8 Ways To Make A Narcissist Leave You Alone

8 Ways To Make A Narcissist Leave You Alone

8 Ways To Make A Narcissist Leave You Alone

If you try to end a relationship with a narcissist, or a narcissist ends their relationship with you, there are several things you can expect to happen. They might deceive you and appear to have fallen off the planet for a while. They might move ahead with a new source of narcissistic supply, and that could mean they won't bother you for a while. They might even try to get you back into the relationship with some pretended or exaggerated drama, or even a somewhat anticipated declaration of undying love.

The reason we need narcissists to leave us alone is because there is nothing to gain from trying to deal with a narcissist. I think we can all agree that dealing with a narcissist is always emotionally and even physically exhausting, especially since you have to deal with their narcissistic little tantrums if something isn't going their way. They can be verbally, emotionally, psychologically and abusive, and once you see them for what they are, you cannot ignore them.

Even if a part of you wants to become the person who promised you it in the first place, or if a part of you feels guilty, the greater part of you knows that this person is toxic in your life and that if you are going to recover and start creating the life you really want and deserve, you have to get rid of it. In no uncertain terms.

You can't talk to crazy mind. Whenever you try to think with a narcissist, make a deal with him, try to plead with him or  lecture and prescribed to them,, in other words give him any of your energy at 
all, this only makes things worse. The only way to regain your sanity, soul, and life and win against a narcissist is to withdraw all of your energy, and focus on your own healing.

That’s when you will get free from this horrible experience and evolve and elevate yourself into your True and New life.

But, what if a narcissist won’t leave you alone? What if he or she seems hellbent on pestering you, continuing to abuse you and just won’t stop doing it?

Lots of people believe and report that a narcissist will never stop doing what they do to them, but I promise you that this is not true. There are surefire ways you can persuade a narcissist to leave you alone, regardless of the bonds you think they might bind you or them for life, such as sharing children together.

So, Here  Are 8 Ways To Make A Narcissist Leave You Alone

1 - No contact. 

No contact is not just necessary to make a narcissist leave you alone,  No contact is also necessary to give yourself a space to start healing from a narcissist.

No contact is easier said than done. We all know how difficult it can be to turn away from a narcissist's attempts to get lost and block off the ways he can push you to disconnect, and all the other tricky tactics narcissists use to get your attention and fuel your ego. You are.

When you master how to manage yourself emotionally successfully enough to maintain a lack of contact with a narcissist, then you run out of fuel to keep hurting you. Narcissists need to be rewarded for their efforts, and the reward is always a narcissist. 

If the narcissist knows that it affects you, then the narcissist thinks it matters, and that is the exact fuel that keeps the narcissist's harsh and malignant punishment cycles of punishment and attention-seeking.

2. Do not show any emotion.

Not showing emotions to a narcissist is likely thwarting their efforts to manipulate you to positively reinforce their perception of reality. This is just one way you could thwart them. Another simple way would be to simply refuse to do what they want you to, regardless of what it is. Actually this (not showing emotions) can be seen as a subset of the greater classification of not doing what they want. The mindset of the narcissist is “I want what I want when I want it.”

When you do what they want, it reinforces their core belief that they are highly entitled individuals. When you don’t do what they want, that’s a slap in the face, a rejection of their core beliefs. This action results in cognitive dissonance for them, because you are providing evidence that their core beliefs are false.

3. Set clear boundaries.

A narcissists is often quite self-absorbed. They might think they’re entitled to go where they want, snoop through your personal things, or tell you how you should feel. Maybe they give you unsolicited advice and take credit for things you’ve done. Or pressure you to talk about private things in a public setting.

They may also have little sense of personal space, so they tend to cross a lot of boundaries. More often than not, they don’t even see them. That’s why you have to be abundantly clear about boundaries that are important to you.

Why would the consequences matter to them? Because someone with a narcissistic personality typically starts to pay attention when things start affecting them personally.

Just make sure it’s not an idle threat. Talk about consequences only if you’re ready to carry them out as stated. Otherwise, they won’t believe you the next time.

Read Also 10 Things To Expect When You Break Up With A Narcissist

4. Cut the Supply.

If you live nearby where you cannot avoid them, at work for example, you will have to cut off the reward (the narcissistic symptom) that they get from calling you. Narcissists who are unable to receive positive attention usually provoke others to obtain negative attention. 

If you can stop giving them positive and negative attention, they will eventually lose interest in you. The best way to do this is to be gentle but distant. If they try to hold a conversation with you, give them a short answer and leave.

That's it ... that there is a benevolent, solid, totally loving force that is put in place to reveal what is right, true, and useful when we understand how life all works. If we were our own partners, all life would follow.

By freeing ourselves from inner traumas and fears, we know how to show, stop blurring, play it safe, and move our power away in an effort to satisfy the narcissist so that they stop hurting us.

Instead, we rise and remain true to our values ​​and boundaries regardless of what someone else does or does not do. We are no longer afraid of others. We are willing to lose everything to have everything. We understand that living without our personal dignity never ends well. We know that when we align with personal integrity and be what we desire from life, we produce the strongest and most complete results.

5. Do not respond with affection.

When you realize that the conversation is heating up, just be aware of the situation and hold on to your feelings. You have to make sure that your feelings are not shown to the narcissist. Otherwise, you will end up helping them inflame the negative atmosphere. 

When you remain emotionally indifferent and stoic, they have no room to insert their narcissistic claws. Keep in mind that the person you are with is emotionally unstable and that you are only helping them cope with this disease by manipulating your emotional production.

6- Focus on yourself.

The more you focus on the narcissist, the less energy you need to heal and create the life you want. Even if you have not been in contact with rumination or talk about the narcissist, it will create an active bond between you and the narcissist. 

I know it's hard to stop thinking about all the things a narcissist has done to you, especially at the start of their healing journey. But I can assure you that things are really getting better.

When you focus on yourself, the narcissist will not have an active supply and will therefore leave you alone forever.

7- Do not interact. 

Instead, ask yourself what reaction would the narcissist expect of me? And do the exact opposite. For example, the narcissist accuses you of being unfair. Instead of going out and standing up for yourself. Say, "You are free to give your opinion." If you haven't been or aren't in a modified connection, don't answer at all. Ignore the attacks.

8- Reconnect with your friends and family. 

It is important to communicate with people you trust. Abusive narcissists want to isolate you from your family and friends, so you may not have seen some of the people closest to you for a long time. The narcissist may have turned you against them by spreading fear and lies because they don't want you to spend time with anyone else.

The important thing to remember is not to feel embarrassed and afraid of their reaction to seeing you again. "Swallow your pride" “A lot of people think they are really stupid, or have been adapted to believe that their friends will not believe them. 

It takes a slight shift in mind to realize that this doesn't mean you were stupid, it just means that you were deceived ... and anyone could be deceived.
You'd be amazed at how many people wanted to help you but didn't know how to do it."

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