5 Steps To Disarm A Narcissist

5 Ways To Disarm A Narcissist

5 Steps To Disarm A Narcissist 

You cannot change a narcissist, but you can learn to disarm them and protect yourself from the ruin they inflict on your life. Once you have the tools and knowledge to disarm a narcissist, you will be powerfully immune to manipulation and toxicity. 
Because people with NPD are characterized by their self-centered behavior, a lack of empathy for others, the need for excessive attention, feelings of grandeur (an arrogant feeling of superiority), and a sense of entitlement. 
So they are unable to regulate their emotions and consider the effect their actions have on others, so it can be difficult to deal with them. 

But with strong awareness - and understanding how narcissists feel and think differently about you, you will be your best defense against the narcissist.
To disarm a narcissist, you have to be more prepared than they are right now. Follow these steps to protect yourself from their anger. 

Here are 5 smart and simple steps to help you disarm a narcissist

1- Disengagement.

Don't be taken aback by a narcissist's angry indignation when you cut them off. Do not try to reason with them, and avoid engaging with them at all if possible. Focus on what you yourself can control (and that will not be them), and focus on your own needs. If that feels selfish, good. Your life has been all about them for too long now. This is about taking care of yourself.

If you have no choice but to remain in contact with them because you must work out the details of a divorce or co-parenting, limit your conversations to logistical matters only.
If they try to bait you into a fight, try saying something like, "I understand you are feeling hurt and angry and a lot of other powerful emotions right now. I need us to make a decision about this particular issue right now.""

2- Set your boundaries 

Because of a lack of empathy for how their actions affect others, narcissists feel a right to use other people. This makes it especially important to set firm boundaries with them. Do not explain, explain, or defend yourself. Narcissists use scrutiny or intimidation to make others hesitate to themselves. Doing so gives them a feeling of power and control. Part of setting boundaries is the right to decide what you share with others. The less you share, especially personal information, the less the narcissist will be used against you.

You do not need to justify your thoughts, feelings, or actions towards an intrusive narcissist. If a narcissist criticizes you, you can say something like, "I hear your opinion and I'll think about it." If they question your actions, say, "I trust my choice." If they ask for an explanation, say "This is personal" or "We will only have to agree to disagree." When (not if) exceeds those limits, send a warning promptly, in writing, and outline your next steps in case limits continue to be crossed. The next time it skips, do not send any warning and take the steps you specified.

Never suggest something that you don't really want to do. This is another key aspect of what defines a person with narcissistic personality disorder: They will be cheated until they drop their house of cards. Your strength lies in sticking to the limits you set and in the speed of your actions, not against narcissists, but in protecting yourself from narcissists.

3- Do not feed them

"Narcissists love positive attention, but they also thrive on negative attention - even if someone is criticizing them and talking about them negatively." "They don't really care what the attention is, as long as they get it. So, in dealing with a narcissist, you have to reduce the attention."

Feeling sorry for a narcissist is a call to victimization and victimization - idealism, devaluation, rejection; Or, worse yet, an agonizing implant. Go ahead and feel the sympathy from a distance

Related Article : 10 things that make a narcissist miserable

4- Accept it.

By acceptance, I don't mean to accept the narcissist's nonsense, but the earlier you accept that you cannot change someone with this type of personality disorder, the easier it will be for you. And no matter what you do, don't try to win or outgrow their game - you will only fuel the fire. They are stuck living with themselves and their imperfections forever. I was lucky. When you have to maintain a relationship after a divorce, when you have to bond together and the children of the common parents together, it can be easy to fall into old patterns of behavior, empowerment, make excuses, and bend over just to come to a compromise. But if you do, it will never end.

The only way to deal with this manipulator is to know what you need to achieve before dealing with him, and not to hesitate based on his whims, lies, and attempts to manipulate you. If you have to work with this person despite his or her shortcomings, this does not mean that you should circumvent your needs or your limits.

5- Give yourself more love and care.

If you're feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or even hopeless, we hear you. There is a lot to go through. It is imperative that you remember the way the narcissist acts and feels that it is not your fault. "They will reduce your self-confidence and reduce your value, in order to raise the level of themselves." "Accept that, but never get it. It's their problem."

To counter his negativity, be sure to take good care of yourself. Call your friends, take a vacation, and brag about wearing some new clothes - do all those little things that bring you joy. If your relationship with a narcissist is having serious impacts on your life, it is a good idea to seek help from a mental health professional. They will be able to help you process your feelings and direct you towards appropriate resources.

Read Also: 10 Ways to Shut Down A Narcissist

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