5 Surprising Reasons Why Empaths Continually Attracted to Toxic People?

5 Surprising Reasons Why Empaths Continually Attracted to Toxic People 

Are you one of those people who always seem to attract toxic individuals? Do you find yourself drawn to people who drain your energy, leave you feeling exhausted and emotionally spent? If so, there's a good chance that you're an empath. Empaths are highly sensitive individuals who can sense the emotions and feelings of others on a deep level. While this is undoubtedly a gift in many ways, it can also be challenging as empaths often find themselves attracted to toxic people. But why is this the case? In this blog post, we'll explore the reasons behind why empaths are drawn to toxic individuals and what they can do about it. So, buckle up and get ready for some eye-opening insights!

5 Surprising Reasons Why Empaths Continually Attracted to Toxic People?

The Narcissist and Empath Relationship

Empaths continuously put themselves in the narcissist's shoes because they are the kind, caring individuals they are. They perceive uncertainty behind the narcissist's excessive self-love, which gives them the impression that they can influence and alter their spouse. Because empaths struggle to set healthy personal boundaries, the narcissist will continue to try to manipulate and exploit them.

A toxic relationship is what comes of it. The narcissist manipulates situations to fit their ideal of self-love and gets extremely proficient at gaslighting and doing so. The empath typically cowers in apology, understanding the partner's emotions to the point where they feel guilty for creating.

It is commendable that an empath only wants to serve and offer to their partner. The issue is that it depletes them over time. They start to experience a difficult-for-them-to-understand self-destructive cycle. "Why do I do the same thing over and over again? Why am I not receiving love in return?

An empath's belief that they can change a narcissist grows stronger the longer they are in a relationship with one. A partner may never truly "change" the person they are in a relationship with, but a narcissist in particular cannot be altered because their habits have been firmly ingrained in them. They are unable to recognize their own shortcomings.

Why empaths attracted to toxic people.

There are a few reasons why empaths may be attracted to toxic people. 

  1. First, empaths are often drawn to people who need help. They see the potential in others and want to help them heal and grow. This can be a great quality, but it can also lead to empaths being taken advantage of by people who are not interested in changing.
  2. Second, empaths may have a hard time saying no. They hate seeing others in pain and often feel responsible for making things better. This can lead to them agreeing to do things that they don't really want to do, or staying in relationships that are not healthy for them.
  3. Third, empaths may have trouble setting boundaries. They may be afraid of hurting other people's feelings or of being rejected if they try to assert themselves. This can leave them open to being taken advantage of or manipulated by others.
  4. Fourth, empaths may be attracted to the drama that comes with being around toxic people. Their lives may seem exciting and filled with adventure compared to their own relatively quiet existence. This can be a dangerous trap to fall into, as it can lead to the empath getting caught up in the toxicity themselves.
  5. Finally, some empaths simply don't know any better. They may not have had good role models growing up or they may have been raised in an environment where unhealthy relationships were the norm. Whatever the reason, if an empath doesn't know what a healthy relationship looks like, they may mistakenly.

Can an empath be happy with a narcissist?

Empaths are often attracted to narcissists because they are attracted to their confidence and charisma. However, this can be a toxic relationship as the narcissist will often take advantage of the empath's good nature. The empath may find themselves constantly giving to the narcissist without receiving anything in return. This can lead to the empath feeling drained and unhappy. If you're in a relationship with a narcissist, it's important to set boundaries and make sure you're taking care of yourself emotionally and physically.

Read Also: Can An Empath Become A Narcissist 

How do empaths protect themselves from toxic people?

Empaths are highly sensitive people who are attuned to the emotions and energy of others. They often find themselves in relationships with toxic people, who drain their energy and leave them feeling exhausted.

  • Empaths can protect themselves from toxic people by setting boundaries and limits on how much they allow other people to affect them. They can also practice self-care, which includes making time for themselves to relax and recharge.
  • Empaths need to be careful not to take on too much of other people's problems, as this can lead to burnout. It is important for empaths to find a balance between giving and receiving, so that they can maintain their own health and wellbeing.
  • Prioritizing yourself, your own safety, self-care, and goals is one approach to avoid this cycle from starting in the first place. Slow down the process of physical and emotional intimacy even more than usual in the early stages of dating or getting to know someone. Abusers are less likely to target you if you make yourself less accessible.
  • Don't Take it personal. If you took everything seriously, then you might become a human wreck. Take criticism for what it is without necessarily letting it eat you up. Besides, not everyone will always be helpful to you and expecting that from them is no less than being a narcissist.

Related Article: 5 Painful Truths Empaths Must Eventually Face In Relationship With Narcissists

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