5 Subtle Things Narcissists Do Will Leave You Drained

Narcissistic relationships tend to be very difficult. Narcissistic partners usually have a hard time loving another person, because they don't really love themselves. They are so self-centered that they can't really "see" their partner as a separate person. They tend to see a partner only in terms of how their needs are met (or their failure to be met).

When you are in a narcissistic relationship, you may feel very lonely. You may feel that you are just an appendage and that your needs and wants are unimportant. Narcissistic partners act as if they are always right, that they know best and that their partner is wrong or incompetent. This often leaves the other person in the relationship either angry and trying to stand up for themselves or identifying with this negative self-image and feeling bad about themselves.

5 Subtle Things Narcissists Do Will Leave You Drained

Here're 5 Subtle Things Narcissists Do Will Leave You Drained

1-Theyt Escape From Responsibilities

Whatever the case, it's not their fault. It never is and never will be!
It's not their fault that they hurt your feelings. Instead, it's your fault for being so sensitive and having feelings. To the narcissist, you are the one who "chooses" to be hurt because of all the wrong things they've done to you. They never fall short in making excuses or justifications even when they are caught doing something rude, selfish, or impolite. You may be told that they "had to" do it due to some emergency or blame it to someone else. If you try to hold them accountable, if they fail to make other excuses, they will admit that they simply don't care.

Narcissists will gladly be responsible for things they deem worthy, especially when it provides an opportunity to be the center of attention. However, when others place the responsibility on the narcissist, the narcissist sees this as an attempt to control them. This violates one of their personal mantras: no one will have power over them.

2. They Lies So Blatantly

Narcissists routinely tell lies to obtain power, influence, or control others. Additionally, they lie to escape that emotional burden and occasionally to improve their own perception of themselves. 

Life is the narcissists' preferred game. Truth is one of the casualties in their game plan as their goal is to win at all costs. Only when it will rescue them or won't hurt them do they hesitate to say the truth.

Consequently, they believe that the truth is frequently "flexible" and "optional." Being truthful is not at all important to a narcissist. Additionally, they believe that being honest could undermine their image of power or prevent them from achieving their goals.

3. They Make others feel inferiors.

Narcissists have a low and fragile sense of self-esteem. In order to cope, they need to constantly feel better than others. They always compare themselves to others and when they feel threatened, they will try to make the other person feel worse to elevate themselves and feel superior.

By making you doubt yourself and your perception of reality, Narcissists can make you take responsibility for something that you're not responsible for, or make you feel guilty and coerce you into doing something you wouldn't otherwise do, or they may simply humiliate you to feel superior.

Read Also:  7 Tips for Dealing with a Narcissist (When You Don't Have a Choice)

4-They Never Tire Of Arguing. 

This is the simplest tactic with great immediate results. When confronted, the narcissist picks one small detail and argues it to the umpteenth degree. If the other person argues back, they pick another tiny point and persistently wear down their opponent. Exhausted, frustrated, and annoyed, the other person gives upholding the narcissist liable.

Also Narcissists enjoy picking fights with others because negative confrontations give them an opportunity to validate their grandiose self-perception by creating scenarios where they can invalidate, devalue, degrade, humiliate, and dehumanize others, while

5- Constant Projecting

Narcissists don’t like the fact they are empty, needy for approval, pathologically envious, and have horrible thoughts about themselves and other people. They hate the way they feel weak, deeply ashamed, and unworthy.

When the ‘mask’ (False Self) can’t keep the cover up holding these feelings submerged (which it can’t indefinitely) these broken parts rush into the narcissist’s consciousness, and they feel horrendous for the narcissist. As their sense of self-esteem and self-worth depends on how others perceive them, and they tend to deny flaws in themselves and blame others for their own shortcomings, mistakes, and misfortunes. This is called projection, and people with narcissistic tendencies are projection-heavy individuals.

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