9 Reasons Why Most Men Can't Handle A Female Empath


9 Reasons Why Most Men Can't Handle A Female Empath

Being with a woman who is an empath can be quite difficult for some means. Empathic women have deep, complex, multi-faceted souls – souls that can become a veritable ocean of love for their partners. Thier highly sensitive nature can sometimes be a burden on a relationship, leaving most men unable to handle the situation.

A Female Empath is the person who has a unique ability to adapt to the feelings of others and provide comfort and support to those around her. They are often intuitive, caring, and insightful, making them highly valued members of any society.

9 Reasons Why Most Men Can't Handle A Female Empath

Here're 9 Reasons Why Most Men Can't Handle A Female Empath

1. She Is Very intense.

Doing things by half is not empath style. A female empath will pour her heart and soul into everything she does and this includes all of her relationships. She searches for the deeper meaning behind every little interaction and when she commits to someone, she commits for life. Most men struggle to meet these expectations and some may not be strong enough to relate themselves to another person in this way. This is really unfortunate because when a female empath loves you, she loves you with every iota of her being, and it's really rare to find a love like that.

2. She Is Too Honest.

While most men and women can handle white lies from time to time, and even they prefer sometimes to be lied to than to hear something they don’t want to hear – an empath will always be honest. She feels obligated to tell the truth and only the truth regardless of hurting someone in the process. Plus, she doesn’t know how to lie, so she’ll always speak her mind.

3. She Values Reliability and Consistency.

In general, men love things that are spontaneous, exciting, and adventurous. They don't want to plan things in advance. On the other hand, a empath woman has everything planned in her life. She hates taking risks and gets out of her comfort zone. She follows plans and wants someone consistent and someone she can rely on They appreciate consistency While empaths never accept the average of life, they value consistency. They have a vision of what they want. Then they develop routines aimed at making their dreams come true. Thus, if you are the type who never delivers on his promise, your relationship will be very hectic. 

For example, did you promise to help with the housework? Don't save the last minute. An Empath partner counts on your word to make bigger plans for the future.

4. She Is Problem Fixer.

Most empaths enjoy this unique gift of seeing people and how they feel. This is why many are drawn to
them. They are those who naturally seek to solve people's problems. They bring this trait into their relationships, too. Most empath women will want to change their partners. If you're a geek, they want you to be neat, and if you're always late, they motivate you to go early. Most guys hate this, yes, they know they want to be better people, but they don't need someone who constantly acts like their mom, reminding them all the time of the need for good, early meals, blah! blah! blah! Although this is well-intentioned, it is very annoying to men.

Related Article: 8 Reasons Why Female Empaths Have A Hard Time With Love

5. She Asks Way Too Many Questions.

A Female Empath wants to know everything. She wants to know all the details about every single thing that happened to her loved ones. However, most men don’t want to talk too much and certainly, they don’t want someone to keep asking them questions because they feel like they are being trapped.

6. She Is very Persistent.

She is a stubborn fighter. Once she loves someone, she never leaves them. Sometimes this can be so harmful to herself and her partner that she starts doing "anything" to make it work. Aside from the fact that it makes them appear disposable, it is also harmful to males' ego, as most men do not want to be in a cage. This makes such a relationship very difficult. It is usually devastating for a female to find out that what she put so much hope on may not work out in the end. This is something she has to work on.

7. She Is Very Independent.

Some guys think that it's their role to provide for their partners. However, female empaths are usually independent and will often not need any assistance. They are not willing to lose this control over their lives either, which is a problem for many men. Nevertheless, they will easily share their lives with a worthy partner.

8.She fully commits.

Their genuine dedication is frequently misinterpreted as neediness. Furthermore, the majority of guys are not ready to commit to dating just one lady. Conversely, an empath desires to be in a committed monogamous relationship exclusively.

9. She Know What She Want.

An empath Female is not trying to see how things turn out. When she has decided it's you, she is in all the way. And although she does not need more effort than other women would, she will have a harder time withstanding lackluster effort from the men she is with.

Many men like to be providers for their women, so they want some things to be done in their way. A woman who is an empath is a woman who is completely sure of what she wants in her life. She won’t change her mind, so this may become a burden for the relationship

Read Also: 7 Energy Protection Strategies For Empaths

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