superior to others.

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